In the hospital

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^ Cody Black


I hear a beep, beep, beep. Next to my head.

Where is that annoying sound coming from?

I open my eyes and I can see a white room. My index finger is connected to something white and I follow the cord to a machine. A heart machine.

"Can someone shut that beeping up." I grumble.

Sandra laughs. "I've missed your voice."

"How long have I been out?"

"Three days."

I shake my head. "Have you been to work?"

Sandra walks over to my bed. "Yeah, I come here after dinner and stay until eleven."

Someone's hand is holding mine and I look at the person with there head on the bed. I run my fingers through the brown locks. He lifts his head up. "Your awake?"

I nod. "Yeah, have you been sleeping properly?"

He shakes his head. "No, I've been worried about you."

I frown. "Why?"

He pulls me into his arms. "I like you a lot. I can't imagine a world without you in it."

I push him. "You don't know me."

He sighs. "You're right I don't. When you get out of here all three of us can get to know each other better?"

Sandra nods. "Okay,"


Cody smiles. "Good, I have to go. I'll see you at work on Monday?" He kisses my cheek and walks out the door.

Sandra sits next to me. "I've never seen Cody like that."

I look at the door. "I like him, Sandra. I'm afraid if I fall for him he will break my heart."

Sandra pulls me into a hug. "Dani, give him a chance."

I nod. "I will."

"Good. I spoke to your Dad three days ago."

I frown. "So you know Jake Martinez is my father?"

She nods. "He told me everything that's going on and I told him he can trust me with your secret. Jake has sent your things to my apartment. You get to stay with me for the remainder of the Real World test."

I laugh. "Are you mad at me?"

"No! You have everyone fooled though. You should tell Cody before the revelation."

"I will. Has my parents been by since?"

"They came in this afternoon. I'll give them a call and let them know you are awake." Sandra leaves the room.

I remove the white clip from my finger.


I mess with the machine until it turns off.

I close my eyes.


Sandra and I enter her apartment at eight o'clock. The doctors didn't like me messing with the equipment and thought I was too much trouble to keep in there.

Sandra looks at me from the kitchen. "Are you hungry?"

I nod. "Do you have anything with chocolate?"

She laughs. "A sweet tooth?"


Sandra brings over chocolate coated biscuits and I take two. "Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Sure, what do you have?"

She looks through her movies. "How about The Duff?"

I shrug. "Is that the movie with Robbie Amell?"

Sandra nods. "Yes, he's so sexy in this movie."

"I haven't seen it. I was travelling the world when that movie came out." Sandra stick the movie in.

The starts straight away.

"What your favourite place to visit in the world?"

I smile. "I have three."

"The furthest I've travelled is New York."

"I'll take you to one of my favourite places when I get the company."

"Okay, tell me them?"

"Paris, Sydney and London."

There's a knock on the front door.

"I'll get it." Sandra looks through the peep hole before opening.

Cody steps through the door. "They set you free?"

I nod. "I kept messing around with the heart machine. The noise it makes was driving me crazy."

He laughs. "I got some choc chip ice cream. Who wants some?"

I bounce on the seat. "I do! I do!"

"Your acting like a little child in Christmas."

I shrug. "Hey, I've been out for three days."

Cody walks over to me with a bowl of ice cream. He sits next to me on the lounge.

I scoop a spoonful and put it in my mouth.

"Hmm," I moan.

Cody's dimples show on his face while he's watching me stuff my face with the dessert. "What movie are you watching?"


"Chick flick. I should have guessed."

Sandra points to the door. "You could always leave?"

He pouts. "I want to spend some time with Daniela."

I giggle. "Shut up and watch the movie."

I finish the creamy goodness and put the bowel on the table. I move to the end of the lounge and throw a blanket on me.

Cody looks at me. "I'm cold too." He takes the other end of the blanket and covers himself.

I want to snuggle with him.

Cody turns to the TV.

I move the pillow to the armrest and stretch out on the lounge.

Cody moves my legs so they are on top of him. He removes my shoes and socks. He rubs my feet.

I lay on the pillow and turn my attention to Robbie Amell on the TV.

"Hmm, Cody." I moan.

Sandra smirks. "I think I'll leave you two to it."

"Bitch," I mutter.

She laughs. "I'll see you in the morning."

I close my eyes and let Cody continue to massage my feet. "Your good with your hand, Cody."

He laughs. "You should see what I'm capable of with my tongue."

I pull my feet off him. "It's not the time, Cody."

"I know. Are you going to give me chance?"

I nod. "I'll let you take me out in a couple of weeks once we get to know each other?"

Cody pulls me against him. "Okay, what about kissing?"

I smile. "That kiss we shared the other day was my first. You stole it from me."

He smirks. "Good, now you know another's guys kiss won't compare to mine."

I move my face close to his. My lips hover above his. "You won't steel another from me." I touch my lips to his.

Cody pulls me on top of him.

I run my fingers through his hair. His breathe tastes minty. His tongue rubs against mine.

Cody's hands are on my hips.

I pull away from him. "That's it for tonight, Mr Black."

He drops his hands from my hips.

I move over to the door and open it for him.

Cody stands up and moves over to me. "Can I see you tomorrow?"

"Call Sandra."

He kisses my cheek and heads out the door. I close the door behind him and slide down it. I touch my finger to my lips.

I really like kissing that man.

"Did he go home?"

I nod.

She laughs. "What happened to you?"

"I kissed him."

"Who made the first move?"

"I did. I forgot what it felt like to kiss Cody."


"It's incredible. I want him to be my first everything."

"What about heartbreak?"

I nod. "If that comes with the way I feel about Cody I'll take that too."

Sandra pulls me into a hug. "He will be your heartbreak. He's the best lover a girl could want."

"Are you trying to scare me?"

She shakes her head. "No, I'm telling you from experience."


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