Questions & Answers.

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Questions & Answers

1)      What gave you this idea?

Well, one day my mother called me and said, “Viano, I want you to write a story called ‘The Death Dance.’” She gave me no description; no help at all but the title inspired me. It took a long time to think about what I wanted to write about and seriously, the entire story was just based on the title. While I borrowed some of the characters from existing ones (like the satyr), most of the other characters I made up myself. The basic idea of the story was inspired by what is known as the five passions in my religion and also a bit of spirituality concerning the soul and stuff ^^

2)      Do you think comatose people really end up somewhere else when in a coma?

Honestly, I don’t know haha. But I think that would be very interesting. :D

3)      Will there be a sequel concerning Richard and Nicholas?

I wanted to make a short prequel, but I think TDD already covers most of their story, so probably not. And no, there may not be a sequel. I might think of some other character finding their way to Aethereus, making TDD a series, but that’s for future reference haha

4)      Why can’t Jamie and Aaron visit Aethereus and live a double life, helping the souls in Aethereus and being human on earth?

As Kelechi tried to describe, humans going to Aethereus is an anomaly. It’s not supposed to happen – it’s wrong, it’s like bending time and space or something xD Humans don’t belong down there because it’s really dangerous as we’ve all seen.

5)      How did you come up with the names of the characters in Aethereus?

Believe it or not, most of the names are actually Latin. “Aethereus” in Latin means “Ethereal.” Some of the other names I derived from Latin words and kind of mixed it up to sound nice J

6)      For  Aaron: Did you ever think you were going to see her again? Would you ever have given up if she hadn’t shown up when she did? And how are you guys doing now? 

Aaron: To be realistic, I didn’t think I was ever going to see her again – I thought maybe she might see my video in ten years or something and we can grab a cup of coffee but I wasn’t too enthusiastic. Of course, I might have given up with time. If a year passed, two years, three…I think I would have moved on. I can’t keep waiting forever. But I’m glad things happened the way they did and we’re together now and really happy. I hope we stay together forever too <3

7)      What happened to Ma and Beatrice? 

They died – the Umbra killed them in their sleep.

8)      Macy should get her own little spin off of how she was brought back into the world! 

I don’t think that’s really important lol She got killed by the Umbra and was reborn on earth. She would have no memory of Aethereus or her past life so…

A/N: I'll keep updating this if I get more questions! Thank you to all those who asked :) <3 

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