Ch.30 She Awakens

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Author's notes: Sorry, if I'm a little late posting this there's been some issues with my family as of late and I've been trying to set this right. The song of the day today is "London Town" by Miracle of Sound for the game Assassin's Creed Syndicate, I have to ask though am I the only one who wishes that the game publisher would put these videos and make them the introduction to the game? This song is wonderfully put together showing the correlation between human ingenuity and progress to biblical references citing Genesis when Eve ate a apple from the tree of knowledge, the song then proceeds to sing about how this league of assassins work for the people London sheparding them and protecting them from those cruel practices put in place by the greedy bosses who they actively go after. May I say that piano is beautiful and haunting bringing us into the beauty and elegance of the British isle.

              Countless hours later

After hours of wandering Ruby finally found a place to settle down, her new shelter was merely two pieces of rubble that laid on each other not unlike a tent protecting them from the rain, it was also well concealed helping hide them from the now nightly patrols, Ruby having no more belongings started Scavenging from the nearby buildings, securing blankets and sheets that she used to create makeshift beds for her and her injured companion, the blue gem awoke that morning with pained groans getting the attention of Ruby "Don't move, your injured." Ruby said as she ran to the blue gems side panic in her voice "Water...please water." the blue gem pleaded voice cracking thanks to a dry throat with that Ruby ran and got a glass filing it with a little bit of water, she got from a nearby well, which occupied a pail in the corner of the room, running back bringing the glass to her lips and tilting it allowing the contents to quench the thirst of the injured gem "Is that enough?" Ruby asked as she brought the now empty glass away from her lips "Yes, thank you." the blue gem said much more clearly, Ruby couldn't help but blush when she noticed that eye staring at her from behind that mess of dishevelled hair "What's your name?" the blue gem asked catching the blushing Ruby off guard " name's Ruby. You?" Ruby asked trying to get the name of gem currently staring at her with intrigue "My name's Sapphire, have I seen you before?" Sapphire asked trying to remember where she had seen Ruby before after getting a weird sense of déjà vu, observing Ruby's face "I've seen you a couple times at the park." Ruby told Sapphire in a attempt to jog her memory at that Sapphire blurted out "That's right, you were there with your parents." What followed was a awkward silence leaving Sapphire confused, Ruby had turned her back to her in this time "What's wrong?" Sapphire asked trying to sit up but instantly regretting it as pain shot through her chest with great intensity, causing her to lay back down.

Author's Endnotes: I ask those who are enjoying this story to vote, follow and share, let's make this something to be proud of.

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