Villain deku

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(An: this is my first time doing a villain deku story so if it's bad sorry then because I honestly think I can't make deku a villain to save my life but my friends tell to just try it so here you go)

Hey you guy remember how I said that not all of the Deku's in the multiverse have a good ending or start? I said

Yes we remember why said iida

Well because you guys are going to see one now I said

Ok but what is this one about asked ochako

Well this one izuku is a villain and so are you I said

What why and how! Screamed bakugo

Wow you sound like you actually care Said Jiro

That's because I do don't you realize how dangerous deku is as a villain he been talking notes on every single quirk he seen on hero's and potential hero's he has pro and cons strengths and weaknesses on those books he can kill any hero even as a quirkless villain without a scratch! Said bakugo

Wait oh god he's right said Kaminari

May I ask why he's a villain asked inko

Mostly from abuse but not from you but from his father and you find out soon I said

Is it safe for eri to see asked izuku

For the most part but scenes that she can't handle will be blocked from her so she won't have nightmares I said

Oh good she been though a lot already Said ochako

But mama and papa have to be hero's if not then how will I ever meet them Said eri

Oh don't worry about that you meet them I said

Now let's start the world

Izuku: for as long as I can remember my life has been filled pain and sorrow I mean on my four birthday my father kills my mother right in front of my very eyes because I was quirkless he then proceeded to beat and torture me for who knows how long I lost count after the first month but during my time there I have learned something the world is filled with fake hero's only caring about them selves and also villains I made a vow that if it's the last thing I do I will change the society we live in even if I have to make the world burn!!!

It shows izuku in the shower littered with scars all deep and bleeding as he has the water wash off the blood

Oh my god my baby this is all my fault if only I gave you a quirk or never married that man you wouldn't have to live through this! Cried inko

Hey now calm down it's ok you were killed you had no idea this was gonna happen Said toshinori

Yeah mrs. Midoriya and also deku is right here with us unharmed ok so don't blame your self Said ochako

Yeah mom just like they said said izuku

(An: this part will mostly be about them and what they are like out side of "work")

A hand was then put on his shoulders

???: deku you need to stop doing this I told you if you are injured come to me so I can treat it before you take a shower I don't want to lose you and eri would be sad to lose her father just after a week from escaping that hell hole

Izuku: sigh I know ochako but that asshole got me good he said as he turns and hugs her

Ochako: yeah I can see that now let get you patched up she said as she shuts off the shower and pulls out a rag and alcohol and medical tape she then pours the alcohol on the rag and starts cleaning the wounds

Ochako: you think back to the time you were tortured were you

Izuku: sigh looks like I can't hide anything from you it just that I am confused I should hate him yet I find my self thanking him because without him I would have never awoken my quirk embassy of the void and kill in in the end

Ochako: you shouldn't think about it but if you must make a decision then do both be grateful he awoken your quirk but also hate his existence for all the pain he caused you I know I do

Izuku: oh and why is that

He then leans in close and kisses her on the lips

Ochako: because without you awakening your quirk you wouldn't have been able to save from those rapists on the day we first met and most of all we would never have eri with us without your quirk by the way I loved how you just gutted them like fish you just sliced open their stomachs letting their guts fall out then you flayed there skin off then you busted there nuts and then poured salt on there wounds and then set them on fire it scared me at first I thought instead of them rapping me I was gonna die but low and behold I was save by the 5 villain from the news

Oh I am so conflicted because one it because of that bastard deku is like this yet at the same time it also saved eri a lot faster than we did Said bakugo

Let go with there option and do both less of a headache that way Said Kirishima

For once you have a good idea shitty hair Said bakugo

Izuku: I guess when you put it like that I should be a grateful to that bastard just a little bit he can burn in hell still like he doing right now since I killed him already

Ochako: yes now who our next target so far we have kill mt lady and a few no named hero's that were selfish and also my parents company i mean our company is doing good now as word be going around that we are so good that we get it done in less then 2 hours I keep forgetting they are dead all because of fucking Kamui Woods and mt lady stopping me from saving them no in fact they could have saved the they were at the front door it got stuck by debris mt lady could have just moved it aside but no they chose to wait for backdraft who was on the other side of town!

Izuku: shh it ok they are in a better place now and you have me and eri also you got your revenge on that fake to remember so you avenged them already

Ochako: it just still hurts that they are no longer with us I never would introduce them to you or eri I want them to meet our daughter but they can't!

Izuku: I know I am disappointed to but remember your not alone I wish I could introduce you and eri to my mom but she dead too but I know she love you just like I do

Eri: papa is mama ok did something happen to her why she crying?

Ochako: oh sweetheart it ok mommy's fine she just sad about something from her past no need to worry

They are both so broken yet with each other they are slowly fixing themselves Said Tokoyami

Yes I for one am very happy they found happiness with each other since they been through so much said iida

Izuku: and our next target it Kamui Woods but I want to know you want the pleasure of killing him or is it fine I do it

Ochako: you can do it this time I love it when you make it a game and you hunt them down like they are sport

Izuku: but my dear they are just sport waiting to be slaughtered by my claws

He puts up one arm in front of his face it's sparks purple and then transforms in to a claw

(An: like this but only one arm and the rest of him is still human)

(Afo voice: izuku midorya quirk: embassy of the void allows him to see and talk to the void without going insane can also use the powers of the creatures living inside of the void can partially transform into them or do a full transformation time limit none he can also summon them if need be draw back he must pay the creatures back something for allowing him to use or transform into them also once summoned the it is hard to get them to go back (an: he can use the skins of the champs and if you haven't guessed where his powers came from it from the computer game league of legends))

Ochako: now that settled let's go and make dinner

Izuku: no you go and get eri I will make dinner tonight think of this as and apology for making you worry

Aw even as a villain your so sweet and caring tbh it weird considering villain aren't typically supposed to act like that said Mina

Mina not all villain are cold hearted some have no choice or some have morals still Said izuku thinking about gentile criminal

Time skip

Kamui Woods: heavy panting sigh I think I lost him

Comes out of his camouflage behind him he then slashes his back

Izuku: think again ya fake!

Kamui Woods: shit!!! Wood strike!

(An: I cant remember any of the names of his attacks except for his chain prison)

Izuku: fool have you not learn from our earlier encounter

He then cut through all of the wood pillars attacking him he then stomped on the ground and a bunch of spikes shot out from under Kamui Woods and pierced his arms and legs

Kami Woods: ahhh fuck that's hurts!!!

Izuku: that's the least of your worries fake stare into my eyes!

He does and immediately regretted it as the void started to show him the truth of the world his mortal mind couldn't handle it he started to shake and froth out of his mouth

Izuku: oh you poor soul not here I end your misery he then cut his head off

He flicked his claws to the side cleaning it all off of blood he then picks up the head it sparked and then disappeared

Izuku: while he was a disgusting fake he had a useful quirk he then shot out a wood pillar

He then cut the body in half picks up one half of the body and opens a void portal

Izuku: to kah'zix and then tossed he tossed the half into the portal

Kah'zix: thank you mortal for my payment

He then opens another portal

Izuku: to cho'gath

He tossed the other half in

Cho'gath: thank you summoner for the treat

I am officially scared all in favor of not pissing of midoriya to the point where he kill us with those powers say I Said Kirishima

Everyone said I

Oh calm down I could never kill you at best I just summon one of them to do it Said izuku

That doesn't make us feel better yelled everyone

Ochako: oh my that was great show

Izuku: well I always aim to please you my love

Ochako: who are we going to target next

Izuku: our next target will be the league of villains and the class all might teaches we will decide if they are worthy of being hero's if not then oh well they will have a very short life then

Shit I am scared now if we are not good enough we are dead Said Kaminari

For once you are right Said Jirou

Ochako: well I can't wait because if I remember correctly that blonde asshole is in that class and I want to kick his ass a bit for the bull shit he put you through before you kill him

Izuku: yes bakugo is in that class I will kill him slowly so don't worry you get your fill

Well I am gonna end it here like I said my first try at villain deku probably did bad but oh well I tried at least and like all ways I would leave comment if you want a part two to this one but I don't think I did well on it but I leave that up to you guys

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