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I slip into a red one shoulder dress.

Cody looks at me. "I don't want to go to the party tonight. I'd rather go to bed with you."

I smile. "I feel the same way. I want to tell Dad about the baby. I can't believe I was going to have twins."

He kisses my cheek. "At least we got to keep one of the babies."

"I know. I'm looking forward to the day we get to find out the sex of our baby. He or she is going to love the room."

Every night before I go to bed I find myself walking into the babies room. I sit on the rocking chair and think about my family. I have Dad, Lauren, Dick. Sandra, Cody and Kendal for now. Our family will bet bigger when my baby is born and I'm looking forward to next chapter in my life, becoming a mother and hopefully someday a wife.

Cody wraps his arms around me. "What are you thinking about?"

"I hope I'm not going to be a terrible mother."

He kisses my cheek. "You won't be. You're a mother to Kendal and a good influence in her life. Parents shape their kids to the way they will be as an adult."

"Xavier needed two parents. He had none and grew up taking care of himself. He moved from school to school before he graduated from high school."


I nod. "Yeah, I heard he went to six boarding schools. Heather wasn't happy with Dad buying Xavier's way into each school after he was expelled for attacking other students."

"If your father married your mother do you think Xavier's life would have been better?"

I nod. "I would have had a the best relationship with my brother. He probably would have dated my friends."

Cody and I go quiet.

I look at the brown wig and the big ugly glasses I was wearing for the past three months.

This is the last time I have to wear it.

I put the wig and glasses on.

I wrap my hand behind his neck. "How do I look?"

He smiles. "Beautiful,"

I stand on my tippy toes and I kiss him.

His tongue slips into my mouth

I run my hands threw his hair before letting my arms rest behind his neck.

His hands move down my back and he pulls me closer to him.

I can feel his erection through my dress. I rub against him.

He pulls away. "You need to stop."

I continue to rub against him. Teasing him.

He shakes his head. "Let's go before I take you bed and we don't make it to the party,"

"We don't want to be late do we?" I pick up my handbag.

We leave the house.

A limo is waiting on the side of the road.

Cody turns to me. "Do you think that is for us?"

I smile. "Yep, it's the Martinez limo." I point to the number plate.

"What else does your father own?"

"Dad owns a limo company, helicopter port, a private plane, motorcycles and he's branching out to fashion." I climb into the limo. I point to the fridge. "Do you want something to drink?"

"A bottle of water?"

I pull two out and open mine. I take a sip and relax into the seat.

Cody looks out the window. "I could get used to this."

I laugh. "I prefer to drive around in my BMW with the top down, blaring music threw Los Angeles."

"You own a BMW?"

I nod. "I have to buy a mini van to get the kids around though." I pout.

The limo come to a stop in front of Martinez enterprises. There's a red carpet leading into the building.

My father went all out for this event.

I step out of the car and walk up the carpet with Cody's hand in mine.

A photographer is standing by the door. "Smile," he take a photo.

I shake my head. "We are going to have fun explaining this photo to the kids when they get older."

Cody throws his head back and laughs.

It makes me smile.

Cody put his hand on my lower back. "We will gave the best stories to tell them and our grandchildren."

I nod. "And Great Grandchildren. I want to at least live until one of them is born."

Cody kisses my cheek. "Let's get this party started."

We walk into the function room and it has balloons, finger foods being delivered by caterers, music pumping throw a DJ.

Dad walks over to me. "We are going to get the introduction out of the way. I want to have fun at this party."

Dad walks over to the guy and the music gets cut off. He takes the microphone. "Today I will be handing the CEO position of Martinez Enterprises to my daughter. Does anyone know where she is? She told me she would show up."

I walk over to Dad and take the microphone from him.

People start talking.

"That not Ashton Martinez. She is hot with blonde hair, blue eyes and perfect tits."

I look around the room. "You are all probably wondering who have the microphone. I have it because I have been working closely with you all for three months." I throw the wig on the ground and let my blonde hair out. I snap the glasses.

There are lots of gasps from the people.

People start talking about me.

I add. "Daniela Water has always been Ashton Martinez. I know more about my employees from working with you. Some of the things I have seen and heard have been disgusting and I won't tolerate it. Enjoy the party."

The music starts playing and I'm crowded by people.

I start to feel hot and dizzy. My heart starts to race.

Cody clears his throat. "Step away from her."

Cody takes me outside for fresh air.

I hug him. "I have to go."



She hugs me. "I have to go."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going away for a month. I have left you clues for my destination. You have a month to find me."

I kiss her. "I'll always find you. Where's my first clue?"

She smiles. "There three clues in this office. First you have, second Dick has and third Sandra. Good luck with finding, Cody. I'll see you soon."

She walks away.

Dick and Sandra walk over.

"Where's she going?" Sandra asks.

"On a holiday. She left clues for us. She wants to play hide and seek with me. I better the the first clue. You two have clues as well. Go to your desks and get them, please."

I walk into my office and I open the top draw.

Inside is an envelope with my name on it.

I open it.

Dearest Cody.

This is your first clue to find me.
"I am in a  City
not close, but far."




What the fuck? That doesn't make sense.

Dick and Sandra walk over to me.

I give the paper to Sandra. "All I can from that clue is she's not in the United States."

"Okay," I look at the envelope in Dick's hand. I'll read your clue next."

Dick opens his letter. "If love is a place, I'll wait for you there."

I turn to Sandra. "Your turn."

She opens hers and a key drops out of it.

I pick up the key and its small. It looks like it belongs to a suitcase lock.

Sandra unfolds the piece of paper. "I have lock, you have the key."

Damn, Ashton. She's making this hard for me.

Dick looks at me. "Do you know what this means?"

I shake my head. "I have no clue. I have to sit down and try to find the key words to this stuff."

I hope it doesn't take me the entire four weeks to find her.


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