Chapter Forty-one

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Kieran brought his horse to a halt in Hammedatha Compound and looked down at the sleeping beauty, her head resting in his shoulder.

“Elena,” he called softly, giving her a nudge.

“Where are the trees?” she mumbled her reply, her eyes opening halfway before shutting again.

“Trees for what?” he asked.

Her head nuzzled his shoulder. “Bring them so we can make the bird coop,” she mumbled.

Kieran smiled. He had expected her to be in shock after the rescue, but she had drifted off into a deep sleep the moment he shared his horse with her, and here she was, dreaming about…hens?

She was one brave girl.

He nudged her again. “Elena, wake up.”

Her head jerked up, but her eyes were half-lidded as she peered at him. “Sir, it is your turn to saw now.” Her head lolled back as her eyes glazed over. “Bring me muh cooktoo….”

Kieran chuckled, his hand gently pressing her head against his chest.

Aaron walked up to the horse just in time to help.

Joshua dismounted and upon turning to his left, witnessed Aaron receive a half-asleep Elena in his arms, one hand round her back and the other under her knees.

“She’s surprisingly heavy,” Aaron noted, and his hair was yanked by Elena.

Joshua laughed with Kieran, who dismounted as well.

Elena pulled Aaron’s hair again and he winced, his neck bent in an uncomfortable angle. “Why, Sir Peacock, such soft feathers you have.”

Aaron gave Kieran a begging look. “Please take her for proper rest.”

“Of course, milord,” Kieran obliged, amused, and received his betrothed from Aaron.

His betrothed.

Why did it feel strange when Joshua said it in is head?

Sighing, he looked back at his horse just as a stable hand arrived to take it.

Except his eyes still found their way to Kieran and Elena. His brother Kieran, whom he treasured so much, was looking at Elena like she was his only treasure.

“I think love’s finally arrived, brother.”

It was Ray who whispered to him.

Joshua watched as Kieran started walking towards the house.

“And if it’s not having the heart to take an arrow for someone else, then I don’t know what it is.”

Joshua remained silent at Ray’s declaration.

The two of them had exited the Demir House just in time to witness how Elena had swapped positions with Kieran right before the couple narrowly escaped a hit, and Kieran fired an arrow at the attacker. They’d thought it coincidental until Luke said otherwise.

“Listen, Joshua,” Ray said, a pensive note to his voice. “I don’t think we should keep trying to keep them apart. I like seeing the two of them together and I would like for them to be happy together.”

“But Kieran-”

“Kieran will accept her love,” Ray cut in and sighed. “If she loves him, then I can only hope that he feels the same way about her.”

Joshua turned to his brother. “Ray-”

“I’m sorry, Josh.” Ray gave him a wry smile. “I don’t want to see sister-in-law hurt – especially not by our brother.”


Kieran was taking Elena to Aira’s bed-chamber.

“Kieran?” she whispered.


“The birds are eshcapin.”

Kieran held back a laugh as he looked down at her half-conscious form, her eyes opening a bit then closing every now and then. “Are they now?”

“Gather  'em n’ bring muh cooktoo,” she mumbled.

“I don’t think I can bring them back, Elena,” Kieran said, playing along. “Especially not your cockatoo.”

A tiny fist hit his chest, its impact weak and unfelt. “Ask Sir Peacock then.”

“Sir Peacock?”

“His feathers will flock and frap frelin’ tot the birds to you like a swoosh.”


Kieran couldn’t even think of asking her to repeat that sentence.

Once in Aira’s bed-chamber, Kieran struggled to make her sit instead of lie down.

“Why!” she whined, throwing her body back, but he pulled her arms to hold her in a sitting position.

“You need a bath,” he reasoned.

Her head lolled forward, her face folded as she mewled, “Jusht bathe me.”

Kieran smiled and dropped to a crouch infront of her. “You can only make such demands of me once we are married.”

She sniffed, whimpered and made what seemed like sobbing sounds. In the next second, her forehead slumped on his shoulder, and she was quiet.

Kieran sighed. “Elena, wake up.” He pushed her back by the arms and shook her, gently.

Her eyes opened, halfway, and she squinted at him. “Krish?”

He’d never understood the meaning of ‘drunk with sleep’ until her.

“Croonai Krish?” she said again.

“What language is that? What does Croonai Krish mean?”

She frowned. “Jyu shtupad,” she said.

Her hand slid to the side of his neck and she leaned in, planting a lingering kiss on his cheek.

It caught him completely off guard. He stared at her wide eyed as she grinned a grin so wide, then giggled behind her hands as if she’d just done something naughty.

“Croonai,” she said before just the whites of her eyes, now bloodshot from sleep, were visible and she collapsed back on the bed.


Elena snuggled deeper into the softness she was feeling, her arms holding onto it tighter. She breathed in and exhaled through her nose, savoring the warmth and comfort.

She felt something in her hair; a motion quite soothing. As she regained her senses, she realized someone was stroking her hair.

She opened her eyes and looked up, and found herself looking at a person she didn’t expect to see.

“Mara?” her voice was hoarse.

Her sister smiled. “Good morning, sister-mine. Finally up, are we?”

So it was Mara’s bossom she’d been snuggling in.

Elena sat up and rubbed her eyes. “What are you doing in my bed? Did you have a bad dream? Want to talk about it?”

“This is not your bed, but Aira’s bed,” Mara informed. “And I did not have a bad dream.” Her voice lowered. “But I am sorry for the bad dream I put you through yesterday.”

Elena looked at her, confused. “What are you talking…”

Then it all came back to her. The bald man drugging her, being held captive and…Kieran.

He had made her head captor, the Prince, apologise to her on his knees. Only she had been much too drowsy to remember the entire apology, and had only wished to quickly fall asleep at the time.

“Oh,” Elena drawled.

Mara took Elena’s hands in hers and looked at her with repetant eyes.

The words poured out of her mouth like a waterfall. “I shouldn’t have left you alone, Elena. I didn’t mean to be away from you for so long. If I had just been a good sister and stayed by your side, then none of this would have happened. I would have taken care of you. You know that, right? I wouldn’t have let them take you.”

Elena was nodding all the while. “Yes. I know, I know. But I’m right here with you now, aren’t I?”

Mara pouted and hugged her tightly. “I’m so relieved you’re back.”

Elena patted her sister’s back. “You must have gone through a lot because of me.”

She felt Mara nod, and heard a sniffle from her. “I was so worried.”

Elena smiled. “Well, I’m sorry I made you worry.”

“Yes, you are a bad sister,” Mara muttered, causing Elena to giggle.

“Looks like I’m interrupting a moment.”

The sisters pulled apart at the sound of Aira’s voice. She’d just walked in, holding a breakfast bed tray.

Elena’s countenance shone when she saw the breakfast. She hadn’t eaten anything since the previous morning. “We forgive you since you are carrying food.”

“Mara showed up here first thing in the morning,” said Aira as she settled the tray table infront of Elena, over her laps. “Found her in my bed when I came back from morning training.”

Elena was busy ogling the omelette and gingerbread cakes on the plates, and then noticed a folded piece of paper on the tray table, next to the cup of milk.

“Oh, that’s from Kieran,” Aira said, having noticed Elena’s line of vision. “Told me to pass it to you since he wouldn’t be able to see you this morn.”

“Is he not around?” Elena asked, and she swatted Mara’s hand that had been wandering towards the gingerbread.

Aira offered her a sympathetic smile. “Won’t be, for about ten days.”

Elena’s heart sank.

“He went with my brothers and pint-size to Rahandi to deliver prince Jairah,” Aira explained. “There's going to be quite the discussion, as he’s the one who was behind your kidnapping.”

“Oh.” Elena nodded as everything started to make sense. She guessed the Prince must have been the master after all. The question was, why would a prince need to kidnap her? Plus, she was still curious about how Kieran got to know where she’d been held captive.

“I know you must have some questions,” Aira said as if she’d read her mind. “Well, maybe the answers are in that letter.”

Elena quickly picked up the letter and opened it. Mara leaned in, curious as well.

“Well!” Aira sighed. “By the law of my brothers, I’m not supposed to know some stuff about this whole ordeal so I’ll get going now.”

Elena looked up and gave her a sincere smile. “Thank you for everything, Aira. For the rescue, the bed, the clothes and the breakfast.”

Aira smiled back and nodded before leaving the room. Elena’s gaze scrutinized the letter.

Good morning, Elena.

I’m sorry I am unable to see you when you wake up, and even sadder that I will not see you for longer; maybe ten days.

I’m sorry for yesterday.

I cannot go into details, but I am sorry you had to be pulled into this spat between Prince Jairah and me; truly am. It was not fair for you to be punished for misunderstandings of the past, and once I return, I promise to explain everything.

For now, I wish you rest well and that you return to your perky self.

P.S.  I left specific orders to the kitchen staff to make you omelette and gingerbread for breakfast. Did they?

They. Better. Have.

Yours Always,
Kieran H.

“Well that doesn’t answer any questions,” Mara noted, her eyes on the letter. “But he did promise to talk after he returns.”

Elena merely sighed.


One afternoon found Elena receiving a visit from a person she never imagined would pay her one – Princess Debra.

“You look quite surprised to see me,” Princess Debra said, walking into the bed-chamber.

Elena swiftly closed her gaping mouth and stood up from her bed to curtsy. “I was not expecting you, your highness.”

Debra offered her a smile. “You may sit.”

Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, Elena complied.

“After what you went through a few days ago, I just couldn’t sit still.” It was the sincerity in Princess Debra’s unnaturally soft tone that surprised Elena.

The princess sat down on the bed beside her and gave her an apologetic look. “Especially with the knowledge that I was partly the cause of it.”

Elena was about to ask her what she meant when the princess took Elena’s hands and gushed, “I know Jairah was angry about Kieran and me being lovers but he shouldn’t have come after you. He had no right.”

Elena blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of the sentence. “I am sorry, I do not quite follow.”

Princess Debra knitted her eyebrows. “You mean…Kieran didn’t tell you?”

Elena had a bad feeling about whatever words the princess would say to make her statement make sense.

She let out a nervous laugh. “I had some questions about the whole ordeal, but Kieran said we would talk after he returned.”

“Oh,” Princess Debra said, although she didn’t seem surprised. “Then oops. Looks like my tongue slipped.”

Elena looked down at her hands, wondering why her highness was still holding on to them.

“Listen, Elena. Jairah kidnapped you because he found out Kieran was in an intimate relationship with me.”

Elena’s eyes flicked to the princess’ instantly. “Wuh…what?”

Princess Debra wore her apologetic face again. “It happened two years ago and Jairah was just…simply obsessed with me. He is delusional and had some fantasy about us being together. He thought he would exchange you for me, but Kieran wouldn’t let that happen. There is no way he would give me up to that psychopath.”

Elena’s mind went foggy, and the need to throw up consumed her. Releasing her hands from the princess’ helped a little.

“Are you alright?” Her highness asked, her tone laced with concern. “You look paler than usual.”

Elena managed to force a smile and a small laugh as well, despite being on the verge of a panic attack. “I am just…overwhelmed.”

Princess Debra jutted out her bottom lip in a pout. “I can imagine,” she said. “And I do feel guilty. Not about Kieran and me – those were the most passionate times of my life – but about you having to suffer because of it.”

Elena looked into the princess’ smoke grey eyes and finally realized that they held no remorse…or compassion.

She looked away from her. “If you have finished saying what it is you came here to say, you may leave, your highness.”

With a shrug, Princess Debra stood up. “As you wish, my lady.”

Elena only heard the clank of her boots and the sound of the doors shutting as proof of her departure.

She didn’t know which emotion she felt greater – the irritation at the way the princess behaved towards her, or the unhappiness at finding out that she was once Kieran’s lover.

Well, at least now she knew why Princess Debra had always been terrible to her.


Elena was upset. So upset that it took longer than normal to fall asleep that night. The good news was that her kidnapping finally made sense. The bad news was she ended up discovering something she did not like one bit.

…he found out Kieran was in an intimate relationship with me.”

It was funny how it was always Princess Debra’s words that haunted her. First, it was the statement that she did not belong with Kieran or in the Hammedatha family; and now the statement that Kieran and her highness were lovers.

Had been lovers.

It was in the past. They wouldn’t still harbour feelings for each other, would they?

The thought of it made her head spin.

She thought about all the times she’d seen the princess with Kieran; how close they seemed and how good they looked together. She remembered thinking they would make a good match because they just fit.

Elena wrapped the covers tighter around herself.

With the way they acted, it was possible for them to still have feelings for each other. And if they did, would those feelings linger even after Kieran was married? Would he act on them and-?

Elena screamed into her pillow to block the doubts clouding her mind. She would rather not think about it, but she could not help herself.


“Are you serious!” Mara was even more shocked when Elena recounted to her what Princess Debra had said. Elena had been so troubled; she paid Mara a visit first thing in the morning, and actually woke her up for that specific purpose.

Elena wrapped her arms around one of the bed posts and leaned her head against it. “I am unhappy,” she said in a soft tone.

“Well, anyone would be after finding out such a shocking and dramatic truth!” Mara exclaimed, hopping about the bed on her knees. “I mean, his best friend’s sister? Wow!”

Elena sighed. “I should have expected it but I did not. Why am I so dumb?”

Mara narrowed her eyes at her. “You’re acting like a woman who’s just found out her husband’s been unfaithful right under nose.”

Elena inhaled sharply, and Mara’s lips parted at the realization of what she’d just said.

“Wait.” Mara sat back on her heels. “You don’t think he would-”

Elena let out a cry that resembled a moan of a dying elk. If Mara completed that sentence, her heart would ache more than it already did.

“Well, it’s not impossible,” Mara said. “And it’s also possible that it’s already happened.”

“Mara!” Elena whined, horror blanketing her face.

“I’m just speculating.”  Mara defended herself. “But Elena, do you really think he can do that to you?”


“I mean, let’s not look at Kieran and Debra. Let’s look at Kieran,” Mara said. “Depending on your perception of him, do you think he’s the kind of person to…you know?”

Elena blinked and stared at her sister. “I…”

“Do you not trust him?”

And instantly, she found it a silly question.

Of course she trusted him!

He was a man who would not go back on his word; who attached a great deal of importance to promises. He was the type to remain loyal to whatever or whomever he treasured; his family, the Crown Prince, her.

He treasured her – she was sure of it. And if he omitted to tell her about his past relationship with the princess, it must have been for a good reason. Maybe he thought it was insignificant and didn’t matter, or he just didn’t want her to over think – like how she’d been doing.

Either way, she still preferred him to have told her sooner. Then maybe she wouldn’t have had those doubts.

Elena felt like punching herself in the face. How could she even doubt him?

She groaned. “I am so stupid, Mara!”

“So you don’t trust him?”Mara sounded shocked, but quickly recovered. “It’s okay, sister. He is coming home tomorrow, right? You will just ask him then if he has feelings for the princess.”

“No, Mara. I will not ask him that.” Elena untangled herself from the bed post. The earlier dejected feeling had completely vanished. “I will go to Hammedatha Manor tomorrow evening, but only to sit and listen to what he has to say.”

Mara was blatantly confused. “But if you do not trust him, why do you suddenly seem happy?” she asked. “Your declaration of going to Hammedatha Manor sounds like you’re going to see your beloved husband whom you have been missing terribly, and not like you’re going to interrogate a suspect.”

Elena rolled her eyes. “I trust him,” she simply said, smiling.


Kieran’s party returned to Hammedatha Manor in the afternoon of the next day. They arrived bearing a load of gifts from Rahandi. Among them was its legendary liquor, and also a gift accepted only by Ray. It was extract from a Rahandi native plant said to turn one’s deepest desires into reality.

Ray knew just what to do with it – bake some cakes with it and gobble them down, of course!

“I don’t know about this, sir,” the maid Sophie said when Ray brought the vial to her in the main kitchen. “It sounds just like one of those plants that give you hallucinations.”

“It’s not dangerous at all, Sophie,” Ray assured. “The hunchback in the black cloak who gave this to me was very convincing.”

Sophie looked horrified.

Ray let out a loud laugh. “I only kid, dear Sophie. It was a cousin to Crown Prince Rukh who gave this to me. Very quiet chap, but he sure knows how to party, huh?"

In spite of his wide grin, Sophie still frowned with uncertainty. “I am unsure about the effects. What if it is like that devil’s trumpet plant?”

“Will you just bake the cakes, Sophie? Please?” Ray pouted. “I too want to feel this ‘out of this world’ experience. They are my cakes. There will be no devils running amok here, I promise.”

Reluctantly, she agreed to bake them.

Meanwhile, Joshua and Luke were exploring the liquor, and were soon joined by Aaron and Ray. It basically turned into a drinking party, and they were drunk before they knew it.

“This is really strong rum,” Aaron noted, aware of how light headed he was feeling. He placed his chalice on the stool infront of him, resolving to not drink anymore.

“Hey Aaron! What what what what gives?” Ray slurred. “Putting it down like like, like you’re done?”

“He’s always been a killjoy.” Joshua scoffed and gulped from his chalice.


Sophie had placed the four small gingerbread cakes on a plate and left them on a kitchen counter to cool. After bringing out the rice for sorting, she proceeded to go and call the cakes’ owner to come and pick them.

She had just left when Kieran walked in, hoping to order for some snacks. He frowned when he didn’t find anyone, but he did spot the cakes on one of the counters.

“I was in the mood for pork buns…” he muttered to himself, but still picked a gingerbread cake and took a bite. He found that it tasted quite good, so he took another monstrous bite, finishing it all in one go.

'No wonder Elena likes these so much.' He thought with appreciation and picked up the plate.

They would have to do as his snack.

On his way out, he met one of the maids, who bowed in greeting. He nodded and picked up another cake, biting into it as he moved towards the foyer.

An irritated Sophie marched back into the kitchen. “He told me to bake these cakes, and then he went and started drinking,” she complained. “Now he can’t have the cakes anymore lest he poisons himself.”

With a groan, she stalked to the kitchen counter and was shocked to find the plate of cakes missing. “Where are the cakes!”

“What cakes?” the maid inside the kitchen asked, pausing her rice sorting.

“I left some cakes right over here. They were Sir Raymond’s cakes! Did you eat them?”

The maid shook her head no. “It must have been the General. I saw him leave with some snacks earlier.”

Sophie’s jaw fell to the ground. “What!”


“You idiots are completely shitfaced,” Debra noted when she and Aira walked into the sitting room.

“Debbie!” Ray screamed, throwing his arms up in the air. He peered at her. “Are you wearing a dress?”

“Crown Prince Rukh sent her some gowns as gifts, and we were trying them out,” Aira replied happily. She touched the skirt of Debra’s turquoise dress, adorned with silver sequins. “Doesn’t she look pretty?”

Her hair, let loose, had also been adorned with small silver flower ornaments.

“Dresses are not for you,” a seemingly drowsy Luke commented. His legs were crossed over the stool infront of him, an empty rum jar locked in a fierce grip in his arms.

Joshua lolled his head back, leaning it against the top of the settee’s back rest. “They’re for Elena.”

The men snickered and hooted while Debra folded her arms, anger building up inside her.

“She would look amazing in that dress,” Ray sighed out, holding onto a cushion.

Joshua also sighed. “She would look amazing in anything.”

Ray giggled, hugging the cushion to his cheek. “That’s right, because she is my sister-in-law.” A stupid grin formed on his face.

“Mine too.” Aaron nodded.

“Mine too.” Joshua nodded.

“Mine too!” screamed Aira, and they all burst into a giggling fit.

Except Debra, of course.

She exploded. “All you talk about is Elena! It’s been just under four months since you met her yet your whole world revolves around her now! It’s like you’ve all been bewitched!”

Everyone in the room stared at her.

“But sister…” a flushed Luke said, “…Elena is enchanting.”

Another giggling fit followed, but this one turned into full blown laughter.

Debra clenched her fists, her glower specifically directed to her blockhead of a brother.

“I’m going to see Kieran,” she declared. “At least he’ll be sane.”

Aira tried to say something, but Debra turned her back on her and stomped off.

Author’s chatter:

I do not have chatter today.
Thanks for reading and don’t forget to vote!

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