Quirkless hero

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Ok in this world izuku is quirkless but he still goes to U.A. and he uses support gear and his analysis and martial arts to put him on par with a quirk user. Anyways let's start

" sorry kid it's not gonna happen said the doctor". " so their is something wrong with him then doctor because all of the other kids in his class already started to get theirs we wanted to know why it taking him so long said inko".

"Excuse me miss your a 4th generation quirk users asked the doctor". "why yes I am my quirk is the attraction of small objects and my husbands is the ability to breath fire said inko".

" then he should have gotten yours or his fathers quirk their are rare cases such as he gets a combination or a completely different quirk all together and with early study of quirks it has been theorized that the second joint in your pinky toe is an unnecessary part of the body and is then removed one the quirk manifested and as you can see your sone has both in both feet so he is while rare now a days he is a part of the 20% that doesn't develop a quirk said the doctor".

"At this everyone one flinched they now knew about Midoriyas quirk was from all might from the last 2 worlds they saw but seeing how shocked he was and sad he was made it very hard to keep watching."

"Time skip in izuku's room watching all might hey mom he's always smiling no matter he's so cool do you think I can be a cool hero just like him said izuku" "oh sweetie just as she was going to hug him and apologize she and izuku heard something break they turn to the left and see a picture of izuku father and his grandfather she then remembered his grandpa owned a dojo and has a great dislike for quirks as he believes it made people lazy and he was quirkless too yet is able to destroy small mountains in a single punch as for his father he died before he was born but he nevered hated the quirkless like many do in fact he wanted to help make the first quirkless hero but died before he could in fact his blueprints of his support gear for quirkless hero's are in his house after his death all of his things because our property even his lab so izuku can but we have to move to the mie prefecture" (an: I don't know how to spell the place where Ochako lived before U.A. so sorry for the misspelling)

"Wait mei prefecture that's where me and my parents live or at least where I lived before U.A. that means I could meet izuku before U.A. she then started to mumble just like izuku would at this everyone got scared and screamed out it's contagious sigh inko then snapped her fingers in front of Ochako's face and said your over thinking it I am sure my son and your other will hit it off very well just like how you did when you first met said inko".

"I heard my mom say yes izuku you can be a hero but first you need training so pack up your things we are moving to where grandma and grandpa live really why because grandpa can make you a hero and izuku I know you like making things just like your father so I want you to study and very smart so you can start making your own inventions to help you because the first quirkless hero ok yes mom I said and started to pack."

Well that's different from there I didn't say yes and just apologized until the next day and you all know the rest.

"They move into an apartment close to the new school izuku will be going to as they finished they hear a knock at the door as I open the I am greeted with the sight of a blonde man (an: I don't really know if he's actually a blonde but his hair looked like a yellowish brown so I am assuming they are still considered blond) a brown haired women probably his wife and a young girl that looks like a carbon copy of her mother hello my name is ren and this is my wife Katsumi ( an: were her parents name ever revealed if not then these are the name I am gonna use for them) and this is our daughter Ochako we wanted to say hi and welcome to the neighborhood said ren."

"Oh why thank you for the warm welcome would you like to come inside yes that be great so if you don't mind if I ask you questions about the area since we moved here from the city and your daughter can play with my son in the living room said inko". "No problem we Ochako go to the living room and make a new friend ok daddy said Ochako"

Ochako pov " as I enter the living room I see a boy about my age building something I then go up to him and say hi! But that turned out to be a bad thing as he freaked out and caused him to place the wire wrong and caused it to short circuit seeing this I immediately apologize for ruining what he was building while he just blushed and said it's ok it's only temporary anyways as those are for practice only so they fix themselves said izuku oh thank god I said well if you don't mind me asking but who are you oh how rude of me my name is Ochako Uraraka nice to meet you the names Izuku Midoriya nice to meet you to."

Fast forward by the time the parents got done talking and went to check on the kids they were greeted by the sight of a sleeping izuku and Ochako Ochako was using izuku as a pillow too and izuku hugging her in his sleep at this adorable sight both inko and Katsumi pull out cameras out of thin air and started to take pictures all the while leaving ren wondering how they even get the cameras.
(An: like this but they are 4 years old)

"Oh my lord they are so adorable as children said Mina I am jealous of my other she got an adorable picture of her son and future daughter in law sleeping together she wants that picture so bad now said inko."

"Well since they are sleeping you two are welcome to spend the night said inko oh no we couldn't we don't want to over stay our welcome said ren it's ok we're friends now are we not so I don't mind if you stay the night said inko ok you can use the guest room next to izukus room and I will get a few pillows and a warm blanket for these two down here said inko alright they give Ochako a good night kiss and go to the guest room."

Time skip " we see Ochako sitting down on a rock meditating why izuku is hardening his hands (An: you know those dummies with all those bars sticking out of it and they rapidly spin and you have to block every single one as training he's doing that) they hear an old voice say ok that's enough you two it time to practice the hidden lotus izuku and you Ochako will practice more on you grapples and throws strength and technique ok Sensei said Ochako ok grandpa said izuku and after that you both need to do 200 push-ups sit ups and 15km run today if you fail you will start all over but you have to run on your hands said Yamamoto (an: this is the only name I could think of so bear with me) yes they said".

"Isn't that a little harsh for four year olds to be doing that asked inko no not really said Aizawa because kids in the past when through worse at younger age for training he said."

" ten years later they are both 14 years old and it's the last day of middle school. Ok class said the teacher I have these career forms for you to fill out but you all plan to be in the hero course don't you at this everyone cheered and started to show off their quirks he also said while we're on this topic didn't you apply for U.A. izuku and Ochako? At this the whole class minus Ochako starts to laugh say Midoria really get real you need a quirk to be a hero izuku didn't care about what they said a bout him at all but he felt like they needed a reminder that he kicked all for their asses in a fight when they were using their quirks against him but he won still he was about to say just that but one of them then said well let not forget Ochako that girl so poor they would just turn her away since she couldn't pay for anything that is required and let not forget her quirk is so weak I mean really all it can do is make things float what a joke saying she will become a hero I turned to see how she holding up and I see small tears building up in her eyes "oh fuck no he is dead no one makes Ochako cry and not come out without any injuries." The people who were laughing stop immediately as they felt a murderous presence and the one who made fun Ochako had his head slammed through his desk and through the metal under is the then hear izuku speak and his voice was so cold and dark they thought he turned into a villain he said no and I mean no makes Ochako cry and thinks they can get away with it he then grabs a chair leg and breaks it of and then proceed to shatter the guys arms and legs or at least that was the plan until he felt Ochako hug him while crying but she managed to say izuku stop it's ok you done enough anymore and you be sued for assault he calmed down and hugged her back and said I am sorry but he also said let this be a lesson for you I don't give a shit about what you say about me but if any of bad mouth Ochako in any way well let just say you better hope their a body left behind so you can be buried now let's go Ochako I am in a bad mood and this dumb ass teacher is knocked out."

Serves them right for being assholes but holy shit look at that strength Midoriya was able to slam a face through metal with out a quirk and tbch he scared me when he got mad said sero yes he was said Mina all in favor of not pissing off midoriya when we get back say aye aye said everyone but Bakugo.

"As he took her hand he said come on I will make you mochi so cheer up and today is the last day of school so how about this I take you out for a date and I know you want to ocha Chan because contrary to popular belief I am not dense I knew you had a crush on me and I can openly say I have a crush on you too I was gonna ask you after school but you know what happened so I am asking you now."

"Ochako pov what! He knew the whole time then does that mean he knows about me following him every time he trained just so I can see him sweaty and shirt less oh who care he asked me out greatest day of my life I then say I would love to go on a date with you I said and I give him a kiss on the lips which surprised him I then say pick me up at 7:00"

"time skip first day of U.A. izuku hurry up you going to be late for the first day of U.A. and you still have to pick up Ochako said inko don't worry mom I am all set I was just looking for my keys for my motorcycle he then drives to Ochakos he sees her already their waiting she then said took you long enough sorry I lost my key and just found them sigh it doesn't matter let's go."

(An: everything is the same except izuku got a high score on all of the test so he made it in first and Ochako in seconds place after that everything the same)
Till next time oh and here's a picture I found to be funny

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