Lies our parents told

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Xavier and I are sitting on crates talking. He apologises to me for things that he's done to me the last couple of months.

Mum, Dad and Lauren enter the warehouse.

Xavier looks at Lauren. "Mum?"

Lauren nods. "Yeah, it's me, son."

Xavier runs over to her and she opens her arms to him.

My brother hugs Lauren. He steps away from her and looks between us. "Is Ashton your daughter?"

Mum crosses her arms. "No, she's mine."

Lauren looks at me. "Yes, Ashton is my daughter."

Xavier sits on the ground and pulls his legs into his chest. He shakes his head. "No, no, no, I nearly killed my sister." He has tears running down his face. "Please, forgive me."

I walk over to Xavier and hold him. I wipe his face with the sleeve of my jumper. "I..."

I don't know if I can get the last word out.

Xavier nods. "It takes time for forgiveness. I hope I can make it up to you."

Mum laughs. "That bastard child won't make it up to you, sweetheart. He's been a bad seed since he was conceived by that whore."

I look at Mum and Dad. "How did you meet Dad?"

Mum looks at Dad. "You know our story. It's similar to how Cody and you met. I was pregnant and had a miscarriage two months into the pregnancy. After the miscarriage I was told I couldn't have anymore kids. Your father turned to that whore. When she had you, your father took you away from her and I adopted you as mine. Your father fucked her a couple months after your birth and that's when she fell pregnant to that bastard son." She points at Xavier.

"Enough, Mum." I yell.

Lauren moves over to Xavier and I. She hugs us. "That's enough Heather. I'm going to get to know my kids now. They are adults and they can make their own decisions."

Mum moves into Dad's arms. "Do something."

Dad touches Mum's face. "I can't. Lauren is their mother and I don't have it in me to keep her away from our kids."

Mum's face turns red. "I hate you."

Mum kicks over a box and starts cursing.

"Did you love Lauren, Dad?"

Dad looks at Lauren. "Yes, I still do. She gave me two beautiful kids."

Mum shakes her head. "This is unbelievable. What have I been to you all this time?"

"A mistake to make my parents proud. We were marrying each other because of the baby. If truth be told I couldn't love you after our baby died."

That's harsh.

"Dad," I yell.

Mum and Dad are yelling.

I feel a sharp pain. "Lauren," I whisper.

She looks at me. "Ashton,"

The pain becomes unbearable and I close my eyes.



Kendal walks into my room. "I made breakfast Uncle Cody."

I look up at her from bed. "I'll be out in a minute."

Kendal leaves my room and I climb out of bed.

I throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

In the kitchen is scrambled eggs, toast and bacon.

I smile. "Who taught you to make this?"

She looks at the table. "Aunty Ashton," tears roll down her face."

I kneel to her level and pull her into my arms. "Aunty Ashton will be back soon."

Kendal shakes her head. "You've been saying that for a week and she's not back."

I rock us back and forth."Do you want me to call Richard and Sandra?"

She nods. "Can have breakfast before it gets cold?"

I laugh. "Sure, princess."

Kendal and I eat.

I miss Ashton.

Everywhere in this house I have memories of us.

My mobile starts to ring. I look at the caller ID 'Ashton' flashes across the the screen.

I smile. "hey, baby."

A male voice says. "Its Charles Martinez. Ashton's on the way to the hospital in Laguna Beach. You need to get here right away."

"Yes, Sir."

I look at Kendal. "I have to drop you off at Grandma and Grandpa's. I'm going to bring Ashton home."

"Is she alright, Uncle Cody."

I touch her face. "I don't know sweetheart. I'll find out when I get there."

I pack some stuff into an overnight bag for Kendal.

I pick up the keys from the counter.

Kendal and I climb into the car.

I pull out of the parking lot and drive to Mum's.

When I pull in front of the mansion Mum is waiting for us.

She walks over to my side of the door. "What's going on?"

"I need to go to Laguna Beach. Ashton is in the hospital."

Mum hugs me. She whispers. "Be strong. That girl will need you."

I nod. "I need her as well. I may not have let her be there for me when Margot died but I was an idiot for pushing her away."

Mum kisses my cheek. "You need to tell Ashton how you feel."

I nod. "I will, Mum. I'll call you later." I pull out of the driveway.

At the hospital I find a parking spot and run through the hospital to the waiting room.

In the waiting room I see Mr Martinez, Mrs Martinez, a woman that looks like Ashton, Xavier and Terry-Dee.

I stop next to Mr Martinez. "What did the Doctors say?"

Mrs Martinez face is pale. "I'm sorry, she miscarried."

I walk over to a seat and sit in it. I cry for the baby I won't get to ever meet or hold.

I need to see Ashton.

"Can I see her?"

The Doctor walks over to our group. "Ashton wants to see Cody Black. She doesn't want to see anyone else."

I stand. "That's me."

I follow the Doctor to her room.

Ashton is hooked up to machines an her face is pale. Her eyes land on mine and she has tears in her eyes. They fall down her cheeks. "I'm sorry, Cody."

I climb into bed with her. I hold her and we cry.

After awhile Ashton falls asleep.

I kiss her head. "I'm here, baby. I love you. When the time is right we will have another one."

"I'd like that." she mumbles.

"First we need to grieve the loss of this one."

She snuggles into me.


Ashton wakes up and she holds my hand. "Did you mean what you said earlier about having another child?"

"Yes, I don't want to be with anyone else. You had my heart when you first walked into the office with the mail. Do you remember what you called me?"

She laughs. "Yes, I said 'For a hot guy, you are an arse.' I meant those words than. Now, I've gotten to know you. I now call you my knight in shining armour."

"I love you."

"I love you too, my prince." She kisses me.

I pull away from her. "I have to call, mum. She's worried about you."

"Can you tell her I'm fine. We can tell her about the miscarriage face to face. I don't want her to find out by phone."

"Okay, sweetheart." I climb off the bed. "Do you want to see anyone while I'm on the phone?"

She shakes her head.


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