Ch.5 Wake up!

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Author's notes: Sorry for not posting yesterday, I had a long day at work, and ended up taking a long nap, messing up my posting schedule, okay so now that's over with I'd like to go over a few things involving Garnet namely what she calls "Future Vision" many people hear this and just believe she can see the future, now she has said that it only allows her to see possibilities of future outcomes and she basically has to sift through those to come to a conclusion of what the future may be, so her "Future Vision" is clearly flawed, keep in mind if she can't read someone she can't tell what their next action will be or doesn't even perceive a possibility because it's absent from her mind, those who doubt me, I ask you to watch the episode Future Vision again and pay close attention to her description of "Future Vision", this has been a minor thing writer's have overlooked that has always bothered me.

Garnet sighed deeply as she took in Amethyst's room, piles of junk stood all over the room, like giant anthills, or perhaps miniatures mountains, Garnet flew to the top of these mounds with unusual speed only gained through multiple ventures of this hoarder's heaven, her speed was so astounding, even she found herself joking about it “I bet in this course, I would give Pearl a decent race.” Garnet said in an amused tone, imagining Pearl's immediate reaction to such a mess, then her surprised expression as she expertly weaved through these junk piles, yet in their current situation these junk pillars proved a hindrance, she would have to talk with Amethyst later about the mess, from a high vantage on top of the tallest of these junk piles she started her search for the short purple gem named Amethyst, after a few unsuccessful minutes of scanning the area, Garnet let loose a large sigh, getting frustrated with the mess that flooded this gems chamber, as she jumped from her current perch to one closer to the ground, a loud crashing could be heard as the perch she just left came tumbling down, junk now littered the surrounding floor, Garnet shocked by its collapse, just prayed that Amethyst wasn't beneath that pile poofed, a sudden rumbling eased her mind as a loud snore filled the air, looking in the direction of the snoring she saw a familiar purple form on her side snuggling into a small junk pile, as she got closer she noticed the smell of pizza, which confused the fusion as it had been about a month since they last had pizza, Amethyst rolled in Garnet's direction revealing she was holding onto a month old pizza box, bits of grease and sauce littered her shirt, Garnet sighed looking at the dirty gem in front of her before summoning her gauntlets and slamming her hands together causing a loud smack to echo through the temple, waking with a start causing the small junk pile she was lying on top of to collapse sending her to the floor, jumping from the floor in a state of anger “What the heck was that for?!” Amethyst yelled in anger only to be caught in Garnet's unflinching gaze “We have a problem.” she stated plainly, arms crossed, Amethyst blinked before a look of fear crossed her face, usually Garnet would let her sleep in, finishing missions with Pearl, only a few times in the past hundred years has Garnet woke her, a hard fight usually followed this, but from the way Garnet was staring at her she knew this was serious “Follow.” Garnet commanded as she stepped back into Amethyst's mess a small growl of frustration was made audible as she attempted to walk through Amethyst's mess “You're cleaning this when you are done!” Garnet yelled looking back at Amethyst who was in the middle of a yawn as it ended she noticed the stare Garnet was giving her and quickly apologized “Sorry!” Amethyst yelled back, a small frown taking over her usual carefree smile.


Author's Endnotes: I ask those who are enjoying this story to vote, follow and share, let's make this something to be proud of.

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