Chapter Forty-two

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“Now look what you did. You upset her!” Aira admonished the men, placing her hands on her hips.

“Shut up, you squabblesome fart squirrel!” Luke shot back. “She is…she is just jealous. A bit green in the eyes, is all.”

Aira was agape. “Fffffffart squirrel!” she echoed. “Did you just call me a skunk? Huh? You red-arsed bullfrog!”

Aaron groaned as the insult battle sparked off. He would have scolded Aira for her language, but he was more interested in Joshua’s behavior at the moment.

He looked at his brother, who was sitting next to him on the settee, an empty rum jar tucked protectively under his armpit. He could barely keep his eyes open; and mumbled gibberish every now and then.

“I see you’ve finally warmed up to Elena, judging by your words,” Aaron said.

Joshua’s green eyes met Aaron’s brown ones. For a moment, he didn’t say anything.

“Elena’s easily found a place in every one’s hearts,” he finally spoke. “And mine...” He sniffed. “…mine is no exception.”

Aaron nodded. “I understand.”

“No, you do not,” Joshua rebutted, leaning up to prevent himself from sliding off the settee. “It is wrong, Aaron. Wrong of me to…to have these feelings.”

Aaron barely heard the last words since Joshua’s eyes fluttered close, and in the next second, he was snoring lightly.

They were softly spoken, but he’d heard them. And he wasn’t all that surprised.


Kieran was in his study, going through some paperwork that had piled up over the last ten days; but something was amiss. Sometimes the words were blurry, and other times, they were magnified.

He rubbed his eyes.

Did he need to have his eyes checked? And end up wearing eye-glasses like Joshua?

Bloody abyss no.

“My eyes are fine,” he told himself and picked up the file.

The words were dancing.

Maybe he was just tired. It was a long trip, and he needed to have a good rest so he could see Elena early the next day. He would tell her about Debra, and maybe some other things he omitted to reveal about his past. He hoped she would accept him all the same.

He’d longed for her for far too long.

“Of course you’d be working while everyone else is having a liquor party.”

Why did that sound like Elena’s voice?

He looked up, and his eyes tried to focus on the blurry image before him. He made out a turquoise dress with sequins adorned on the skirt, the bodice fitting with off shoulder sleeves. It was definitely something she would wear.

He tried to focus on the face, and finally the fog cleared, and he saw dark wavy hair falling down her shoulders to the waist, decorated with silver flower ornaments. Deep blue eyes stared back at him, her pink lips quirked into a smile. The evening sun rays made the sequins and hair ornaments dazzle, effecting a glow upon her.

His heart leaped. “You’re here…”


Elena had just arrived at Hammedatha Manor, and was informed by one of the servants that Kieran was most likely in his private study.

She had not had the time to make crispels for him, but managed to grab some pork buns along the way.

Happily, she walked into the foyer and instead took the staircase north, so she would arrive quicker at the study.


“Yes. I’m here, Kieran,” Debra replied, crossing her arms over her chest. “Your brothers and oh-so-lovely best friend were annoying me so I came up here.”

Kieran stood up from his desk, his facial expression somewhat dazed.

“Are you okay?” Debra asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Never been better,” he replied, walking round the side of his desk.

His fingers grazed the surface of the desk as he moved to stand infront of it, his eyes never leaving her. “My desire to see you brought you to me.”

Debra raised both eyebrows. He was acting odd, and she had a strange feeling about whatever was happening. “And why exactly did you wish to see me?”

Kieran walked steadily towards her until he was standing right infront of her.

His gaze was giving her butterflies.

“Because I wanted to touch you again,” he replied, and her eyes went wide.

Again? Like in the past?

His hand slipped to the side of her neck, his thumb caressing her jawline. Her heart beat picked up, but amidst her excitement was also confusion.

“Kieran, what are you-”

“And I want to kiss you.”

The statement made her heart skip a beat. She noticed his gaze fall to her lips, and his thumb brushed one corner of her bottom lip.

“Please?” he whispered, and she could have melted right there and then.

He leaned in, and a rush of mixed emotions waved through her.

Disbelief, excitement, anticipation.

And then he kissed her.

The butterflies exploded everywhere, she thought the intensity of it all would kill her.

His lips moved against hers in a slow yet sensual manner, and her hands fisted the fabric at his chest, for fear that her knees would give away. Her mind went blank; all she could sense were his lips, the touch of his hands at her neck and waist, and all the sparks he lit in her nerves.

Her eyes were still closed when he pulled back. Once she opened them, the rest of her senses returned, and delight flooded her upon the realization that it was indeed Kieran she had kissed.

“Why…” she breathed. “…why have you never kissed me like this before?”

Instead of replying, he pulled her even closer to himself, and her  hands encircled his neck. He leaned in and kissed one corner of her lips, then below her ear, before trailing down to her neck. Her eyes fluttered close again as she allowed herself to feel everything he gave.


Elena was walking in the hallway, steadily approaching Kieran’s private study. The pork buns were wrapped in paper, but she’d wrapped them again in her shawl which she’d secured in a knot, and was carrying the package in her hand by that knot.

She smiled when she saw the entrance to his study, but then noticed the doors were half-open.

Did he have a visitor? Maybe he was with any of his siblings.

Elena walked towards the half-open doors and froze. Her smile vanished in a flash, along with all the joy she’d been harbouring before she caught sight of what was happening inside the study.

Her back was to Elena, but she could tell by the blonde hair and figure that it was Princess Debra whom Kieran was embracing. An arm was around her waist, holding her against him while his lips caressed her neck. Her arms were round his neck, one hand fixed in his hair.

Elena shuffled back from the doors, and suddenly suffered shortness of breath. She turned away, for she could not bear the sight any longer, and leaned against the wall adjacent to the doors. She needed support after the energy fled from her body.

But no. She would not stay there in the same place as them.

She pushed herself off the wall and rushed back the way she had come. Her heart felt like a boa constrictor had wrapped itself around it – crushed. She nearly knocked a maid over in her hurry to leave.

Sophie gasped upon the realization that it was Lady Elena she’d just passed in the corridor. Her state caused a premonition to befall Sophie, and she quickly moved to the General’s study.

Needless to say, she got the shock of her life when she saw him and the princess locked in quite the sensual embrace.

“Oh my goodness,” Sophie whispered against her hands covering her mouth.

“I desire you,” the General murmured. “So much, Elena.”

Sophie gasped.

It was then that Princess Debra froze, and pushed the General back. “What?”

‘This is bad,’ Sophie thought, apprehension pooling in her stomach.

General Kieran reached for her. “Elena,” he called again.

Sophie felt like uprooting her own hair, then disappearing right onto the floors. He had been hallucinating! And it was her fault. She had come to check if the General was alright and inform him of the effects of the cake, but she had not expected the situation to escalate so quickly!

She had to do something.

So she marched through the doors and into the study. “Your highness!”

The princess turned and was shocked, obviously, to find Sophie standing there.

“Forgive my intrusion, your highness but the General is intoxicated,” Sophie informed, panic eating through her flesh.

“What?” asked the Princess.

“What?” asked the General.

Sophie gushed, “He ate some cakes but what he didn’t know was that those cakes were baked with extract from a plant that’s said to turn one’s desire into a reality. He is hallucinating, your highness and his mind must be seeing you as Lady Elena.”

“What?” The General furrowed his eyebrows and rubbed his temple, shaking his head.

Princess Debra, on the other hand, looked just about ready to pounce on Sophie – massacre style. “Get out,” she hissed.

“But your highness, he is still-!”

“Get out,” Princess Debra repeated, louder.

“I think we should inform Lady Alyssa. Surely she will find a solution-”

“Are you deaf!” Princess Debra yelled, the storm in her grey eyes pelting Sophie. “I will deal with him so leave!”

Sophie scurried out of the room as though a harpy was after her.

However, based on what she’d seen earlier, she didn’t trust the princess with General Kieran – she couldn’t. So she stayed right by the wall even when the princess slammed the doors shut.

Debra turned to Kieran, who had a confused look in his face.

“What was she saying?” Kieran asked. “You’re…you’re Elena. I can see that you’re Elena.”

Debra was hurt. The other useless woman was his desire, not her.

Kieran walked over and cupped her face. “Tell me you’re Elena,” he said, gazing into her eyes.

“I…” Debra started, but the ache in her heart did not cease.

“I’m sorry, Kieran-” She held his hands and lowered them. “-but you need to sleep.”


She decked him. Hard.

He fell, and writhed about the floor. She crouched beside him, and noticing he was still conscious, thwacked him again – a knockout punch.

She sighed, running her fingers through her hair. “So you only kissed me like that because you thought I was her,” she said to his unconscious body. “You’re a jerk, Kieran.”

With that, she went and opened the study doors, and found the maid standing there, horrified.

Debra rolled her eyes.

“By the time he wakes up, the effects will have worn off,” she said and took a step closer to the maid.

She glared down at her, a threat settled in her grey eyes. “You shall not tell a soul about this incident.” Her voice was clear even when spoken through gritted teeth.

The maid gulped loudly and nodded.
Debra then pushed her aside so she could walk her way.


It was mid morning. Elena was on her way back to her bed-chamber after asking for some juice to be sent up to her room. She was not exactly in any mood to see anyone, and hadn’t talked to her family since she returned home the previous night. She was not ready to wear fake smiles just yet.

“Elena.” It was Mara’s voice, from behind her.

Elena squeezed her eyes shut, painfully.

“Well, I finally get to see you.” Her footsteps got closer.

Elena took a deep breath, put on a smile, and turned around. “Mara, I am quite tired.”

Mara stopped in her tracks, her smile dropping. “What do you mean? What’s the matter?”

Elena shrugged and hoped her voice would not give her away as she said, “Nothing is wrong.”

Mara frowned. “Last night, you didn’t come for supper and today you requested that your breakfast be sent to your bed-chamber,” she said. “And now that I finally see you, you look like you aren’t even ready for the day.” Her voice lowered. “You didn’t decorate your hair or visit your marigolds.”

“I…” A lump formed in Elena’s throat, but she laughed, lightly. “I just didn’t get enough sleep last night. Very bad dream.”

Mara was baffled. “Yet you didn’t come to my bed-chamber?”

“I’m just really tired, Mara,” Elena said, eager to escape. She started taking steps backwards. “All I need is to rest some more and I will be fine.”

“But Elena…” Mara stepped forward.

Elena hurried into her bed-chamber and shut the doors, securing the bolt.

“Elena!” Mara tried to push the doors open, but to no avail.

Devoid of energy once more, Elena collapsed on her bed.

Mara’s incessant knocking was fogged out by her own sadness and the memory of the princess in Kieran’s arms.

It hurt. It hurt badly.

She had believed that she could trust him completely; that he treasured her the same way she treasured him. All she’d gotten instead was a gaping hole that threatened to hollow out her heart.

She held onto her pillow, swallowing down the lump in her throat. She did not think she’d be able to heal, no. Not when he had been the cause of her pain.


The Crown Prince had called for a Guard’s meeting to take place in the afternoon. On his way to the meeting chamber, Kieran ran into Joshua.

“Still can’t remember?” Joshua asked as they walked side by side.

“Blank as space,” Kieran replied.

“Me too. That liquor really packed a punch.”

“See, I can understand your loss of memory, but not mine,” Kieran said. His eyebrows knitted in perplexity. “I didn’t take any liquor, yet the last thing I remember is doing some work in my study. I have no idea how I ended up on the floor with a splitting headache, and how I woke up after the sun, for goodness’ sake.”

“Yes, your case is a serious mystery,” Joshua agreed. “We need to investigate.”

Kieran nodded. “Let’s see what Lukas has to say first.”


Once everyone arrived and took their seats, Lukas remained standing, his arms crossed over his chest. He had not made eye contact with Kieran since he walked in, and his pensive demeanour made Kieran think he was either about to deliver bad news or tackle something bloody serious – with high stakes.

“I received a letter from Crown Prince Frasier of Medi this morn,” Lukas’ tone matched his grim aura. “Medi has been engaged in a losing battle the past three months. Crown Prince Frasier seeks military assistance.”

“And with whom did Medi fall out, exactly?” Kieran enquired.

Lukas seemed hesitant. And for the first time, his gaze fell upon Kieran as he replied, “The nation of Galvan.”

Kieran’s blood turned to ice, and the captains began to murmur.

From his peripheral, he noticed Joshua’s shocked gaze on him.

“The nation of Galvan, your highness?” Captain Graham echoed, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. “It has the strongest military might! Why of all places would Medi pick a fight with them?”

Lukas shut his eyes as more complaints and objections arose from the captains.

“We cannot accept this, your highness,” said Captain Harvey. “Yes, our Guard is strong, definitely, but we would not stand a chance against Galvan!”

“I agree,” said Captain Graham. “If Medi has fallen out with Galvan, it was their mistake. We cannot sacrifice our soldiers for-”

“Silence!” Lukas boomed, effectively shutting them all up.

He glowered at them all, his face hard. “You all seem to have forgotten that by treaty, Medi is a kingdom we are obliged to assist militarily,” he said, enunciating each word.

He leaned forward with his fists on the table and glared at each of the captains. “The deal was and always has been that Rievelt shall come to Medi’s rescue in battle, as long as Medi returns the favor. Battle for battle.”

Captain Harvey licked his lips. “Still, your highness, Galvan-”

“I will not become a man who breaches a treaty out of cowardice or fear of the enemy, Captain Harvey,” Lukas notified. “I do not go back on my word. You know that. All of you do.”

Captain Graham sighed. “With all due respect, your highness, we must also consider the situation at hand. And it is such that there is too much at stake here!”

“There is always something at stake.”

“The Galvan forces will crush us,” said Captain Aggrey, unwilling to concede. “It will be a miracle if even a handful of our soldiers are left.”

“If it is defeat you are worried about, I should inform you that Crown Prince Frasier has already organized the might of two other kingdoms – Aldor and J’bel,” Lukas said, assuming a standing position. “My Guard will not be fighting alone.”

Silence enveloped the room.

“What about the King’s Army?” Captain Aggrey questioned.

“The king has no part in me and Crown Prince Frasier’s relationship, and neither did his Commander have a say in the treaty I signed,” Lukas replied.

“This is my battle.” He looked between Joshua and Kieran. “The General’s battle.” He looked back at the captains. “The Guard’s battle. And we are going to do whatever it takes to take down Commander Reece…and his Galvan forces.”

Suddenly, the captains looked like something had just dawned on them. They stole glances at Kieran, who’d been silent the whole time. And they understood why.

“Commander Reece.” Captain Graham’s jaw clenched. “He is most definitely despicable.”

The other two captains nodded in agreement, and for a while, silence reigned once more as they contemplated about the past.

“General Kieran.” Captain Graham’s voice cut through the quiet.

He directed his gaze to Kieran, who was a tad surprised at being directly addressed. “We know that more than anyone else, this is your battle. Our resolve shall be whatever your orders are.”

Kieran looked at his captains. Their demeanour had changed after being reminded that it was Commander Reece who led the Galvan forces. They now looked fiercer, and their eyes burned with determination.

But more than that, they burned with perpetual loyalty.

Yes. He could definitely trust them, and trust that they would support him. He looked at his brother Joshua, and in his eyes was a reflection of his own rage.

A resolve?

“No mercy,” Kieran replied.


After the meeting, Lukas stayed behind with Kieran. The General had walked to the window and was looking out, his hands clasped behind his back.

Lukas imagined that he must have been engrossed in thoughts; thoughts of the forthcoming battle and thoughts of what had happened in the past. After all, the terrible memory from five years ago must have resurfaced, along with all the pain and anguish associated with it.

The events that had happened five years ago had affected Lukas, his Guard and the Hammedatha family a great deal. But they had affected Kieran most of all, leaving an imprint that Luke believed would never truly fade.

He did not know what else to do for Kieran a part from stand right by him.

“I’ve waited for an opportunity like this for five years, Lukas,” Kieran said, his voice a low and dangerous calm. “I must let you know; I will avenge my fallen family, even though it costs me my life.”

Luke hung his head. That was exactly what he’d feared.

Despite his fears, he snickered. “Aw, don’t be selfish, Kieran,” he said as he joined him in looking out the window. “We will avenge our fallen family, even if it costs us our lives.”

Kieran looked at him in surprise, and Lukas cocked his head towards him, a smirk on his face.

“That is what you should have said,” Lukas added.

Kieran opened his mouth and closed it, seemingly speechless.

“Why do you look so surprised?” Luke asked. “We both know that there is no way I can let you leave me behind. Just like how you can’t let me leave you behind. We move together, Kieran. Like buttocks, as Jairah said.”

Kieran chuckled at that.

Lukas planted a hand on Kieran’s shoulder and gazed at him. “I will always be by your side, Kieran. Even in the deadliest of battles.”

Kieran’s eyes softened, and he smiled.

Lukas widened his eyes, astounded. “I can’t believe it,” he said, a grin making its way across his face. “You just gave me the smile you reserve for your siblings! I can tell, because it made me feel like hugging you.”

Kieran laughed, and did not object when Lukas did, in fact, hug him.

Author’s chit-chat.

*Cue battle music*

Welcome to the intense arc, everybody. 

Ugh, I’m exhausted already. I had to take a lot of pauses while writing the Kieran and Debra scene because I…was unable to can.

But like lies, though, I kind of like Debra.

Kidding! I love her. She could be my favorite character in this entire story.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to⭐!!

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