Chapter Eleven

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Kieran and Luke rushed down to the Emperor's vault and found two palace guards standing on either side of the door. The palace guards made their spears cross each other at once, blocking Kieran and Luke's advance. Remembering that these guards were part of the Fraternity, and that they had to stage a fight with them, they looked at each other, shrugged, and did just that.

They dodged the intentionally weak jabs from the guards, and tried to get them away from the vault. Amidst the scuffle, the door opened and the Eluder rushed out, carrying a filled sack over his back. He was dressed in a pale yellow vest over a green kurta and matching green harem pants, plus a yellow head dress.

Spotting him, Kieran raised his elbow to hit one of the guards in the face. He dodged it, but nonetheless yelped and fell to the ground, letting Kieran pursue the Eluder. He chased him in the hallway, and as he closed in, leaped forth and tackled him to the ground.

The Eluder tried to use the sack to hit Kieran, but the latter pulled it from him, using his other hand to seize the Eluder's neck and hold him still against the ground. He then flung the sack behind him, and it was caught by Luke, who had 'taken out' the other guard.

The Eluder tried to remove Kieran's hand from his throat, but it was an overpowering grip.
"D-darn y-you.....Ge...neral.." He choked out, his now red face inflated and his eyes bulging.

Kieran was unmoved.
"Shut up, Samson." He told him, "Or whatever your actual name is."
He shifted his grip to his collar and in one fell swoop, hauled him up with him to his feet.

Luke produced some rope from his belt and tossed it to Kieran, who caught it with his free hand, as The Eluder coughed and gasped for air.
Looking up and rubbing his throat, he sniggered, "So his highness is here as well," he said with a sneer, "How the heck did you find me?"

Luke smirked at his prisoner.
"All you need to know, is never to underestimate the capabilities of my Guard." He said while Kieran bound his wrists with the rope.

With the jewels returned and the seize bit of their mission finished, Kieran, Luke and Jethro returned to the Fraternity base with the Eluder, whom they'd blindfolded to prevent him from learning the base's location.

He was held captive in the dorm room, where he sat with his ankles and wrists bound, and shackled to one of the bed posts.
Enoch bent over and watched him, his head hung low. He passed a hand up and down, over his blindfolded eyes.

"What are you doing? He can't see you." Luke said.

"Just checking," Enoch replied, "And playing."

Luke rolled his eyes.

"I'm guessing you're the Prince's stupid servant," The Eluder drawled, a smirk on his lips.

Enoch narrowed his eyes and looked up at Kieran and Luke, "I think maybe we should gag him too."

"Way ahead of you," Jethro said, walking towards the prisoner whilst stretching a grey strip of cloth in his fists.

The Prince and General then started to make arrangements for their return.

"We're left with three days to have the Eluder delivered to the Count," Kieran said, "We might as well make the trip there and deliver him ourselves."

"You're right," Luke agreed, "It's better to travel through Ridian on our way back to Rievelt. You have to attend Anne's wedding in five days too."

"If we travel tomorrow, we'll be able to make it to Rievelt a day earlier."

"Alright, so we should leave in the morning, then?" Luke asked.

"Wait!" Enoch yelled quickly, stretching his hand out to the both of them.
Kieran and Luke looked at him questioningly.

"The festival is tomorrow." Enoch stated.

"So?" Luke arched an eyebrow.

"You sirs attended the Eve party and had a lot of fun, I bet."

"Your point?" Luke asked, using his hand motion to gesture him to talk faster.

"I want to have fun too," Enoch declared firmly, "I want to see what the festival is like and dance with my shoulders too!" He shook his shoulders at that statement.

Luke and Kieran looked at each other, and Luke grinned.
"It was a lot of fun doing that." He admitted.

"Well, the festival lasts the entire day and celebration happens in all corners of the city." Jethro said, "People dance in the streets and play the drums and drink free wine. If you want to attend, I can keep back and watch the prisoner for the morning hours."

The exuberant look on Enoch's face was too obvious. He raised his fists victoriously and looked hopefully at Luke, "Can we, sire?"

Luke snapped his fingers in Enoch's direction, and with a lop sided grin, decided, "Let's."

***** *****     *****     *****     *****

It had been a couple of hours, and there was a lot on that Kieran was thinking about. His mind kept drifting back to the man who had held Elena's hands, and he felt upset all over again.

What if that man was also staying at the palace and had been making advances towards her for some time? And what if Elena was considering it?
The thought made his insides churn.

She was his bride, so no one else had the right to woo her.

Kieran jumped off the bed in such a rush that he caught the attention of the other three men in the dimly lit room.
Luke, Enoch and Jethro were seated on the carpet playing some board game with castor seeds, an oil lamp conveniently placed near them on the floor. They had now paused their banter to look silently at Kieran.

"Let's go to the palace." The General announced.

"To pick up your brain which you clearly left over there?" Luke deadpanned, and Enoch stifled a laugh, "Kieran, why in all abyss do you want to go back there this late?"

"I have to see Elena," Kieran replied, and closed his eyes briefly, to correct that mental thought, "No. I want to see Elena."

Enoch gasped softly, a hand automatically touching his chest, his countenance sentimental.

Luke, on the other hand, could not believe the words that had just come out of his mouth.
"What!" He spat, "Kieran, the city's almost asleep!"

"I don't care. I want to see her now," Kieran said, his tone almost demanding, "I need to talk to her and find out...." he stopped his sentence and hung his head, letting some of his hair fall over his face.

He sighed, searching for words to best convey his feelings. Looking up again, he brushed his stray strands away from his face.

"Not everything is certain," he said at last. His voice was calm now but laced with gentle earnestness, "I don't want Elena to be taken from me, simply because I wouldn't court her properly. I want to keep her close to me, and I want to keep seeing her." He kept his eyes on his best friend and added, "So Lukas can you please come with me, so I can tell her all this?"

Luke's facial expression, like the other's, was frozen due to the unexpected sprout of emotions. Nonetheless, it only obliged him to fulfil his role as a supportive best friend.

"So let's go." Luke said with a smirk.

***** ***** *****

Clad in their black attires and black hooded cloaks, Kieran, Luke and Jethro climbed over the palace wall fence. Since Jethro had connections within, they were able to find out exactly where Elena's room was located. They were escorted stealthily by one of the ladies-in-waiting to the back gardens that were below her window situated about three floors up. They were fairly illuminated thanks to the caged fire torches on the stands stationed around them, and Kieran saw the lattice structure on the wall beside her window, though nearly covered up by the climbing periwinkle plant.

"Better make that climb quick." Luke whispered as Jethro kept a look out.

Kieran took hold of the lattice, and started his climb up the wall, careful not to accidentally miss a step due to the hindrance of the plant. He was also careful not to damage any of the flowers because, well, that would displease Elena.

When he was adjacent to her window, he stretched out his arm and gripped the casing of the window frame. He then jumped lightly onto the sill, making a feathery landing and maintained his balance. He dropped to a crouch, and raising his fist, knocked on the glass. The curtains were closed on the inside, but he noticed a faint light from within.

"Is she asleep?!" Luke whisper-called to Kieran.

"I don't know." Kieran whispered back.


"I don't know!" Kieran whispered a bit louder. He knocked thrice on her window again.


"So is she coming?" Luke whisper-called to him.

Kieran rolled his eyes, fighting back annoyance, "I don't know." He whispered back.


Kieran sighed, "I said I don't know!"

He knocked on the window once more. He was getting impatient now.

"Kieran!" Luke whisper-called again.

"What?!" Kieran snapped, glaring down at Luke.

"Don't fall." The Prince whispered.

"Don't you think I know that?" Kieran seethed, "Just shut up!"


Kieran huffed, and chose to ignore him this time. He turned back to the window and had just raised his hand to knock when the curtains were drawn, and the double windows opened backwards.
Elena gasped in surprise upon seeing him perched on her window sill, his one fist still raised and frozen in place.

"S-sir!" She exclaimed. She was wearing a loose white nightgown with a square neckline and long sleeves, and her coal black hair freely flowed down over her shoulders, to the elbow, free from any flowers or ornaments. It was the plainest he'd ever seen her, but it took nothing from her beauty nonetheless.

Kieran smiled sheepishly, "May I come in?"

Elena meekly nodded and stepped back from the windows.
The General was just so full of surprises. He'd succeeded in being the person who gave her the most scares in her entire life. Now, for example, what was he thinking to show up suddenly at her window so late at night, dressed like a thief?
She watched as Kieran jumped into her bed chamber, but tripped over his own two feet and yelped as he fell.

"General!" She rushed over and knelt by his side, holding him by the shoulders. This was yet another surprise to her; that the General of the Prince's Guard was being clumsy.
"Are you alright?" She asked as he propped himself on one elbow but remained lying down.

His hood slipped off completely as he turned his head to look up at her. Her face was contorted with worry. On their previous meetings, she had usually looked worried, but it was because she had been worried for herself and their marriage. This time when he looked at her, he saw that the genuine concern in her eyes was for him.

Unable to hold himself back, he lifted his fingers to her face and softly tucked the strands of hair behind her ear, then rested his hand upon her cheek. Elena blinked, confused by his gesture, and her impervious nature made him smile.

"A tiny stumble won't kill this General." He said, and her features relaxed.

She helped him up to his feet.
"But why are you here?" She inquired, "You surprised me."

"I need to talk to you."

"At this hour?" She asked incredulously, "Couldn't it wait?"

"As I am here now, clearly it could not."

Elena nodded, understanding his logic, "What is the urgency?" She asked, "Has it do with your mission?"

He shook his head no.

"Then...." she trailed off, waiting for him to say.

Kieran took a deep breath. It was then or never.
"Do you remember what I told you?" He asked, "That we don't have to keep seeing each other before our engagement?"

"Yes," she nodded, "Since you are a busy man, you do not have time to go on dates and such."

"Well, I've changed my mind."

She raised her eyebrows questioningly, "What do you mean?"

"The fact is, lady Elena," Kieran started, "That I really do enjoy your company. I feel at ease whenever I see you, and I'm just....contented with your presence. Whenever you are around, I feel....well, happy. I don't want to let go of this feeling, so I don't want us to stop seeing each other."

Elena was dumbfounded for a moment, and she could not seem to understand why her heart swelled when she heard those simple words.

"We don't have to go out on dates as such.." Kieran was quick to add, not wanting to pressure her, "But I can come see you, and you can come see me. Then we what do you think?"

He waited in anticipation for her answer.

"B-but," she stuttered, "How will you be able to m-meet me when you are so busy?"

"When I want to see you, I will see you." He replied without hesitation.

She looked at the carpeted floor, "What about me?" She asked, "What if I come to see you and find that you are unavailable or busy? Will you drop your work or leave your meeting to meet with me?"

Now that was a difficult choice.

"Well.." Kieran rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "I don't think..."

"How about we do this?" Elena suddenly looked up, her face bright at the idea she'd just had, "Let's just write letters!"

"Letters?" He echoed, his heart sinking. Was she suggesting that instead of meeting up, they converse through letters? Was the entire courtship to be based on letters?

"Yes!" she said, smiling as though it was the most convenient and brilliant plan, "Whenever I want to see you, I will just send a letter indicating when I want to see you, and if it is okay with you, you may write back in agreement. If the day suggested is not working for you, you can suggest another one. And vice versa."

"Oh!" He exclaimed, relief flooding his veins, "That's what you meant!"

"Yes. What do you think?"

He smiled, feeling elated, "I think it's a wonderful idea."

"It's settled then!"

For the first time, Kieran paid attention to the room he was in. Aside from the four poster canopy bed and stylish wardrobes, there was a dressing table near where they stood, and opposite the bed. Atop it was a lit lantern being the only source of light, as well as a small platter filled with traditional Elgarthar treats (sweets)

"You like the sweets here?" He asked gesturing to the platter.

She glanced at the table and beamed, "Yes!" She responded cheerily, "I like all kinds of treats as long as they are sweet! But I do not enjoy the food here because there is always too much spice."

"Too much spice." Kieran said this at the exact time she said the same, and they both looked at each other before laughing lightly at their simultaneous thoughts.

"Do you not like spicy food, General?" She asked.

"It's the pepper I really can't handle." He replied, "I enjoy a well spiced meal, but this place really doesn't do it for me."

"Then you are like me, on the sweet side."

"I never said I liked sweets." Kieran said with a smirk, "Not too sweet, not too spicy. I can't handle the treats here either."

"Then what have you been eating!"

He shrugged. "Mostly meat dishes and vegetables." He replied. "What about you? Are you having a comfortable stay here?"

"Oh, I really am." Elena said, and that was the spark of their conversation.

She talked of her encounters in Elgarthar, shared her excitement about the culture and the people, and their language.

"By the way, how were you able to sing along in the native tongue at the Eve party today if you don't know the language?" Kieran asked curiously as she settled on the carpet.

She looked up at him, and knitting her eyebrows, asked, "Were you at the Eve party today?"

Kieran sighed and sat down in front of her. It was now his turn to explain why he had been in the palace. Her aura made it so easy for him to share things with her, and he ended up taking about what his mission was about, but he didn't mention the Fraternity of shadows.

They talked of their journeys to Elgarthar, and how Elena had learned the traditional song and dance from the Emperor's relatives. She tried to teach him a few lines of another song she had learnt, but kept on laughing at his absolute lack of talent.

"You are so off-key!" she said, playfully pushing his arm.

"I'm worse off at singing than dancing, actually." He admitted.

"Yet I am sure you enjoyed dancing with others today, didn't you?" She asked, and he looked at his crossed ankles and nodded sheepishly, embarrassed to admit it.

Elena giggled. So the General had a cute side to him as well.
"Will you sneak in and celebrate the festival here then?" She asked hopefully.

"I'll celebrate with the people outside for a while, and then leave Elgarthar." He replied, "By noon, I believe."

"Oh." Elena said, unable to mask her disappointment. She had thought maybe she'd get a chance to celebrate with him, so they would spend more time together. Being with him outside of Rievelt, in a new place, and under these sneaky circumstances had felt a bit thrilling to her.

"But you will be celebrating with your family...your new friends...other people.." Kieran said, and added lowly, "...other men..."

He thought she hadn't heard him.

"Other men?"

He looked up and saw she was regarding him with a confused, quizzical expression.

"Yes," Kieran affirmed his submission, "Other men who will try to woo you, and dance with you..." he tried hard not to sound like a grumbling hippo, but maybe she caught on.

"But that does not matter, since you are the only man for me."

She said it so easily, as if that was a sentence that could be carelessly tossed around at any time. And she said it calmly, her impervious nature unfazed.
But then she looked into his slightly surprised eyes, and added,
"You are the first, and the only man for me," a small smile graced her lips, "I much prefer it this way."

The man in the green suit didn't matter, Kieran thought, He was the one in Elena's life.
She didn't even know how glad her words made him, nor how much pride they instilled in him.
He smiled back at her, and a comfortable silence came between them, but they didn't stop looking at each other.

Until they were interrupted by a loud, urgent knock on the window.
Both turned and saw a very unimpressed Luke crouched on the windowsill, a tight scowl on his face.

"Uh yes, hello? Kieran? Do you plan on sleeping over here?" He asked in a condescending tone, "Might as well inform me now so I can head back alone after spending hours waiting for you down below."

Elena gasped, "Sire have you been waiting there all this time?"

"Uh, no, because I didn't just say that." Luke replied sarcastically.

Kieran stood up.

"Oh now you're standing up!" Luke said with a fat, yet very fake grin on his face, "No-no. Do sit back down. Continue chatting and pretend that I'm not here. Might even decide to spend the night without telling me, I won't care. I, your future king will just sleep out here in the bushes as if I'm not waiting for you."

Kieran sighed, "I'm coming." He told Luke, who snorted.

"When? Tomorrow?" He asked, "Or after I die in the bushes waiting?"

"Right now, Lukas." Kieran said through gritted teeth.

Luke raised his palms in surrender, "Alright." He said, shrugging.

Kieran turned to Elena, who had now stood up, and was also looking at him. She looked so adorable, standing there in her night gown, and clasping her fingers infront of her, all he wanted to do was hold her in his arms and whisper a proper good night.

He wasn't going to see her until after five days.

"Good night." He finally said, and she nodded.

"Good night, General."

And with that, she watched him climb out her window, and jump down into the gardens after Luke.

***** ***** ***** *****
The next morning, the most excited of the lot was Enoch; firstly, about attending the festival, and secondly, about wearing head gear.

"You don't even need a disguise. No one knows you." Luke said, with distaste.

"I beg to differ." Enoch said, wearing his light green waist jacket over a gold coloured kurta and pants, "Anyone who's ever seen me with you recognises me by my definitive and luscious curls. They need to be hidden from sight because they are a danger."

Luke made a face.

"He's got a point there," Kieran nodded, "My father calls him Curls."

Luke looked at Kieran strangely, "Really?"

"Yea." Kieran said flatly, his face impassive, "Always forgets his name, but not his hair."

Luke looked back at Enoch, who smirked.
"Don't smirk." He ordered.

"Sorry." Enoch said quickly, looking down and dropping the smirk instantly, like a puppy obeying its master.

***** ***** *****
The trio soon headed out into the streets. All businesses were closed for the day, since it was meant for only enjoyment. The food and wine was provided courtesy of the Emperor, and there were designated tent like structures where it would be served, although it was the people's choice to either drink from the tents or out in the streets. Most chose the latter, since they wanted to dance and drink at the same time.

Every street in the city was filled with dancing people, men, women and children of all ages, as well as drummers and flute players for the music.

It was absolute chaos, yet absolute freedom.
Luke's first instinct was to hunt for the wine. He came back with two bottles of rice wine, since Kieran had refused to drink in broad daylight, and in the morning at that.

"No one knows who you are here, and neither do they care!" Luke yelled to Kieran over the noise, "You can do whatever the heck you want!"
He raised the bottle to his lips and started gulping down the wine.

"I can see that's why you're so wild today!" Kieran yelled back, watching him in amusement. It was one of the few times the Prince could let loose, and boy, did he really let loose.
Because he started to dance, Kieran couldn't help but mirror his excitement. He was his best friend, and thus shared his joy.

So they danced.

Enoch shook the shoulders he'd so longed to shake, and he shook them so rigorously, he yelled to the skies at the excitement of it all. This made the other two laugh out loud, and joined him in shaking their shoulders.

As they danced, they soon attracted the attention of some women who came to dance with them. Luke and Enoch accepted them; Luke with a welcoming and charming smile, and Enoch, simply because he could not believe his luck.

Kieran on the other hand, dodged all the women that sashayed his way, but let his companions have their fun with their partners. He kept his eyes away from Luke for one second, only to find him engaged in an all tongues lip lock with his partner the next second.
He chuckled and turned to Enoch, whose body-to-body dance session had not ended. He was pretty flushed, and Kieran guessed it was probably his first time dancing with a girl.

A long while later, the trio resigned into one of the tents and sat down by a pile of pillows. Luke immediately asked for water and lime juice, and started his trip to soberness. Enoch passed out in the pillows.

Kieran, who was currently engaged in a one-sided conversation with a half-drunk man, smiled at the state his travelling companions were in. It looked like he was going to have to do most of the watch duties on their journey.

"You know, I heard they've finally found out the identity of the man that's been keeeennnapping and defiling our girls." The man slurred and leaned in to whisper to Kieran, "It's Almech."

"I don't know what you are talking about." Kieran said apologetically.

The white-bearded man gasped dramatically, "You know don't what I'm....what I'm talking?" He asked and waved his bottle in a sloppy motion, "That case...that case of the girls who are taken....they-they come back when they have lost their virtue. And they-they are drugged so that can't remember the assailant's f...face." he hiccuped, and lowered his voice, "The assailant is Almech."

"I don't know who Almech is." Kieran said, trying to be a good listener.

"What!" The man yelled, startling some other people in the tent, "You know don't who is Almech? He is one of the Emperor's ministers! Apparently, one of the girls who remembered something said the assailant had a tattoo of a dagger on his neck. And that, my friend, is Almech."

Kieran felt his blood run cold. He remembered seeing the same tattoo on the man that had been with Elena the previous night. His blood then began to boil as he recalled the way he'd looked at her....and kissed her hands.

"Old man," Kieran growled, his voice deathly low, "Does the Emperor know?"

The man, in his attempt to shrug his shoulders, nearly fell backwards,
"If the authorities don't know it yet, then how will the Emperor know?"

Kieran clenched his fists so hard his knuckles turned white, and the speed at which he fled the tent was frightening. He was experiencing a mixture of feelings of anger and fear as he dashed into the crowded streets, pushing past the dancing and drunken bodies, with the palace in mind as his destination.

He was angry at the despicable acts of the minister, and afraid that Elena was his target. His heart raced with dread as the thought of not finding Elena at the palace creeped in his mind, and at the thought that she had been taken.


Kieran shook the horrid thoughts out of his head and concentrated on moving forward. But it was hard to move fast and easily through the tight crowd. A detour wouldn't help, since all the streets were in the same state, so he thought of a quicker solution.

The roofs.
Houses in Elrah city were built close to each other, in cube shapes with flat surfaces for roofs. It would be easier to move on higher ground.

With haste, Kieran cleared from the crowd, jumped onto a rack and propelled his body upwards, his hands gripping onto the edge of one of the house roofs while his lower body dangled in the air. He then hoisted himself up onto the roof and steadying his feet, sprinted off. He jumped from one roof to another as he ran, his gaze locked all the while, with burning determination, on the palace structure in a distance.

please let me make it in time,

He begged to the heavens as he leaped from one house that had a relatively large distance between it and the next. He landed on the next roof narrowly, and ended up rolling over. His head dress got detached in the process and his hair waved about in his face. But he took no care to it.
He rose from his crouch position to his feet and continued to run, his hair now waving behind him.

He couldn't stand it. He couldn't stand the thought of that man, or any other man doing that to Elena. He thought of her innocent face, and her nervous stammer.

"You are the first, and the only man for me."

He bit his lip so hard, and nearly drew blood when he remembered her words. Anger, frustration and dread fuelled his adrenaline, making his legs run even faster. He couldn't let her be sullied.

He jumped down to the ground, the palace grounds now in front of him. He didn't bother with stealth and what not. He went straight for the main entrance, where the two guards attempted to stop him.

He crashed his elbow into the first one's face and effectively broke his nose, and grabbing the second one by his hair, pulled his head down as he brought his knee up into his face, also giving him a gushing nose bleed.

He ran past the gate, up the steps and into the palace to the familiar banquet hall.
It was even more packed than it had been the previous night, and Kieran wondered how the heck he was supposed to find Elena. He moved around frantically, his eyes skimming from one woman's face to another.

Neither of them was Elena.

He passed a hand through his hair in evident frustration, worried about whether he had arrived too late. He drew nearer to the empty throne and looked around, all the women bearing no resemblance to Elena. He cracked his knuckles and brought his hand over his forehead in distress, his heart thundering in his ears and his mind spinning.

Where was he to search now? All the rooms? Where was he even to begin? How long would it take?

He couldn't think clearly, and he had shortness of breath.

"General?" A familiar voice called out to him, and he stopped breathing for a moment.

He turned to his right, and at last saw his Elena standing some feet away, looking at him with a confused expression.

Kieran wasted no time.

He moved with long eager strides towards her, and pulled her into his arms, successfully knocking the breath out of her lungs. He buried the side of her face in his toned chest, a hand caressing the back of her head, while his other hand swept across her naked lower back, his arm tucking her securely against him.

His touch on her bare midriff made her skin shiver, and she felt her entire body shudder under it. She was rendered immobile on the spot by his abrupt tight embrace. She could tell that he was unsettled, but what he was doing was making her unsettled.

He pulled back and saw that she was in utter bewilderment, and cupped her face in his hands, looking into her startled blue eyes.

"Did he touch you?" His voice was low, and angry, "Did that despicable Almech do anything to you?"

His gaze was intense. Intense with concern and protectiveness. It gave her a sense of security, and she could only meekly shake her head in response.

And Kieran embraced her again, exhaling a guttural sigh, and snuggling her body closely against his. His heart was now filled with a tremendous amount of relief, while hers was thumping wildly fast, like those giant drums at the festival.

"Thank heavens." He whispered, stroking her long dark hair. Elena slowly lifted her hands and gingerly touched the bulge of his clothed upper arms, unsure of what to do in the current situation.

Finally, Kieran drew back, his hands holding her by the arms.
"Now where is he?" He asked solemnly, his cyan eyes a shade darker. He was going to take justice into his own hands.

Elena opened her mouth to speak, but her voice was gone. She was still struggling with the rush of emotions he'd just made her feel.

Out of the corner of his eye, Kieran spotted his newfound enemy, being accompanied by four soldiers wielding spears. Almech's wrists were bound by a rope, which was being held by one of the soldiers. He was now a prisoner.
Kieran turned to glare clearly at the minister as he approached. Almech's eyes looked up and met Kieran's briefly before flicking to see who was next to him.

Instinctively, Kieran held Elena's hand and gently pulled her behind him, shielding her from the predator's vision. She felt him tense up as the authorities took him away, as though he was itching to atleast land one punch, but barely held himself back.

He exhaled a long one, and she saw his back muscles move and relax along. But then, he spotted the two palace guards he'd bashed earlier, roaming around and covering their bloody noses, clearly searching for him.
He quickly turned around to Elena and said, "I have to go."

She could not say anything, and Kieran knew this. He understood how startled she must have been after he had hugged her like that out of the blue.

"Almech's been arrested, so you're safe, right?"

She could only nod.

"Good bye then." Kieran said, and gave her hand a gentle squeeze before gliding past her and disappearing within the crowd.
Elena stood rooted to the spot, and slowly brought her hand to her chest to feel her heart.

It had not calmed down yet.

Author's rambling.


It's funny; I had something to say, but the words just sorta disappeared.😑
When I remember, I will tell you!😁

For now, don't forget to vote and share!

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