Ashton's Alone

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I climb out of the bed and walk into the bathroom. I climb into the shower and wash my hair.

After the shower I run a brush through my hair and curl it around my hair. I pick up the clip from the counter and put it in my hair.

I walk into the bedroom and search my cupboard for a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I pick up my handbag and room key from the counter. I exit the room.

I catch the lift to the ground floor.

I walk through the grand foyer of the hotel. There's a lot of people checking into the hotel. The floors are wooden, there's six chandeliers around the room, the hotels name is in gold letters.

I exit the building and climb into the cab.

The driver turns to me. "Where to miss?"

"Can you take me to the closest diner, please."

The driver pulls away from the hotel.

It doesn't take too long before I'm in front of Peta's Diner. I pay the driver and step out of the vehicle.

I enter the diner. I take a booth close to the door.

The seats are red and white, napkins in a metal holder, salt and pepper shakes and a menu.

I pick up the menu and have a look.

The waitress walks over to me.  "Hey, what can I get for you?"

I smile. "I'll have the pancakes with extra syrup and a orange juice, please."

The girl writes the order on the pad and takes it to the kitchen.

Lauren enters the diner and she looks around. She sees me at the table and she walks over to me. "Can I sit with you?"


Lauren slides into the seat.

The waitress takes her order.

Lauren looks at me. "I'm moving to Los Angeles to be closer to you. When you want to see me again you can call me." She gives me a piece of paper. "I want to get to know my beautiful daughter."

I want that too.

The food is placed in front of us.

After breakfast I hug Lauren. "I'll see you later."

"Be careful."

"I will."



Terry-Dee and I have been living together for a month. My son Jacob doesn't know how to react around me since we lied to him about Cody being the father.

Jacob walks into our room. "Mummy, Xavier, I'm hungwy."

Terry-Dee climbs out of bed. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Ceweal." Jacob follows his mother into the kitchen.

My mobile rings and I pick it up.

"What's up, Brad?"

"She's inside a warehouse."

"Thank you. Keep an eye on her until I get there."

"Will do, boss."

Terry-Dee puts the kettle on. "Are you joining us for breakfast?"

I nod. "Yeah, I'll need to be quick though."

Terry-Dee places a plate of bacon, eggs and toast in front of me. She pours some coffee and orange juice.

I kiss her on the cheek. "Thanks, baby."

After breakfast I take the food to the sink.

Jacob tugs at my sleeve. I kneel to his level. "What is it, Bud?"

"Can you help me get dresses?"

I lift my son up and carry into his room.

In his room I place him on the ground. "Choose what you want to wear."

Jacob picks out a pair of jeans with he smurfs on it and a blue t-shirt. I put the clothes on my son.

Jacob runs into the kitchen. "Can I watch a movie?"

Terry-Dee turn the TV on for him. He settles in front of the TV.

"I have to go."

"Hurry home." She gives me a kiss.

I pick up the keys from the kitchen counter and walk out the door.

In the parking garage I find the car on third level. I click the remote and the alarm turns off. I climb into the car and reverse out of the parking lot.

On the way to the warehouse I see my father and his wife. They are holding hands and walking along the street.

She looks around and makes eyes contact with me.

I flip her off.

When the lights turn green I speed away.


I pull the car in front of the warehouse. "Is she still inside?"

Brad nods. "She hasn't left."

I smirk. "Good. Do you have the gun?"

Brad gives me the gun. "Are you doing the right thing?"

"That company should be mine. I'm taking over what each men in my family put their blood, sweat and tears into building Martinez Enterprises. I can take it in a new direction and make more money for the company." I click off the safety on the gun and put it in my pocket.

I slide the metal door across and step inside the warehouse.

There's an old conveyer belt in the middle of the warehouse. Boxes are lying all over the floor. I pick up a packet from the floor and it says 'Donna.'

"I'm here, brother." Ashton steps out from the behind the crates of biscuits.

I pull the gun out of my pocket and point it to her.

Ashton looks me in the eye."You can't kill me little brother."

I narrow my eyes. "Why can't I kill you?"

"You don't hurt children."

I shrug. "You don't have a child."

She reaches into her bag. "I'm pregnant."

I take the paper from her and look at the ultra sound picture of her baby.

I won't harm an innocent child.

My childhood was shit! All the things that happened in my life is my dad's wife's fault. She never let me see my sister. Dad and my sister were the only two people in my life that wanted me.

The wife never wanted me.

I look into Ashton's eyes. "I'm sorry, little brother. I should have done more to bring you home during the school holidays. Every Birthday and Christmas I brought you gifts and hid them inside a box in my bedroom."


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