Shopping with Kendal

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I pull my car in front of Cody's place. I step out of the car and make my way up to his place. I knock the on the door.

Cody opens the door. "Come in. Can I get you something to eat, Ashton?"

I shake my head. "I'm good. I'll wait in the living room for Kendal." I sit on the lounge and look at the photos of us that's still around the place. I move toward the one of us on the beach.


Kendal, Cody and I went to the beach. It was too cold to go swimming. We sat close to the ocean. I could smell the salt water and I could taste it on my lips from the spray of water from the waves crashing.

Kendal and I make a sandcastle. The water moves towards us and we get wet. Cody kneels on the other side of Kendal and takes a photo of us.

I stick my tongue out just when Cody snaps the picture.

Cody looks at it on his phone. "Can you do a proper picture for once? I want to have a picture of the three of us in my living room."

I smile. "Okay,"

Cody takes another photo and I smile this time. He turns the phone around and looks at the picture. "This is perfect. We look like a real family."

*Flashback end*

Cody stand next to me. "That's my favourite picture." He wraps his arms around my waist and lies his chin on my shoulder.
I wish we could go back to before Margot's funeral. Life was simple back then.

I move his arms off me. "You can't touch me whenever you please anymore, Cody. You broke my heart and now you have a son to another woman."

Cody takes a step backwards. "The kids not mine."

I shrug. "We'll find out tonight then."

Kendal runs out of her room. "Aunty Ashton." She yells.

I hug her. "Are you ready to go shopping?"

She nods, "Yeah, I need new runners."

Cody pulls out his black Amex card. "Use this." He gives me the card. "Buy yourself whatever you want."

Kendal takes the card and puts it in her wallet. "Thanks, Uncle Cody."

Cody reaches behind me. He traps me with his body. I hear a pair of keys jingle in his hands. He drops them in my hands. "If I'm not at home when you get back let yourself in."

I take the keys from him and put them in my purse. "Thanks."

Kendal opens the door and we leave the apartment.

At the car Kendal climbs into the front seat and puts on her seat belt. I pull out of the parking lot and drive to the mall.

I pull the car into the parking lot of the local shopping centre. Kendal steps out of the car and she waits for me.

I step out and hit the alarm on the control. I put the keys into my handbag. "What do you want to do first?"

"Can we get a burger?"

My stomach grumbles.

Baby wants a burger, huh.

I order the burgers and Kendal finds a place for us to seat. The burgers are put in front of me and I take them over to Kendal.

Kendal is playing on her phone when I sit across from her. She puts her phone in her bag.

I place the burger in front of her.

Kendal unwraps it. "Mum, used to take me here everything Thursday. It was a girl's night."

I smile. "Do you want to continue that tradition with me?"

She nods. "I'd like that."

I take a bite of the burger. "Hmm," I moan.

Kendal looks at me. "It's good?"

"Yeah, I haven't tasted a burger this good before."

After dinner we walk around the shops. We come across a shoe store and Kendal tries on five different types of runners. She buys two pairs.

I come across a t-shirt that says 'Big Sister' on it. I turn to Kendal. "I need to tell you something, Kendal."


I kneel to her level. "I'm pregnant, Kendal. I was wondering if you want to be known as the 'Big Sister' or 'cousin.' The choice is yours."

Kendal hugs me. "I'm going to be a Big Sister." She yells.

I nod. "Do you want a shirt that says it?"

Kendal looks at the shirt. "I'll wear it to bed."

I go into the store and pay for the t-shirt.

Kendal and I walk around.

I come across a baby store and we enter the store. I look at the cribs, change tables, prams, and Booster seat. Everything I need is in this store.

Kendal holds a bear and she takes it the counter and pays for it. She gives me the bear. "This is for my little brother or sister."

I hold the bear. "Thank you, Kendal."

We exit the shop and walk a bit further into the shopping. I see some shops are closing for the night.

A delicious smell hits me and I follow the scent of freshly baked donuts.

Kendal follows behind me. "Where are we going?"

I stop in front of the shop. "Do you want one?"

"Yes, please. Can I get a chocolate milk shake too?"

I order the shake, donuts and a bottle of water.

We take the food to a table.

A group of girls walk over to Kendal. She looks at them and frowns.

What's going on here?

The blonde girl with pigtail stops at the table. "Look at what we have here. It's the bastard and the fat lady."

A group of ladies that look older then these kids come around the corner. The ladies have their arms folded. The girls continue to pick on Kendal.

I touch her arm. "Girls go to your mother's. Leave my daughter alone."

The girl laughs. "You aren't her mother. Her mother was killed on the road because she was high as kite. Mamma told me that."

I pick up the shopping bags. "We're leaving now, Kendal." I hold my hand out to her.

Kendal takes it and we walk away from these people. She tugs at my hand. "Why didn't you retaliate?"

I touch her face. "Sweetheart, if you retaliate they will become crueller than they already are. If you ignore them they will give up and find someone else. All that stuff they said about your mother isn't true.

Kendal is crying. "I know."

I hug her. "Do you want to see your Mum before we go home?"

She nods.

Kendal and I leave the shops.

After ten minutes in the car I pull into the parking lot of the cemetery. Kendal has a bunch of colourful flowers in her hand. It takes us awhile to find the grave stone of Margot.

Kendal sits next to the stone. She places her hand on it. "I miss you, Mum. I wish you were here to watch me grow up." She sniffles as tears stream down her face. "Thanks for giving Aunty Ashton custody of me. I'm going to be a 'Big Sister.' I love you."

I look around the darkening cemetery. "We should go, Kendal."


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