Chapter Forty-three

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A/N: I apologise in advance for how this chapter turned out.

It was yet another dawn, and for two mornings in a row, Elena did not smile the moment she woke up. It was hard to be cheerful when pain kicked the merriness to infinity.

Still, she reminded herself that it was not the end of time. She had to get onto the recovery road sooner or later, and she chose sooner.

She tried her best to appear normal infront of her family as well as everyone in the house. She chatted and laughed with her mother at breakfast and ignored the murderous glares Mara shot her from across the table.

She attended to her marigolds, and the only true happiness came from the fact that the flowers had boomed so well, so brightly.

From the garden, she ambled into the sitting room, and was surprised to find Mara sitting with Aira. She saw two large wooden gift boxes on the table and wondered if they were gifts from the Hammedatha family.

“Good morning, Aira,” Elena greeted, walking towards the settee.

Aira looked up at her and smiled, although the smile did not reach her eyes. “Hello, Elena.”

“Aira brought us gifts from Rahandi,” Mara said in a joyous tone, but Elena noticed a slight edge to it. Something was wrong. “They’re from Crown Prince Rukh. He also apologized for his brother’s rude behaviour. I think they’re gowns.”

Elena’s attention was wholly on Aira. “You came here simply to deliver the gifts?”

“Erm, well…” Aira exchanged glances with Mara. “Not entirely. I have something important to tell you, Elena.”

Elena did not like any of what was happening. She didn’t like the lingering tension, the way Aira said those words, and the unease it effected upon her.

“I knew Kieran would not tell you, which is why I came.”

Elena felt like she needed to sit down.

Had Aira found out about Kieran and Princess Debra? Was she here to break the news of their relationship to her? Or to break…to break off their engagement?

Elena’s fingers trembled and she clenched her fists so as not to give her anxiety away. “What is it?” her voice came out as barely a whisper.

Aira stood up and looked Elena in the eyes. “The Crown Prince’s Guard is preparing to leave for battle.”

Some ounce of relief swooshed over Elena and immediately, another wave of anxiety hit her.

“Leave?” Elena was confused. “Kieran has left for battles before, right? Why would he not inform me about this one?”

“Because this is not just any battle. It has to be the toughest one yet,” Aira replied, her tone and face solemn. “We’ll be up against the forces of Galvan nation. It is literally an empire with the strongest and most brutal military strength I have ever heard of in all my fifteen years of living. Rievelt alone wouldn’t stand a chance.”

Elena pursed her lips. “What are you saying, Aira?”

“It’s going to be a combined force with three other kingdoms but I can’t be sure it will be enough.”

Elena breathed out, her heart beat increasing with each sentence Aira uttered. “So what are you saying, Aira?”

Aira glanced at Mara, who stood up and moved to Elena’s side.

“Even if this is a serious battle meant to be carried out with precision and reason, it is also a personal one for Kieran,” Aira said. “He has a score to settle with the military commander, Reece.”

“What score?” Elena asked, even though she was afraid to know.

Aira exhaled as if preparing herself to tell a tragedy. “Joshua hasn’t always been Kieran’s second-in-command,” she began. “When Kieran became General, his second-in-command and captain of the Close Combat regiment was our cousin, Ansel. Him and Kieran were very close, like actual brothers.”


“Five years ago, The Crown Prince was invited for a nine day feast in Medi. The Hammedathas were invited, but aside from Kieran and Ansel, it was only Josh, Ray, Ansel’s brother Anthony, and their father – my uncle, who went. Aaron couldn’t go because it was winter time, and his health always deteriorates during winter,” Aira continued. “During their stay in Medi, Anthony got sick. The medicine prescribed by the royal physician was out of stock, and could only be gotten from Galvan if Anthony was to recover soon.

“My uncle would not wait for the next stock to arrive, so he decided to go to Galvan, along with Ansel and a small party. He did bring back the medicine by dawn, and Anthony started to recover. What no one knew was that a day prior, the Emperor of Galvan had issued a decree, banning all foreigners from entering his nation.”

Aira paused for a while, her gaze falling to the floor. “It was on the sixth day of the feast when Commander Reece and his soldiers stormed Medi palace. It was a surprise attack which nobody had prepared for – even Kieran. Reece had made it clear he’d come for the ‘trespassers’ but of course, nothing would go down without a fight. The Medi soldiers were overwhelmed by Galvan strength, and so were my brothers.

“Reece slaughtered my uncle and Ansel for trespassing, along with whoever had accompanied them. And when he found out the reason for their trespass was to save Anthony, he slaughtered him as well. And Kieran…” Aira’s eyes became glassy and she looked up to the ceiling to compose herself. “Kieran was there when the massacre happened. Held down and suppressed by Galvan soldiers, helpless as he watched his family die at Reece’s hands.”

Elena felt numb. So numb, even Mara’s arms around her left no sense of comfort.

“My aunt could not take the news of their deaths,” Aira continued, her voice now trembling. “My mother found her one morning alone on her bed, a bowl with remnants of nightshade on her bedside table. She had poisoned herself. And just like that we…we lost one branch of the Hammedatha family.”

Elena was completely still, her limbs rendered paralysed. Mara, still with her arms around her, rested her head on Elena’s shoulder, but the sorrow and shock she experienced weighed more.

“Elena, I wanted you to know because…” Aira ran her fingers through her hair and let out a shaky breath. “…because I don’t think Kieran will be able to remain reasonable or stable in this battle. He wasn’t himself for months after the incident and with this battle, he can easily become reckless and I…” She shrugged and shook her head, unable to explain any more. “I just thought maybe you could see him before he leaves tomorrow. It’s all up to you.”

Elena opened her mouth to speak, but it was like her voice was being strangled.

If the pain she was feeling then after listening to Aira was that immense, she couldn’t even imagine his.


His axe was gargantuan. He dragged it against the snow, and the low scraping sound it elicited ignited more rage than fear within Kieran. He knew that axe was dripping with the blood of his brethren; family he’d held so dear.

“I was an executioner before I was promoted to Commander, you see.” His voice was gritty. It sounded like gravel being grated against a glacier.

Kieran was cold, and so was everything around him – the huge hand of the soldier pushing his cheek into the snow, the blood dripping from his wounds; even the combination of the three men struggling to keep him held down could not bring him warmth.

It was only his rage that did. A burning rage that clashed with the cold anguish within him; caused by the severed head lying in the snow before him, alongside a lifeless body still bleeding out from the multiple hackings.

Within his line of vision was another body lying in the snow. This one was barely alive.

“Lukas!” His throat was sore from all the yelling he’d been doing up until then, but if his voice could reach into his friend’s consciousness, then he would scream until his throat was bruised. “Lukas!”

A tiny flicker of hope sparked when the body moved and Lukas coughed, sputtering blood as he rolled to his side.

Before Kieran could shout again, more people shuffled onto the snow, and the gritty voice spoke once more.

“So this was the cause of the trespass. Such a scrawny little thing.”


“So revoltingly pale. He’s already deadweight. You should have let him succumb naturally,” the abyss’ spawn taunted. “Now I’ll have to do it for him.”

“No!” Kieran hollered. He jerked his body, fighting to writhe out of the many large hands that grasped nearly every part of him. Pain shot up from his leg, where a captor kneed into his split skin – a gash he incurred earlier. He screamed out.

“Like I said before, General. You need to deliver the message.”

As if on cue, a hand fisted his hair, bringing his head up. He winced, his neck nearly twisted from the hard swift motion.

The abyss’ spawn to whom the gritty voice belonged was now in his vision – a giant of a man to match his giant axe that now lay in the snow beside him.

His brown hair was thick, wild and tumbled over his shoulders and bulging biceps in messy waves, some locks adorned with wooden beads. His eyes were a bottomless depth of black; the same darkness reflected in his cruel grotesque smirk.

This was a man who understood no emotion apart from the pleasure of taking someone else’s life. And kneeling infront of him was his latest victim; a young boy of fifteen, who was already in sobs at the sight of his father – beheaded, and his brother – hacked to death.

“Anthony…” Kieran whispered, the cold anguish within him gaining victory over the burning rage.

But it was only momentary.

They boy did not even get to say his last words when the abyss’ spawn pushed his head back by the forehead and slowly, ran his blade across his slender throat.

“No. Foreigners. Allowed. In Galvan.” Those obsidian eyes remained on Kieran as he gritted out the words, and blood poured forth from the boy’s throat.

All Kieran could see was red. He nearly broke his own neck by thrashing relentlessly in a plight to be free of his captors.

Red Everywhere.

The snow had long lost its pure colour. It had been tainted so much that it turned into sea of blood – Hammedatha blood. A thick spillage of his bloodline, diluted only by his tears of agony and rage.


Kieran’s eyes flew open as his chest heaved with a wheeze, like he’d just been saved from drowning. His entire body was dripping with cold sweat, and in spite of that, he was shivering. He found his hands had been grasping the sheets in a death grip, and unclenched his fists.

He closed his eyes to regain his composure, and felt something warm trickle down the sides of his face. Bringing his hand up to his face, he wiped the tears from his eyes.

Five years ago, he’d had that nightmare recurring for about three months. And now, he’d had it two nights in a row. It would not stop, no. Not until he avenged his family. Not until he took their murderer’s life with his own two hands.

His rage was refueled, and it would not be relinquished until Commander Reece was sent back to the abyss.


Dressed in part armor and his royal cape, Crown Prince Lukas descended into the courtyard with Enoch by his side that morning.

“I’ll go get my horse,” Enoch said and quickly turned to shuffle away.

“Enoch.” Prince Luke’s voice was serious and firm.

Enoch halted, apprehension settling in. Prince Luke had not said anything all morning, or ushered his usual ‘dawn insults’ at Enoch, and the latter had been feeling rather tense. He knew the reason why the prince was not himself, and had hoped the topic would remain unaddressed.

“You won’t be needing your horse.”

Tough luck.

If that was the way he was planning on breaking the news, Enoch would not have it. He turned around and wore one of his goofy smiles. “So…we’re sharing?”

Prince Luke was not smiling.

“Then I’ll go get my horse.” Enoch turned around again.

“Enoch,” the prince stressed. “You are staying here.”

Enoch gritted his teeth and faced him once more. “I’m your servant. I have to go with you.”

“Not this time.”

“When have I not accompanied you for battles outside Rievelt, sire?” Enoch asked.

“This is different from all those times.” Prince Luke snarled. “This is a battle with Galvan.”

“And you got your royal arse handed to you last time.” Enoch was glaring.

Prince Luke glared back. “You did too. They-” His jaw clenched. “-they could have killed you and-”

“They could have killed you,” Enoch countered, and added softly, “Still can.”

“Go home, Enoch.” It was an order.

“You can’t survive without me, you know,” Enoch pointed out, shifting his weight from one foot to another. “Who’s going to polish your boots? Dress you up? Prepare your bath, huh? Fetch whatever you ask for and come running every time you call? I will grumble, but I will still do it. I will come to you.”

Prince Luke’s angry mask faltered.

“And who am I going to grumble about when you leave without me? Enoch asked. “Who am I going to secretly call a lazy arrogant slave driver if not you?”

A small smile played at the prince’s lips. “Tell you what, fool. You may call me all those things after I return. And if I actually hear you say them, your work will be doubled. Deal?”

Enoch couldn’t help a light yet sad laugh. “That sounds more like you.”

He wasn’t ready when a pouch was tossed at him, and he struggled to catch it. It was heavy in his hands, and definitely full of gold coins.

“Your advance,” said Prince Luke. He snapped his fingers towards him. “Try not to spend it all before I get back, and tell me how you spent it. Otherwise, I’ll label you a threat to my treasury and have you hanged.”

Enoch smiled. “I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again,” he said in a low voice, and watched the prince mount his horse.

When his attention was stolen, Enoch followed his gaze to the castle, where the king stood at the top of the steps. He was wearing a flat, stoic expression.

“My father is better at goodbyes than you, Enoch,” said the Prince, somewhat softly. “Also, remember not to spill a word of this battle to my sister, alright? Only one of us needs to be on the battlefield.”

With that last order, he rode out of the court yard with his escorts close behind.


Elena had hardly slept the previous night.  She wanted to see Kieran, but did not know how to face him after what she’d seen in his study some days back.

However, by the time morning came, she’d developed other fears. Greater fears.

Like Kieran’s fortune which had been told at the autumn festival.

A storm shall come – a big one. It shall bring forth disorder, destruction, loss and pain. You, General, shall be amidst it all. The ache within your heart shall not cease, and the coldness shall consume you; from chilling your skin, down to your bone. Every part of you shall be frozen to the point where you will be unable to feel anything anymore, and your eyes shall see only darkness.”

Elena’s heart thundered in her chest as she sat on her bed. She hugged her knees, and the morning sunrays peeked through her window, doing little to warm her skin.

Had the fortune been talking about this particular battle?

Elena cupped her mouth, and the way everything started to fall in place scared her to bits. With shaky fingers, she descended her bed.

She didn’t want anything terrible to happen to Kieran. She could not lose him.

She had to see him.


Elena was nervous. She didn’t know what state Kieran was in, and frankly, did not know what she would to say to him the moment she reached the end of the corridor in Hammedatha Manor.

But her feet kept on moving until she was standing infront of the half-open doors of his bed-chamber, and with her heart in her throat, she slinked in.

He stood by the window, looking out so his back faced her, and wore his General’s uniform. It had been such a long while since she'd seen that band collared maroon cape with silver shoulder pads, she had forgotten how intimidating it made him look.


He visibly stiffened, and Elena started to pad towards him.

“What are you doing here, Elena?” It was the coldness in his tone, coupled with his refusal to turn that made her stop.

“I…” she started, and instinctively, began fiddling with her fingers.

“I didn’t ask for you, nor did I write to you,” he said in his impassive tone. “It means I do not want to see you.”

Elena clasped her fingers, tightly. “But I…I wanted to see you.”

His shoulders lifted as he took a breath, and slumped once he let go of it.

“Kieran, I know you’re hurting and in p-puh-pain,” Elena said, keeping her eyes fixed on her hands. She tried not to focus on the tremors in her voice. “I just thought  I…I…” Her mind fogged up, and she shut her eyes, hoping to get a hold of herself.

Instead, all she saw were visuals of the fortune as it rang in her mind.

“…your eyes shall see only darkness.”

“Do you have to go?” she blurted instead.

“What?" His voice rose slightly, and the frost in his tone made her shiver.

“I heard that it is a tough buh-battle and if something horrible happens to you, then I-” Elena strived to explain, but even the mere thought of it made her heart wrench. “I just don’t want you to go and-”

Kieran whirled around at once. “What did you just say?” he demanded.

His face was set in a scowl, and in his eyes simmered an anger she had never seen in him before. He began to walk towards her, and she would have taken a step back had her feet not been frozen.

“You don’t want me to go.” It was a statement, but the calmness with which he said it let Elena know he despised saying it as much as he despised hearing it.

Elena swallowed as Kieran towered infront of her, his glower seeking an affirmation or rebuttal of his statement.

“I don’t…”

Want to lose you.

Want you to disappear.

Any of the things she wished to convey, her lack of voice got in the way.

Kieran scoffed and turned his head away, his jaw clenching. “See, this. This is why I didn’t wish to get married in the first place. Because it is a damn burden!”

Elena flinched when he suddenly raised his voice.

“An obstacle in which I cannot even go out to do my work or fulfil my duty without someone trying to butt in or stop me!” Kieran yelled. “I thought I could tolerate you, Elena. I thought you understood how important duty is to me, how important family is to me. This battle involves both of those things and you are telling me not to go?”

“I just wuh-want you to be safe, Kieran. My heart w-will not take it if you-”

“Your heart has nothing to do with me or what I want to do!” Kieran shouted, and this time Elena did take a step back. “Duty and family are the things I hold closest to my heart. You do not come anywhere near them so you have no right to separate me from them!”

It was like he’d gotten a dagger and stabbed it right through her chest. She looked at him in shock, her blue eyes wide with astonishment while his burned with flames of rage.

She’d welcomed his flames before; flames that had enveloped her with such warmth, comfort and courage. Now she could not even dare touch them.

Her courage had fled, replaced by her greatest fear yet.

“I’m scared for you, Kieran,” she whispered, trembling. “Scared of wuh-what might happen to you if you go-”

“I don’t care!” Kieran’s outburst had her taking more steps back. “I don’t care about how you feel, Elena. It doesn’t matter to me. Your feelings are insignificant – you are insignificant compared to what’s happening here.”

He paused to take a breath, and when he released it, his voice was low, but still furious. “This battle is the only thing that matters to me right now. So between my family – my blood and you, do not think that I would choose you.”

Elena bit the inside of her bottom lip, a dangerous lump clogging her throat.

With that said, Kieran brushed past her and stopped.

The last thing she heard him say was, “Don’t wait for me.” before he stalked out of the bed-chamber.

Elena’s hands fell to her side lifelessly, her mind spinning with all that had just transpired.

She took a weak step forward.

“I thought you understood how important duty is to me, how important family is to me!”

She knew how much his family meant to him, didn’t she? She understood him. She thought she understood him. But to him, she didn’t. Which is why he had gone to somebody who did.

Elena nearly crumbled on the next step, upon remembering him in Princess Debra’s arms.

You do not come anywhere near them so you have no right to separate me from them!”

She had thought he treasured her; that she was someone special to him. Even though she was not part of his family legitimately, she had thought she had a place in his heart, the same way he held a place in hers.

Elena grasped onto one of the bed posts as tears welled up in her eyes, obscuring her vision.

Had she been living in an illusion all this while? Were all those precious memories with him a fantasy?

Don’t wait for me.”

It was that statement that made the tears fall, and caused all the strength in her legs to vanish, sending her crumbling to the floor in a helpless heap.

Her tears fell in streams; searing her cheeks and wetting her dress, and she let her body succumb to sobs. She sobbed harder than she’d ever remembered sobbing, she thought her heart would constrict into nothingness.

Because above everything else, the notion of never seeing him again left her in pain so unbearable, it threatened to shatter her completely.

She did not know for how long she cried, but the tears would not stop. Not even when a pair of arms wrapped around her heaving form, and she was cradled against a petite bossom.

The person in whose arms she wailed did not say anything. She only let Elena clasp on to her while she stroked her hair and kissed her temple.

It was only when her refuge began rocking them both, and Elena’s eyes fluttered closed, that she realized the gentle arms belonged to Kieran’s mother.

Author’s pardon.

Again, I’m  sorry.

I was listening to Ali’s ‘hurt’ while writing this and the lyrics kind of pertained to the final scene. But the song works for the remaining chapters as well.

Vote? Please?

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