Ch.28 Hidden powers and The Defenseless

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Author's notes: Sorry about the late post looking back at this page I drafted nearly a year ago, I found it unfit for publishing so I fixed it up a bit, it's not the best that is obvious especially for a integral scene in the story so I may come back it later and edit a few things. The song of the day today is another game soundtrack I know it gets old yet I've always enjoyed videogame soundtracks and I've listen to a good number in my time as a gamer, okay back to it the song of the day today is "Gwyn, Lord of Cinder" from Dark Souls, this song works very well at subverting expectations and making one question the world around them in this case the world of Dark where without reason you wander the world fighting demons, gods and monsters only being given a flimsy objective to link the fire to prolong the age of light, but when you come across the broken body of a god who gives up his sanity to prolong the age of fire you can't but ask if it's going happen again why defy destiny if it's all going end the same why not embrace the dark this way of thinking leads you to what people consider the bad ending of DS1 but even that's debated, we as men embrace the light forgetting that we too are dark and in doing so we forget what it means to be human.
The video and music belong to their respective owners.

Unbeknownst to Ruby two soldiers had entered the building chasing after a gem "Where is she!" one of the soldiers yelled his shoulder length blonde hair swayed as he turned a corner of this dilapidated building "Over here!" the other soldier said waiting for his cohort to catch up pointing left down a hallway "She's cornered." the other soldier said taking of his helmet revealing his short black hair dark blue eyes, pale skin and appeared to be in early twenties with a wicked smile etched across his face, a loud scream proceeded their arrival and echoed throughout the ruined halls scaring Ruby, but once more she built up the courage needed and ran towards the screaming within a few seconds she was outside the room where the screams originated, Ruby decided to play it safe and peeked through the door, what greeted her was two soldiers kicking a defenseless blue gem, she was covered in countless scrapes and bruises, yet Ruby had a sense of déjà vu glancing upon her features, it then came to her it was that gem that she always saw sitting alone in the park, as she watched the soldiers kick the blue gem a few more times, a anger built up within Ruby and it reached it's apex when she saw the soldier with blonde hair reach for his sword, what Ruby then did even surprised her without another thought she ran into the room and punched the blonde soldier sending him into a wall, knocking him unconscious, the anger had blinded her, but her vision came back showing a unconscious soldier buried in a wall and a pair of gauntlets adorning her hands, though she got her vision back it took longer for her memory back, as her attention was brought to the second soldier who pulled out a gem destabilizer, the destabilizer made sharp high pitch electrical sounds as it was turned on, a greenish electricity arced around it's blade and behind it laid a pair of angry eyes, Ruby took a step back in fear regretting her involvement in this gulping as she noticed the man take a step towards her before he could Ruby bolted out of the room down the hall with the soldier close on her tail, those couple seconds felt like minutes as her mind went 100 miles a second "Do you really want to help her?" a part of her asked "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know!" Ruby yelled at herself before rounding a corner "Choose!" the same voice yelled, the moment she rounded the corner she stopped, she put all her anger and hatred she had into one punch striking the soldier in the gut as he turned the corner, the impact was enough to instant poof her assailant.


Author's Endnotes: I ask those who are enjoying this story to follow, vote and share, let's make this something to be proud of.

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