The Twin Masters

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The Twin Master {Female}


Amber Rose






Amber is dull. She's as doll-like in personality as she is in appearance. The only thing that really shines through with her is her outstanding intelligence. She has a knack for puzzle solving, and she has both book smarts and street smarts.

But, since she rarely speaks, most people assume she well... Isn't all there. Amber is perfectly fine with that, however. Insults don't really get to her like they do most people. That may be because she was trained to have a terrible opinion of herself. Self loathing was the only acceptable thing in her home after all.

Amber is also incredibly, surprisingly, morbid.

Face Claim


~Her brother
~The Master of the Backstreets
~Church, though she's never been to a real service before
~Classical music
~The moon
~Her Bible
~Her family picture
~The color blue
~The beach, though she's never been
~Being around people


~Seeing her brother upset
~The blood stained bullet she keeps around her neck
~Running, she's not athletic in the slightest
~Being praised, she still isn't used to it
~Small spaces
~Spying on others... Or more the fact she actually enjoys it so much
~Games. She wins too much, so they're boring.
~ The smell of lavender

Most hated thing

The bullet around her neck

Most cherished thing

The family picture in her Bible

Describe what their room looks like {Pictures are accepted}

Weapon of choice

A gun

Relationships with the other Masters

~Noah is her brother
~The Master of the Backstreets reminds her of her older brother


Humans are full of nothing but sin and only death will save them.

That is one of the things that was drilled into the heads of Noah and Amber their entire lives. Their parents were religious nuts, turning their family into a tiny, personal cult of eight.

Aside from their parents, Noah and Amber were the second and third born children respectively. They had an older brother, two little sisters, and a baby brother. The siblings were all very close, as their contact with the rest of the world was... Limited to say the least.

The first twelve years of their lives were full of lessons being beaten, starved, and generally abused into them. Noah fought back endlessly, never giving into what their parents wanted. Amber, however, gave in.

At twelve however, it was finally time for the family to die. Their parents had always told them that December 31st 2011 would be the night they kill each other.

Suicide was a sin after all.

At least they took their first family picture a few weeks before. Eight smiling faces as a memento for the dying world to remember the family by until the apocalypse kicked it.

The original plan was simply for their parents to kill all of them, then each other. But, the oldest sibling didn't let that happen. Unfortunately, he couldn't save the younger three's death. It happened too quickly.

But, he managed to shoot their parents with a gun he'd stolen before they shot the twins.

That is, he committed a murder.

He told Amber and Noah that they needed to run, to get as far away as possible... But, he had one request first.

To kill him.

Noah was stunned, too stunned too react to much of anything. But, Amber wasn't. She had been mentally prepared her entire life to watch her siblings die. So, when it actually happened, she wasn't surprised by the sight. She was hurt, obviously. She swore her heart was literally shattering. But, she wasn't stunned.

So, taking the gun from her brother wasn't hard. Shooting him in the head was harder, but she managed.

Noah stayed kneeling on the floor for about fifteen more minutes. In that time, Amber cleaned herself up. She packed two bags for herself and Noah, and a third with whatever foods didn't need to be refrigerated. For once, they'd actually be able to eat when they needed to at least. She took the family picture out of the frame and stuck it into the family Bible. She retrieved the bullet out of her brother, wrapped it in a cloth, and gently set it in her bag.

A reminder if her greatest sin. Amber never wanted to let herself forget what she'd done.

By the time she was done, Noah had started to snap out of it. Amber got him a glass of water. While he drank it, Amber just stared at her dead family members. She didn't say a single word.

She didn't say a single word for a few weeks.

The twins left the house that night. They trudged through the snowy forest and walked along the road to the nearest town.

Neither of them knew what to do. Where to go. It was freezing, and they definitely weren't dressed for the weather. Luckily, they managed to find shelter. It was an old, abandoned, filthy, church. But, it was warm and good enough.

The siblings lived there for about three months. When they ran out of food, Noah went out and stole it. Clothes, Amber took care of. Turns out, a lot of people would rather throw out clothes than donate. All Amber needed to do was sew up holes and make tiny alterations so they fit alright.

But, Noah... Well, turns out it's hard to steal from people without hurting them. He got cocky, and one night, he tried stealing directly from someone's house rather than the back of a delivery truck.

They were rich. They defiantly had enough food that they wouldn't miss whatever Noah could carry out.

But, he got caught by the father. He didn't try to call the police or anything, he even said why.

He wanted to have enough time to beat some sense into the little brat before he turned him over.

Noah was terrified, the closer the man got to him the more terrified he became. Memories came flooding back to him, events Noah didn't want to repeat.

That's when he grabbed the knife from the knife block. He didn't think, he just stabbed... And stabbed, and stabbed.

Even after the man stopped moving, Noah kept stabbing him. Then, he took the food and the knife, and he just ran. He was scared. Not because of the man or being caught, he didn't think much of that. Being caught was fine, jail wasn't the worst thing he'd ever heard of. And the man was dead.

He was scared of how much he'd enjoyed stabbing the man.

He was scared of what Amber would think when she found out.

But, Amber didn't care. The two of them were born sinners and would remain sinners until they died. Humans naturally enjoyed sinning. So the fact that Noah liked killing couldn't be helped.

They left the church. They took everything they had and moved along.

They were stuck in a terrible storm a few weeks later. Noah had started killing freely by then, and Amber helped him clean up the bodies and any other evidence. But, that storm seemed like it would be the end of all of it.

The twins couldn't find shelter. It was still freezing out, and they were feeling it for sure.

Amber was accepting that it was just time to die. Noah was less accepting, but he couldn't figure out what to do.

Amber suggested they just go to sleep and wait.

When they woke up, they met Death.


Amber can turn invisible.



The Twin Master {Male}


Noah Rose





He's gay

He's super mega gay


It isn't hard to tell something isn't quite right with Noah. Though he's more talkitive and emotional than his sister, so much of it feels like an act.

So much of it is an act.

Noah often feels just as numb as his sister. Humans are terrible and the world is dying slowly. There aren't many reasons to be happy. But, Noah tries to be. He figures if he keeps faking it, then he eventually won't be.

He cares deeply for his sister. Everyone else can burn in hell for all he cares.

Except kids and cats.

Noah doesn't mind killing. In fact, he enjoys it. The more personal a kill, the closer he is to a victim, the better. It's sick, but the feelings of power and control he gets from it are two of the few things that make him genuinely happy. Noah sees nothing wrong with it.
Humans are just narcissistic animals.
Animals kill each other constantly.
And with a population of over seven billion, a couple dozen extra deaths might be a good thing.

Face Claim


~Amber, both his sister and the color
~Being in control for once in his life
~The Master of the Backstreets, he guesses
~Sweet things
~Being outdoors
~Lemon pastry
~Being lazy in general
~Knife care
~Slasher movies
~Supernatural {The show}
~DnD, but that's a huge secret


~Most people
~Guns in general
~Being touched without permission, he'll freak out
~Religion, particularly Catholicism
~The Masters of Prison, Medicine, and Holiness
~Disney movies
~Any reminder of his past life
~Spicy foods, they make him sick
~Babies. They're cute and all, but they freak him out since they're so easily breakable.
~Dancing. It just looks stupid.
~Large dogs

Most hated thing

The family picture Amber keeps in her Bible

Most cherished thing

Just his sister

Describe what their room looks like {Pictures are accepted}

Weapon of choice

Just a simple knife

Relationships with the other Masters


Already listed


He can swap places with his sister

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