The Test

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There's a knock on the front door and I open to see Terry-Dee and a boy. The boy tugs on her top. "Is that Daddy?"

She nods. "Yes, this is Cody."

"Hello," the boy hugs me.

I step away from the kid when he lets go. I pick up my keys from the table. "Are you ready?"

Terry-Dee frowns. "You aren't going to offer us anything to drink or any food?"

I shake my head. "You should have eaten something before coming over."

"Can you carry me, Daddy?" the boy lifts his arms in the air.

I ignore the kid and wait by the door for them. When they are outside I lock the door and show them the way to my car.

"We are taking my car. I have the booster seat," Terry-Dee shows me to her car. She opens the door for her son. He climbs into his seat she buckles him in. She shuts the door and climbs into the driver's seat.

She pulls out of the parking spot and drives to the hospital.

At the hospital the boy tugs on my shirt. "I need to go to the toilet."

I take the kid to the toilet.

He uses the toilet.

"What's your name, Buddy?" I ask.

"I'm Jacob." He pulls up his pants and walks over to the sink. He washes his hands.

Jacob and I sit in the waiting room.

After two hours the Doctor calls our names and we follow him in the hall. The wall has pictures of babies on it.

I enter the room and it has a hospital bed in the corner. Two seat next to the doctors table and chair.

The doctor turns to us. "What can I do for you tonight?"

"I would like a DNA test for this child and I." I point at Jacob.

The doctor gets a swab out and sticks it in my mouth. He writes my name on the tag and locks the bottle up.

He swabs Jacob's mouth and writes his name on it as well.

The doctor turns to us. "It usually take twenty-four hours to get the result but I fast tracked it and we'll have the result within the hour."

He shows us to the waiting room.

I turn my mobile on and I have a missed call from Kendal.

I call her.

Me: Hey, Kendal. Are you at home?"

Kendal: Yes, when are you coming home?

Me: I'll be home in an hour and a half.

Kendal: I want to show you something before I go to bed.

Me: How about you go to sleep now and I'll wake you when I get home.

Kendal: alright, Uncle Cody.

Me: Can I talk to Ashton?

Kendal: she's asleep. I don't want to wake her.

Me: Okay, sleep tight KBear.

Terry-Dee crosses her arms. "You love the child that's not yours. You love a woman who can't stand to be close to you. Why can't you love me and our son?"

I shake my head. "We had a one night stand and I used a condom. There's no way that kid is mine."

Jacob starts crying.

Terry-Dee lifts her son and rocks him back and forth. "Daddy, didn't mean it." She places kisses along his head.

I move over to the vending machine and get a drink and something to eat. I sit far away from Terry-Dee and her son.

I don't want anything to do with them. She's already ruining the fragile bond I have with Ashton. If the tests come back positive I believe she won't be around any longer. I can't imagine my life without her.

The doctor walks out and we follow him back to the office. He pulls out the piece of paper. I sit in the seat next to Terry-Dee. Jacob is in her lap playing with the IPad.

The doctor clears his throat. "I have the result of Jacob Liam Leonard. You are 99.9% the father. Congratulation Mr Black."

No, no, no, this is a fucking joke.

I step away from them. "Those results are faked." I scream.

The paper is placed in my hand. I can't believe what I'm seeing. It's says that I'm the father of Jacob. I drop the paper on the floor and run from the room.

I pull out my phone and call my mother.

Me: Mum, I screwed up.

Mum: what did you do?

Me: over three years ago I slept with a girl and she has a son. I'm the father.

Mum: when did she approach you?

Me: Yesterday.

Mum: son you need to be careful with that girl.

Me: Why?

Mum: A girl is working with Xavier.

Me: How do you know?

Mum: Your Uncle Willy is the jail and he's heard all kinds of rumours surrounding that guy.

Me: do you think they paid someone to lie?

Mum: Yes, but I don't know who.

Me: what do I tell Ashton?

Mum: You have to tell her you're the father.

Me: she's going to hate me.

Mum: you need to play this thing out. We need to find out what Xavier is up to. That way we can protect Ashton.

Me: okay,

I put the phone in my pocket.

Terry-Dee exits the hospital with a sleeping Jacob on her side.

I open the door for her and she places Jacob into the booster. "Do you want me to drive?"

She gives me the keys and she climbs into the backseat.

I drive to my place. I park the car close to the door of the building. I shake Terry-Dee. "I'm at home. You need to get yourself home from here. I'll see you over the weekend."

I step out of the car.

Terry-Dee grabs my hand. "I don't want you to leave. Come home with me?"

I shake my head. "I can't. I have a little girl upstairs waiting for me and a woman that I love with all my heart. The woman you're making me break more than I did when I left her after Margot's funeral." With that I walk away.


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