The sleepover

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I walk into the Ashton's hospital room and I take a seat next to her bed.

I hold her hand and run my fingers back and forth. "Ashton, come back to me, baby. When you wake up I want you to know the truth."

The machine she hooked on beeps and I look at it.

Terry-Dee enters the room. She puts her hand on my shoulder. "Can we go home now. I'm bored."

I remove her hand. "I'm not going anywhere with you. Terry-Dee you need to quit following me everywhere. I know you faked those results. Go annoy the real father."

She puts her head in her hands. "I can't he's in jail."

I laugh. "Who's the father?"

She sighs. "Xavier Martinez is the father."

The news comes on.

Breaking news.

Xavier Martinez has been killed in a riot inside County Prison. The body hasn't been dropped off at the morgue for identification. There was a black plate license plate number XRE 564. If you have seen the vehicle please call crime stoppers on and the number pops on the screen.

I don't think he's dead. He faked his own death to come after us. I need to protect Ashton.

Terry-Dee shakes her head. "I need to go." She runs from the room.

Am I ever going to get a break and make things right with her? I've made many mistakes and I can't catch a break with anything.

I kiss Ashton's cheek. "I'll make it up to you." I leave the hospital room.


Kendal walks into the house with a friend.

They walk into the living room and sit in front of the tv. "What movie do you want to watch?"

The girls look through the DVDs.

I move into the kitchen. "Do you girls want afternoon tea?"

Kendal looks at me. "Yes, please. Can I have crackers and cheese?"

I look at the friend. "What about you?"

She smiles. "I'll have the same."

The girls pull out and put it in the player.

I deliver the snakes to them.

I sit at the table and go through some paper work that in behind on at work.

The girl whispers. "Where's your Mum?"

Kendal looks at me. "She's in the hospital. She was in a car accident."

The girl looks at me. "Is it alright if I still stay?"

I nod. "Yes, it would be rude of us to cancel on you while you are already here."

After the movie the girls bring out dolls
and the tea set.

I look at the time. "What kind of pizza do you girls like."

They look at each other. "Hawaiian." they say.

I call Dominoes Pizza and order two pizzas.

I finish writing the last part of the proposal for a new contract for Martinez Enterprises.

Kendal looks at me. "I'm hungry, Daddy."

Why is she calling me Daddy? It's Uncle Cody.

"The pizza should be here soon."

The doorbell rings and I open the door to he pizza guy.

I hand him the money and take the pizzas over to the table.

"Kendal, can you get some plates?"

Kendal stands. "Yes, Daddy."

She picks up the throw away plates and bring them to the table.

The girls tell me what they did at school and the boys they like.

My niece is too young to like boys. I need Ashton to talk to her.

The girls finish off their pizza and hey throw the rubbish in the bin.

"Can we watch another movie?" Kendal asks.

"Yes, it's yours until bed time."

The movie begins and I hear 'Princess Rosalinda.'

I look at the movie and it has a girl in a dress and she's wearing a crown.

"That man is evil trying to take a crown from a girl." the friend says.

"I want to be a princess." Kendal says.

"So, do I."

The girls keep talking over the movie.

My phone beeps win a message.

Sandra: how's things going with the girls?

Me: they talk and giggle too much.

Sandra: you'll get used to it.

Me: I don't know what to do with a sleepover. Ashton would know what to do.

Sandra: watch the girls. that's all you can do.

Me: thanks Sandra. Are you going to see Ashton?

Sandra: not tonight. Richard's at the hospital now. Ashton's parents called him.

Me: okay, let me know what you find out from Richard.

Sandra: will do.

Kendal turns to me. "Was that Mum's friend?"

I nod. "Yeah,"

Kendal turns back to the TV and I hear her giggle when a girl with brown hair puts ice cream in a guys hair.

The girls move to the lounges and get comfy.

The end credits roll.

"Do you want ice cream, Darla?"

She nods. "Is there chocolate ice cream? That's the only flavour I eat."

"I'll have a look." Kendal looks through the freezer and pulls out a tin of chocolate.

She puts two bowl on the table and puts the ice cream in them. Kendal puts the tub back in the freezer and takes the bowls an spoons to the table. "Mum love chocolate ice cream. unwise she was here eating a bowl with us."

Darla smiles. "The next time we do this your Mum will be at home and she can teach us how to put on make-up."

The girls put ice cream in there mouth.

I smile.

Kendal's got a good friend there.

The girls finish their ice cream. They put the bowls into the sink.

Kendal kisses my cheek. "Goodnight,"

The girls walk into Kendal's room.

"Daddy," Kendal yells.

I run to her room. "What is it sweetheart?"

"We need to make Darla's bed."

I walk into the spare bedroom and pull the mattress off the bed. I drag it along the floor to Kendal's room. "Where do you want the mattress?"

Kendal points next to the bed.

I pu the mattress on the ground and I get some sheets and blankets. I help the girls make the bed.

I leave the lamp on and turn off the light. "Goodnight, girls."


I close the door.

I turn the TV on and watch some late night show.

My phone rings. I look at the caller ID before I answer it. 'Sandra' flashes across the screen.

I hit the green button on the iPhone.

Me: hello.

Sandra: she's gone.

Me: what do you mean she's gone?

Sandra: Richard went to the hospital with Ashton's parents. They got called to the hospital because she went missing.

Me: how can she go missing? I saw her this morning and she was still in the coma.

Sandra: she just gave woken after you left.

Me: Shit! We need to find her.

Sandra: Ashton won't be easy to track down. She had to disappear for the safety of the baby and her.

I throw the phone at the wall and I sit on the couch. I lean my head against the lounge. I start crying.

I've messed things up big time.


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