Chapter Ten

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When the Hammedathas arrived home, Kieran was immediately informed that the Prince was waiting for him in the Guard's meeting room. Sensing it had to do with information on The Eluder, Kieran marched to the meeting room instantly, and found his hunch was spot on.

The Prince was with Enoch and Jethro, who confirmed the Eluder's presence in the Elgarthar Empire, towards East of Rievelt. It was the Fraternity's favour to locate the criminal, and now it was Kieran and Luke's turn to capture him and have him delivered to the Count of Ridian.

It was approximately a two days journey to Elgarthar, and it was decided that the four of them would leave at dawn. Luke insisted on bringing Enoch along because he only trusted him to wait on him, but Kieran knew that the real reason the Prince often dragged Enoch along on missions was because of his company, and that he wanted the young lad to have many different experiences and see what the world had to offer.

***** ***** ***** *****

The next day, Kieran, Enoch, Luke and Jethro departed for their journey to Elgarthar. Since it was a secret mission, they dressed in dull simple clothes and long ponchos that hid their weapons.

They set up camp in a forest on the outskirts of Rievelt that night, and had supper. Jethro had the first watch, and Enoch was tending to the horses while Luke stood near him watching Kieran, who was sitting opposite them on a log and staring absent mindedly at the crackling fire. Luke knew Kieran had something on his mind, aside from their current mission. He could tell from the absent look in his eyes.

"You should go talk to him," Enoch whispered to Luke.

Luke turned his head and glared at Enoch,
"Are you bossing me around right now?"

Enoch pursed his lips at the Prince's obnoxious behaviour.
"I apologise," he grumbled, "I think that maybe you should talk to General Kieran. It's just a suggestion. He's being too quiet. I think there is something going on."

"I know," Luke mused. He walked over to where Kieran sat, and kicked his foot. Kieran looked up at him, and Luke made a hand motion gesturing him to move over.
Kieran did so, and Luke sat beside him.

"What are you thinking about?"

Kieran diverted his gaze back to the crackling fire, and thought back to his last meeting with Elena.

"I'm not the kind of person who retracts his decision once made," Kieran said, "I know in my head that Elena is still going to marry me, so it's logical for us not to see each other until the engagement. But..."


"But I feel as though maybe I made the wrong decision," Kieran continued, "Her reaction when I told her, and then seeing her yesterday, it just makes me feel unsettled. Like I'm not okay with what I decided. I don't like the way things are between us right now."
Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair, "It's a frustrating dilemma."

"Well I think you should go with your feelings."

Kieran and Luke turned their heads to the right, and the latter flinched on seeing Enoch standing right next to him. He was watching them with a tender hearted yet sympathetic smile on his face, his countenance reading "I'm touched."

"How did you-?", Luke made a half sentence as he ocularly measured the distance from where the horses stood to the log they were sitting on.

"Pardon me, I overheard." Enoch said with a 'regretful' face.

"No, you didn't!" Luke retorted, "You sneaked up over here so you could listen!"

Enoch shrugged, "Same thing."

Luke grunted and rolled his eyes.

"In any case, General, put the feelings first." Enoch advised sagely.

Kieran nudged Luke and asked, "What do you think?"

"I don't even know why you're complicating things yet the answer is obvious," Luke said flatly, "If you feel you're not okay with how things are currently, then you just have to figure out what it is you really want. Do you want to keep seeing her?"

Kieran closed his eyes, "I shouldn't," he said, with strain.

Enoch snapped his fingers, "There's the real problem."

Luke looked up at Enoch and said, "He's just weighing should and want."

"He's just weighing should and want." Enoch agreed, nodding his head fervently.

"Kieran, the answer I need from you is either yes, I want to keep seeing her, or no, I don't want to keep seeing her," Luke said to his best friend, "So which is it? Do you want to?"

Kieran nibbled on his bottom lip tensely, "I shouldn't." He repeated.

Enoch and Luke hung their heads lifelessly.
The latter looked up at the former and said, "He doesn't know what he wants."

"He doesn't know what he wants." Enoch agreed, nodding his head solemnly.

"Kieran," Luke laid a hand on his General's shoulder and looked him straight in the eyes, "You have to figure it out, okay? Only when you do, will you be able to solve this dilemma."

***** ***** ***** *****

They arrived in Elgarthar empire in the middle of the day, and they had to mask their faces with scarves so they couldn't be recognised. Jethro helped them sneak past the border with some help from a few acquaintances of his, one of them a security guard. From the complicated hand signs they exchanged, it was clear he was a member of the Fraternity.

Elgarthar empire was a place of many cities and towns, and it was about five times the size of Rievelt. The Eluder had been spotted in the city of Elrah, the first city they crossed into when they moved into the empire.
They left their horses with yet another friend of Jethro's, who lived alone on a barn just outside the city.

Jethro then escorted them into the city, and they footed to one of the Fraternity's bases. It was located in the busy and noisy market place, in the underground of a garments stall and shop. The shop owner was an ally of the Fraternity. He carried out his business as usual upstairs while the spies carried out their business underground.

In the base was the meeting room, the dorm, and a separate bed chamber for VIPs, who were higher ups or commanders within the fraternity. The commander of that particular base was referred to as 'Nine', since code names of commanders were numbers.

Like Jethro, Nine was dressed entirely in black, and he wore his baldric diagonally across his torso, two swords secured in it at the back. He welcomed Luke's party into the meeting room, where he briefed them about the current situation on the Eluder, in English.
Kieran could speak the native language of Elgarthar, but Luke wasn't well versed with it so they discussed in English.

"We're aware of his hideout, but he's surrounded himself with friends on all sides. You won't be able to get him without your identities being revealed," Nine said, gazing between Kieran and Luke as he leaned over the table on his hands, "Which is why we've devised a plan B."

"I'm listening." said Luke.

"We've acquired information that the Eluder is planning to strike the Emperor's vault tomorrow night."

Luke banged his fist on the table angrily, "Dammit, he's at it again!"

"As you are well aware, the Emperor has palaces in each city of Elgarthar, although smaller and less magnificent than the main one in the capital," said Nine, "The Emperor is in Elrah to celebrate a city festival the day after tomorrow. He is throwing a banquet in the palace tomorrow night as an Eve party."

"But that means security will especially be tight at the palace tomorrow, since they'll be a lot of people attending," Kieran said in confusion, "How will the Eluder get past it?"

Nine stood, discarding his leaning position, and lifted his goateed chin, a smug look on his face.
"The Eluder strongly depends on his talent to make fast acquaintances, and convince others to cross to his side. We know that he is directly in cahoots with a handful of the palace guards, including those guarding the vault," said Nine, "Except he doesn't know that the guards stationed at the vault swore allegiance to the Fraternity before he got into dealings with them. He's late by a few years."

Enoch's jaw dropped, while Kieran and Luke smirked.

"My mind is blown," said Enoch.

"They don't call it the most elite spy network in the world for nothing," Luke said, fascinated by the vast connections.

"What can I say?" Nine shrugged, "The Emperor's been our secret client for years. This information is confidential, though. You take it only to your graves. I'm only sharing this with you for the benefit of your mission, and because you're special friends of the governor."

Luke nodded grimly, "We understand completely," he said, "What happens in Elgarthar, stays in Elgarthar."

"Alright," Nine said, and with his fists on the table, leaned in once more, "So here's the plan. We'll help you sneak into the palace tomorrow night. There's going to be a grand traditional dance right after the feast, in the throne room. A lot of clapping, jumping and skipping, won't miss it.

The Eluder plans on sneaking into the vault in the middle of that dance, so you have to get your timing right. Once Jethro gets you to the vault, you have to fake a scuffle with the guards there, knock them out so the Eluder won't think he was betrayed. We like to keep our identities a secret, you see."

"Of course. We get that," said Kieran.

"How you seize and capture the Eluder from then on is all up to you," Nine said, "You may hold him captive in this base until you deliver him wherever you please."

Luke nodded, "It's a good plan."

"Agreed," Kieran said, and routinely bumped forearms with Luke, neither looking at each other.

That night, Luke occupied the commander's bed chamber while the rest took up the dorm, and the shopkeeper was in charge of ordering them food, and baths.

***** ***** *****

Of course Luke, being Luke, couldn't stay still in one small space doing nothing for literally the whole day, so he advocated for them to at least take a stroll in the city. Jethro and Enoch moved together while Kieran and Luke moved together. They still had to mask their faces though, so they designed their scarves in a way that covered their heads and wrapped slightly around their noses and mouths at the same time, leaving only the eyes visible.

And when Kieran told Luke he was behaving just like Aira, he would have none of it.

"She just wanders off however she pleases," Luke said as they walked through the crowded market place. It was noisier and busier than Rievelt, with stall owners shouting prices for their items left and right, literally competing over who could holler the loudest.

Once every 10 seconds, a little boy would try to pull either of them to a stall he worked at, or a little girl would ask them to buy tomatoes, which she carried on a basket on her head.

"At least I tell people where I'm going," Luke added, "No, I don't want to buy tomatoes. Me and that gremlin are nothing alike- I said, no, little girl- How dare you even compare me to her?- Okay, tugging at my trousers won't make me want to buy your tomatoes, so go look for someone else, okay?"
He sighed and looked up at Kieran, "What was I saying?"

"How you are like my sister in many ways."

"Ah, yes." Luke said and palmed his forehead, "I mean no! Where do you even see the similarity? Clearly I am..."

Kieran shook his head as he listened to Luke rant about what he was and what Aira wasn't.

Up ahead was a clothes stall, and all sorts of women's wear were piled on the wide table. A customer was holding up a white and pink shawl, and it reminded Kieran of the dance outfit Elena had worn on Anne's engagement; and how she had danced so happily that day.

He smiled at the memory. The customer who was holding up the shawl did so in such a way that the shawl blocked her from his view. That is, until she lowered the cloth and Kieran froze in his tracks.


Kieran's eyes widened as he saw her smile and chat animatedly with the vendor, who rummaged through her pile of clothes and offered her another shawl.

He had gone crazy. He had been thinking about her too much to the point that he was now hallucinating her in places he wouldn't expect her to be. He was crazy.

"....but why did you stop?" Luke asked Kieran, and noticing he was in a shocked state, followed his stare. And he too, was shocked.
"What is Elena Rivera doing here?" Luke asked in surprise.

Kieran looked at his companion, eyebrows arched so high, they could have crossed into his hairline, "You see her too?"

***** ***** *****
Elena ended up purchasing a white shawl with small green leaf patterns scattered on it. She wrapped it loosely over her head and shoulders, and smiled down at herself, then looked around for Mara and her mother. Anne was at Javanmoore Manor, as according to Rievelt culture, the bride had to stay in her in-laws house after the engagement ceremony to get acquainted with them and their ways.

"Where have they gone to?" She asked herself, and began walking straight, keeping an eye out for them.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her by the wrist, and in one swift motion, she was pulled into a narrow alley and found herself back against the wall, caged in by two masculine arms on her either side. He heart thundered in her chest as she faced a pair of glaring yet questioning blue-green eyes, his masked self making him appear more intimidating.
She was going to scream in fright, until he pulled down the cloth covering his nose and mouth.

"It's me." He said in a husky whisper.

Elena blinked, and studied her future husband's face in recognition. She then breathed out a sigh of relief.
"J-J-General," she stammered, and he smiled fondly at her.

"It really is you," he confirmed. Her hunched up shoulders visibly relaxed, but she still had a surprised look on her face; her lips parted and eyes wide. A strand of hair fell over her eye, and he had the urge to brush it back from her face, so he could gaze clearly into her pretty blue eyes. She was just too cute.

Luke cleared his throat loudly, reminding Kieran that he wasn't alone. Kieran slid his hands off the wall and stepped back from Elena.

Luke smirked at the lady,
"Hello Lady Elena; I don't think we've formally met. I'm Crown Prince Lukas Forsyth. But you can call me sire, or your highness. Whichever's good."

Elena recognised him at once since he had taken down his mask, and curtsied before him,
"Your highness," she said, her head bowed, "It's an honor."

"Well it's a pleasure for me to finally meet my best friend's future wife," Luke said, "Although the circumstances are very strange. Tell us why you are in Elgarthar, Elena."

"Oh.." Elena stood straight and clasped her hands together, "We were invited here to celebrate the Elrah city festival. My parents are friends of the Emperor."

"That means you are here with your family." Kieran mused.

Elena nodded and smiled, "Yes, a part from Anne. We arrived late last night, and are currently staying at the palace."

The two men exchanged glances.

"You'll be attending the Emperor's Eve party tonight?" Kieran asked.

"Yes!" Elena replied, clearly excited about it, "Will you be attending as well? Is that why you too, are in Elgarthar?"

The two men looked at each other and had a telepathic conversation on what to tell her.

"Kieran and I are here on business," Luke replied, "We're on a mission, so it's not exactly a leisure visit."

"Oh," Elena said an looked at the ground in slight disappointment, "That is too bad. It would have been nice if you had celebrated with my family. They would have been happy at the coincidence of meeting you here."

Kieran smiled, touched by her thoughts.

"Well you can't tell your family or anyone else for that matter that we're here," Luke said, undertaking a serious tone, "It's a secret mission, you see."

"Lukas is right," Kieran said, crossing his arms over his chest, "As much as I would love to surprise your family, I cannot. So keep our meeting a secret between us, alright? Exposing our identities might compromise our mission."

She pursed her lips and furrowed her eyebrows, setting her face in a grim expression, and her nose wrinkled.  Kieran thought she looked like a rabbit when she did that, and bit back a smile.

"You can count on my silence, General." She said with as much seriousness as she could muster.

Before he could reply, a shrill voice called Elena's name, and she turned to peer outside the alley.
"That's my mother," she said, "I need to get going before she gets worr-" she turned back round and found no one in sight. Kieran and Luke had already disappeared, probably sped off into the other street on the other side of the alley.

"So fast..." she said to herself, and her mother screamed her name frantically again.
"Mother, I'm here!" Elena replied, rushing out into the street.

***** ***** ***** *****

To blend in at the Eve party, Kieran, Luke and Jethro disguised themselves as guests, and dressed up in suits like other guests did. They wore long sleeved knee length jackets with band collars and centre front openings, over tunics and fitted pants. They also wore head dresses that could be designed in any fashion and covered their hair, as well as scarves that masked their nose and mouths, wrapped snuggly around them.

With some help from Nine acting as a distraction for the guards, they sneaked into the palace that night and mingled with the other guests. It was easy to move within the palace halls without anyone being bothered by them, since there were so many people all over the place, and it was not uncommon for people in Elagarthar to mask part of their faces, men and women alike.

The designated banquet hall was the throne room. It had no chairs, but rather had rich embellished rugs and carpets scattered all over, on which the guests sat with their ankles crossed. Those eating did so at short legged tables, and feasted sharing the same platters of food, using their hands.

Some men wore fashionable head dresses, while others wore scarves draped over their heads, and wrapped their noses and mouths. And some didn't wear any head gear. The women either wore stylish harem pants with blouses that exposed the midriff, or long pleated and embroidered skirts with the same type of blouses. Some women wore lavish cloths over their heads that cascaded all the way to the back of their knees, and others tied a sheer piece of cloth over their noses and mouths.

Kieran's party sat in an isolated position from the rest of the merry crowd, but was able to get some food and rice wine courtesy of the hospitality of the people. The festivity was all about generosity and celebration. Some women placed it at their table and brought water to wash their hands, and wished them a happy feast.

The food was terribly spicy.

"I can never get used to the food in Elgarthar," Kieran said, and hastily downed a cup of rice wine to cool his flaming taste buds.

Luke, on the other hand, was licking his fingers one at a time.
"You are such a wuss," he said, "This is just the right amount of spice." He added gleefully.

Kieran had been trying to locate Elena the entire time, but there were just too many people moving all over the place.
The Emperor usually dined in a separate room from the invited guests, so Kieran guessed that the Riveras were probably with him.

The women later returned to pour water for them to wash their hands and clear the table, and departed carrying the platter, the wine left behind.

"It's nearly time for the traditional dance." Jethro said and gesttured to the east.
Kieran and Luke saw that the Emperor had arrived, by the gold coloured palanquin being ported by big muscular men, wearing nothing but gold coloured harem pants, fitting at the ankles, and silver vambraces. They set the palanquin in front of the throne, and the Emperor, clad in a long sleeved red and gold trimmed pelisson robe, climbed up the steps to his throne and sat down. His crown was more of a wide hat, with strings of tiny beads dangling down from the top.

It was at this point that they heard the thunder of drums being struck.

"Hail the Emperor!" One of his escorts proclaimed in the native tongue, and everyone in the room echoed the same, pumping their left fists up in the air.
They did not stop shouting, and the drums only grew louder and faster, as the men gathered to the centre of the hall.
They formed well spaced and organised queues, and began to dance.

Aside from the fast rumble of the drums, Kieran heard the deep voices of the men start to sing in unison, in their native tongue. He had heard this song before, and seen this dance before. It was a song of praise about the empire of Elgarthar, it's cities and its people. It also spoke about it's conquering armies.

The men danced with their shoulders and shuffled their feet accordingly, and were soon joined by the women on the second verse. The women sang and danced along, swaying their hips and moving their hands in a gliding motion in the air.

Even though it wasn't his first time to witness this traditional dance, Kieran was always amazed at how so many people would dance in such uniformity, and so smoothly at that.

"We better get moving," Jethro suggested, "We're the only ones not dancing."

The way to the vault was in a corner on the other side of the hall, so they had to move through the dancing crowd.

"Follow my lead," Jethro stood up and made his way to the crowd while shaking his shoulders, like the other men were doing. Kieran and Luke followed, Kieran a little awkwardly, and mingled with the dancing crowd. It was not difficult to catch on to the dance movements and steps, since it was a repetitive routine.

"This is fun!" Luke shouted over the loud singing, vigorously shaking his shoulders and nodding his head.

"You look like you're really into it!" Kieran yelled back, dancing a lot less wildly than Luke. He bent and stamped his feet when everyone else did, and rose up to glide his hands in the air when everyone else did.
As he shuffled his feet to match the pace of the people around him, he finally spotted Elena.

She was wearing a dark purple two piece outfit, consisting of stylish harem pants fastened at the ankles, and a cord of hanging gold sequins sewn onto the waist band; as well as a short sleeved fitting blouse with a similar cord of sequins sewn onto the neckline. Instead of her trade mark flowers, she wore a golden chain round her head, with a kundan stone ornament hanging down the middle of her forehead.

She was dancing and singing along with such vibrancy, the brilliant smile on her face showing that she was clearly enjoying herself, as well as being with the people around her. Her elation was contagious, but he only needed to see that she was happy, so he could be happy.

Suddenly, the dance broke into a frenzy. Everyone started to do their own thing, and some people started linking arms and skipping around together. Elena joined hands with a circle of ladies, and they skipped around in the circle, singing as they went.

"Time to go!" Luke yelled to Kieran as he linked arms with a random man and skipped one round with him.

While dancing around with one person to another, the three of them finally made it out of the dancing frenzy and to the corner of the hall, where there was a sloping passageway.
"I'll check it out first." Jethro said and moved through the passage way.

Kieran looked back at the crowd and noticed that someone had taken Elena away from the dancing people. He was a tall buff man wearing a green suit and poulaine shoes, with thick black hair. What irritated Kieran was that he was holding Elena's hands as he faced her, and the way he was looking at her; his eyes lingering alternatively between her exposed midriff and neckline.

The man bent his head to kiss her hands, and Kieran saw what looked like a tattoo of a dagger with a ragged blade on the side of his neck. There was something about this scene that made Kieran angry, and he stepped forward, ready to march to the man and pry him off her. Except he was stopped by Luke, who held him back by the shoulder.

"What are you doing! Let's go!" Luke said urgently.

"Elena is..." Kieran hissed, his eyes still burning holes into the man with Elena. He was talking to her now, but still held her hands.
Kieran flexed his fingers, balling them into tight fists.

"Kieran, the mission!" Luke stressed, "The Eluder's already here!"

Kieran clenched his jaw in frustration, and Luke did not wait for him to make up his mind. He grabbed his General by the collar and forced him through the passage with him.

Author's rambling.
DESCRIPTION!!!!!- My mortal enemy!
Ugh. I spent daaaaays thinking about this entire 'Capture the Eluder' plan and hopefully those serious parts weren't too boring.
Hats off to authors who write adventure and spy novels because I could never!! The genre's to difficult to think about and write.

Any who, don't forget to vote and share this story! Thank you!

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