Deku phantom two

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Ok here is part 2 of the last world we saw I said

Really cool we get to see more of ghost deku Said Kirishima

And that not all it seems this world has it own them song

(An: play the song if you want it mostly there for you to listen to it as you read the changed lyrics I made to fit this crossover)

He's a phantom deku phantom deku phantom.
Yo Izuku Midoriya was just 14 when his parents built a very strange machine. It was designed to view a world unseen(he's gonna catch them all cuz he's deku phantom) when it didn't quite work his folks they just quit then izuku took a look inside of it. There's a great big flash everything got changed his molecules got rearranged (phantom phantom) when he first woke up he realized he had Snow White hair and glowing green eyes he could walk through walls and fly he was he was much more unique then the other guy

It show izuku getting stuffed into a locker by monoma only for izuku to phase through it and open the locker and push him into it and slamming it shut

And when he knew what he had to do he had to stop all the ghost coming through he's here to fight for me and you(he's gonna catch them all cuz he's deku phantom he's gonna catch them all cuz he's deku phantom he's gonna catch them all cuz he's... deku phantom

Wow that was such a manly intro and theme song!!! Yelled Kirishima

I must admit it was pretty good and really catchy too Said bakugo for the first time since the last part was shown

hey man feeling better now man asked Kirishima

Yeah I am shitty hair so calm down Said bakugo

Well anyways with the intro done the shows about to start

Izuku: let's rock this joint!

He then flew in through the door before they started to move as there is no start in a real fight or villain attack

Present mic: what you waiting for there no start in real life get going!!!

Izuku: ok I see 5 (3pointers)

He then sliced them in half with his ecto sword or as he like to call ecto blade

Izuku: ok that's 15 right off the bat let's get more

5 minutes later

Izuku: and that makes 2024 points and now let get you guy to ochako he said to the 2000 robots he had in an ecto net


Ochako: and that makes 24 points oh man everyone has more points than me and what worst is there's no more robots!

Izuku: hey special delivery for Ochako Uraraka here is 2000 robots to be destroyed

Ochako: izuku what the heck were you find all of these!

Izuku: I found them in the ally's and I decided to help you out

Ochako: wait what about you don't you need the points!?

Izuku: no not really I already have 2024 points

Ochako: really that's amazing and thanks she then makes all of them float and then drops them

Izuku: looks like we are tied now

Ochako: yeah

Izuku: would you like to get lunch with me after this?

Ochako: blushes are you asking me out?

Izuku: blushes as well no I am not or unless you want it to be a date that is said izuku in a flirtatious tone doing a complete 180 with his personality and leans in close and puts his finger under her chin and lift up her head

Ochako: blushes hard and screamed yes I love to go out with you and then passes out from embarrassment

Izuku quickly catches her

Izuku: wow looks like all that training with mom and dad to be smooth with girls actually payed off

Wait the shitty old man of your advice actually worked! Said bakugo

Well it did in this world apparently said izuku

That is terrifying considering his advice on girls never works Said bakugo

I know right the fact that it works means that this worlds standards are a lot lower than I thought said izuku

At the entrance of the school

Izuku: so here's my number and I will pick you up at 7:00 does that work for you

Ochako: yes that perfect I see you later then oh wait here's my address

Izuku: alright then see you at 7 then

Time skip (an: there date went great and they are officially dating and how there date went is up to you I was to lazy to make up a date scene)

Izuku: ok were is class 1a oh god why this school have to be so fucking big oh here it is

???: get your feet off of the desk! Don't you think that disrespectful to the ones who made it

Bakugo: huh what that you extra! How about you get out of my way or I will crush you into pieces

???: crush me into pieces are you sure your in the right place

(An: the rest is like the anime except when ochako comes)

Ochako: izuku! We have the same class screamed ochako and she tackled hugged him

Izuku: turns intangible

She goes through him he then quickly becomes tangible and grabs her hand and has her spin a little and then pulls her close

Izuku: hello beautiful how was your day

Man he's good thought many of the boys

Mineta and Kaminari have started to bow to izuku asking him to teach them his ways

???: if you are just here to pick up girls and make friends then get out

Izuku: oh my god it's a giant talking worm!

???: I am no worm I am your teacher aizawa Shota he said as he leaves the sleeping bag

Aizawa: anyways put these on and meet me at the field

At the field

(An:explanation is the same as anime)

50 meter dash

Aizawa: remember your quirks are allowed

Izuku: ok then I am going ghost!

(An: you all know how the transformation goes)

Ready set go!

Bakugo: explosive speed! He said as he rockets to the finish line

Only to hear the robot say 0.10 seconds and then 4.5 seconds

Bakugo: what how you beat me deku!

Izuku: did you forget my quirk let's me fly Kachan?

Bakugo: oh right

Izuku did good on all but the side steps

Ball throw

Ochako: ok here we go she then throws the ball and got an infinity

Izuku: woo that's my girl

Ochako: blushes thanks izu-kun but I know you do great too

Izuku: thanks but you hold the record here

Bakugo: oi you love birds shut up and do your turn damn it

Izuku: sigh fine alright let's do this he makes a thousand clones here we go the original threw the ball and shot an energy beam at with the clones


Aizawa: oh look at that we have another infinity

What Said everyone

how op is this guy screamed a midget with balls on his head

Aizawa: here's your scores 1st Izuku Midoriya, 2nd Ochako Uraraka ( the rest are like the anime except Mineta is last)

Aizawa: now Mineta get out of here your expelled from the hero course you can join a different hero school but either way your not ready for U.A. so get out or join the other courses in U.A.

Momo: wait you were serious about the expulsion!?

Aizawa: yes no point in giving hope to a person who shows no potential at all now go home full classes start tomorrow

Izuku: sigh suck to be that guy but oh well U.A. is the hardest hero course in the world either you shape up or you back down

To be continued

Alright guys do you want another part to this or do you want to see a villain deku chapter or a super Mario chapter I have ideal for all 3 I just want to make a chapter you all would like to see well that's all see ya in the next chapter!

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