Day 80/I know you

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A nurse walks into the room and tells me. "The Doctor had to put you in a medical induced coma to help your brain heal from the car accident." The only thing that ran threw my head was 'is my baby alright?' When she told me I protected my baby I cried with relief.

She told me 'That I needed to get away. The stress isn't good for my baby."

I agreed with her.

When she left the room I climbed out of bed and put my clothes on. I picked up my handbag from inside the cupboard and I walked out.

I was waiting for someone to notice I left. When no-one calls me back I head to the sliding glass doors and escape from the hospital.

A taxi stops in front of the hospital and I climb in. "Where to miss?"

I smile. "A hotel in Laguna Beach. I don't care which one."

The taxi pulls away from the curb.

I watch people walk through the park with their families and I hear the honks of cars as people drive through downtown Los Angeles.

The taxi comes to a stop in front of a hotel. I pay the driver and step out.


For the past week I have been keeping tabs on my brother dearest. He hasn't been keeping a low profile. I watched him enter the hospital room where I was in a coma and I heard what he whispered to me. I saw the riot he was in at the prison and him being put into a body bag.

I walk through the streets of Laguna Beach. I stop at a store that sells seashell bracelets and I pick up one for Kendal.

I walk out of the store and I crash into a woman. She looks like me. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, she's an inch shorter than my 5.5ft.

My eyes narrow. "Do I know you?"

She shakes her head. "No, I don't think so."

She starts to walk past me.

I touch her arm. "I know you. H-ho-how are you still a-al-alive? Father told us you died during child birth."

I can't believe Xavier's mother is in front of me.

She sighs. "I didn't. He paid me to keep quiet."

"Are you going to help me with your son?"

She nods. "Yes, there is something I need to tell you. He's not my only child with your father."

I frown. "Dad had two kids Xavier and me."

"You are my daughter, Ashton."

I step away from her. "Y-yo-you can't be my m-mot-mother." I stutter.

My back hits the brick wall and I slide down it.

She steps forward and kneels to my level. "It's true. You saw it the moment you looked at me. We look alike you can't deny that, sweetheart."

My vision becomes blurred. "My entire life has been a lie? My brother wants me dead from the wrong doing of our father and his wife."

She sits next to me and I lie my head on the stranger. "What's your name." I ask.

She half smiles. "I am Lauren Johnston."

"It's nice to meet you, Lauren."

I don't know how long I sit on the ground with my birth mother. It just feels nice to be with her.

My stomach grumbles.

Lauren looks at me. "Do you want to have dinner with me? I want to get to know my daughter."


Lauren stands and she reaches her hand down to me. I place my hand in hers and let her pull me to my feet.

Lauren and I walk through the town and come across a cafe. We step into the cafe. There's sandwiches and cakes in a glass display case, sausage rolls and pies are in another case. I can smell the freshly brewed coffee.

I look at the boards around the store for something to eat. "Can I get the hamburger and fries, please." I pay for the meal and take the number to the table.

Lauren sits across from me. "Xavier knows your here."

Damn! I knew he would find me.

I nod. "What do I do?"

She leans forward and places her hand on the table. "I have a place that you can use tomorrow when you meet your brother face-to-face. I'll have your parents there as well."

"Good, I want them to tell Xavier and I the truth that's what we deserve after all of this. All Xavier wanted was to be loved and we couldn't give him that. I'm sorry, Lauren. I couldn't love my brother the way he deserved." I feel the tears run down my face.

Lauren stands and moves next to me. She hugs me. "That's alright. You didn't know. I believe if you had the choice you would have been with your brother the way he needed you growing up."

Our food is placed in front of us.

After dinner Lauren walks me to the hotel. I hug her. "Thank you for tonight, Lauren."

She smiles. "I'll see you tomorrow."



I've been looking for her all week and I can't find her anywhere.

Is this the way she felt when I left her?

Richard and Sandra are at my place helping me.

Sandra slams the lid down on her laptop. "I'm done. She doesn't want to be found, Cody. She will come home soon."

I shake my head. "I screwed up and now I'm paying the price."

Sandra hugs me. "We all screw up at times and the people we hurt forgive us. All she needs is time."

I lean back in the chair and put my hand behind my head. "Ashton is in danger with Xavier out there. His body wasn't taken to morgue because he faked his death and even the prison guards are starting to realise that. Xavier could be blending in anywhere and people are stupid not to notice him."

Kendal walks out of her room. "Is Ashton coming home, Uncle Cody?"

I shrug. "I don't know. Uncle Richard and Aunty Sandra are helping me find her. We aren't having any luck."

Kendal smiles. "Aunty Ashton taught me a few things. I can communicate with her but I can't get her location. She won't teach me anything about locations." Kendal sits in front of my computer and she clicks away on it and sends a message to Ashton.

Aunty Ashton,
            It's Kendal if you get this please reply. I miss you.



We wait for a bit.

I look away from the screen. "Do you think she got it?"

Kendal looks at the screen. "Yep, she's typing now."

I look at the screen and it says someone's typing.

Dear Kendal

               It's good to hear from you, K bear. How's everything going at home. Tell Uncle Cody not to worry about the baby and me. We'll be home soon. I just need a break from the problems at home.

                                                     Love you


I let out a breath of air.

I'm glad she alright. I can't wait for her to come home. I miss her so much.


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