Last day as Dani

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thebook_worm thank you so much for the new cover of the deal.


I walk into the office with Cody, Dick and Sandra. I head for the room with no sunlight.

I'm glad today is my final day in this drab room. I put some boxes in a trolley that needs to be posted today.

Sandra puts her bag on the desk. "Today is your last day as Dani. How are we going to celebrate your last day?"

"We aren't." I look at the time. "I need to leave at 1:30 and I won't be in for the rest of day."

I turn back up sorting out the mail in the room.

I put Cody's mail into the trolley.

I'll take them up to him later.

"How about we gave a girls night?"

I smile. "Okay, what are we going to do?"

She rubs her hands together. "We go to the club. Drink and dance all night?"

"Sounds like fun."

I finish with the boxes of mail and I take them to the people around the office. I copy documents and make tea/coffee for them.

Sasha and Marley are in the kitchen when I walk in there. I make a tea and sit at the table with them.

Marley smiles. "I hear today is your last day."

I look around the room before I look at Marley. "Yeah, are you going to make it memorable?"

She laughs. "Yeah, we could kidnap you." She taps her chin. "Oh, wait we've already done that."

I roll my eyes. "Did you hear the bosses daughter will be at tomorrow's party."

"Yeah, but you can't believe the office rumours."

I lean forward. "Why?"

"The CEO's daughter is twenty-three years old and no one has met her. Maybe the daughter doesn't exist."

I'm sitting right here.

"What about his wife?"

Marley shakes her head. "The woman is down right mean. Last year at the party Margot tripped over a chair leg and spilled wine all over his wife. She threatened to get Margot fired from the place."

"I dint want to meet that woman tomorrow night."

Sasha crosses her legs. "Your going to the party?"

I nod. "Yeah, my boyfriend invited me. He wants me to have meet all his co-workers."

Marley stands. "Your the first girl in this office that caught Cody's eye. I hope when you leave here it won't be the end of your relationship."

"It won't be." I finish off the tea. "Have a good day, girls. I'm going home." I throw the cup in the bin and leave the kitchen.

I enter the mail and find Dick and Sandra making-out in the corner. "Can't you find a supply closet. I don't like walking into a room finding my Best Friends in a compromising position in the mail room."

Sandra pulls her dress covering herself.

Dick growls. "Can't you knock?"

"I wasn't expecting to find this walking in here. You could have waited until I got my stuff." I pick up my handbag.

"Where are you going?" Dick asks.

"I'm going to see Cody and then I'm going home. Ashton Martinez will be coming by."

Sandra smiles. "Good, is she going to pretend not to know me?"

I pinch Dick's cheeks. "Nah, any girlfriend of this one is worth knowing." I walk out of the room and head upstairs to Cody's room.

Dad walks out of his office and looks at Cody and I. "Can I see you two in my office?"

I look at the time. "I sorry, Dad. Cody and I really need to go."

Dad crossing his arms. "Where are you going?"

"I have a Doctors appointment and Cody needs to be there. I'll be back this afternoon as Ashton Martinez." Cody and I leave the office.

At 1.50pm, Cody pulls the car in front of the doctors and we step out of the car. Cody holds my hand as we enter the building. It has four palm trees in front of the windows. The sliding glass door opens when it detects us. I check in while Cody looks for a seat.

I sit next to Cody and he holds my hand.

He kisses my hand. "We'll make it through whatever the doctor has to say."

I nod. "As long as your by my side I believe you."

The doctor calls my name and we follow him to the back room. The walls are lined with pictures of babies.

Cody pulls me into his side and whispers. "Our family home with be lined with pictures of our growing family."

"Okay," I whisper.

I step into the room and take a seat next to the doctor.

He looks over the form. "So you had a miscarriage, correct?"

I nod. "Yes,"

"And you get morning sickness and your nipples are still sensitive?"


He points to the bed. "Get on and I'll have a look. The bed is blue with a white sheets on it. The paper crinkles as I sit in it. I lie down for the doctor and lift my shirt up. He puts gel on the wand. He places it on my stomach and moves around.

I hear a heartbeat on the monitor.

He finds the baby and points it out to us.

Cody stands next to me. His eyes fill with tears.

I hold my hand out to him.

He takes my hand.

I cry.

And then he cries.

We are hugging each other for what seems like forever.

The doctor clears his throat. "I have the picture for you."

I take the picture from him. "Thank you, doctor."


Cody and I walk into Martinez Enterprises. He holds my hand as we make our way through the building.

A guy says. "Who's the hot blonde on Cody's arm?"

"Isn't he dating, Daniela. She was pregnant with his kid."

"Daniela was a whore. I'm glad he ditched her for this hottie. He has taste now."

Cody pulls me closer to him. "Just ignore them. You can teach them respect when you take over the company or when you leave the Daniela part of your life behind you."

I shake my head. "I'm taking a month off before I start work here. I need a break."

Cody looks at me. "Can I come?"

An idea hits me.

I smirk. "Sure,"

He can come if he figures out clues about where I could be.

I want to know if he remembers things about me that I told him. I need him to pass a test and show me how much he loves me.

Sandra walks out of the mail room. "Ashton," she runs over to me.

I hug her.

"How does the girl in the mail room know the bosses daughter?"

"Richard is dating Sandra. Talk Bout dating down. He should be with Ashton she's higher up."

I watch Sandra's fist clench.

I put my arm on her shoulder. "Ignore them. I can teach them some manners when I take over the company."

She whispers. "I hope that's soon."

"Next month. I'm taking time off "

Sandra walks with Cody and I to the lift.

The doors open on the lift.

Dad is standing there with Lauren. "I have something to tell you."

I smile. "Me too. What's your news Daddy?"

"Lauren's moving in."

I hug Dad. "That's awesome."

Dad looks at me. "What's your news?"

"I'm still pregnant. I was going to have twins."

Lauren screams. "I'm going to be a Grandmother."

I laugh "You already are."

Lauren shrugs. "I never got to watch the baby grow up. I get to experience that with my daughter." She hugs me.


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