Spider verse

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Ok this one is a little different from the others as it not focused on izuku but young Kota oh that reminds me snap the wild wild pussie cats are here and Kota and eri came here as well she then runs to Kota and screams Kota and gives him a hug he hugged back but he had a faint blush on his cheeks oh is that a blush I see said Mina with a teasing voice hey everyone Kota has a little crush of eri. She was gonna say more but I cut her of saying anyway like I was saying in this world you will be seeing spider Deku again but it not about him it's about Kota and how he became spider man or in this world spider Deku so let's start

We see an teenage Kota in his room with headphones on he started to sing along but he heard his dad say Kota hurry up your gonna be late are you finished packing yeah I am when he actually wasn't he then poured all of his clothes from his basket into the suit case.

Really now young man you should really choose your priorities more wisely said Mandalay ok I will said Kota but he and froze at what he saw next as did the rest of the pussie cats.

On the screen it shows Kota deceased father on screen said you have to hurry if you want a ride to school it fine dad I will walk now where's my laptop he then enters the kitchen and starts to eat what in the pot Kota you got to go in a minute you have to go now or you be late I said in a minute short time skip Kota in the front of the house getting kissed by his mother and him telling her he has to go but she replied back with a in a minute. Time skip to him in the car with his dad breaking news our local hero spider man has saved many lives today and speculation from locals feel overhaul towers are doing illegal things people close to the web slinger said he is looking into it man that spider man comes in once a day with his mask and goes zip zap zoop and bam he's a hero while me and my cop buddies are here without masks working our buts off to he was then cut of by Kota saying I know i know dad.

Oh she used your own words against you boy haha said Pixie-Bob it's just a little karma for how he was acting towards her said Inko

(An: ok I am gonna skip to the front of the school scene) as Kota got his stuff from the front seat his dad said I love you Kota oh I know dad said Kota as he was about to leave he turn on his siren and said with the microphone/ radio you have to say I love you back really dad right now you have to say I love you back really in front of everyone you have to say I love you back. Fine dad I love you everyone started to laugh at him as he enters he tried to play it cool by acting that just didn't happen he then fast forward he rushing to each class getting overwhelmed until he finally makes it to his last class and try's to sneak in the teacher then say oh Kota you're late again he then looks up and says with a straight face didn't Einstein say time is irrelevant for all we know I could not be late and all of you are just early they hear a laugh and see an teenage eri laugh and said what it was quiet and it was good he then sits next to her she then said I laugh not because it was funny no I laughed because it was so bad a joke that I just couldn't help myself oh is that so said Kota they hit it off.

Looks like this Kota has a crush on eri like ours does said Mina shut up you human slug said Kota his ear was pulled and was scolded by Mandalay and told to apologize he did as told.

Time skip to subway ok Kota do your art said tiger (an: I do not know his real name or anyone else that can take miles uncle role to be honest so bear with me) me made his graffiti ok we got to go now Kota you have school and I will be out of town for a couple of weeks for work. Ok uncle tiger now get on home he went to pack up his cans until he was bit by a spider and it showed the venom changing his blood cells he flinched the then saw the spider and with a bored look smacked it and left fast forward it shows Kota trying to flirt with eri and fail he then gets his hand stuck in her hair it was so stuck that they had to shave it off to separate then thus ruining what little friendship they had. Fast forward where at were spider man ask him to destroy the collider if not then if used again a black hole will open up under japan and destroy everything he said yes he do it he runs to do his thing until overhaul came and said ah spider man "Ok before we get on with the story let's do a recap they hear izuku voice say so I was once a nerd then I got bit by an radioactive spider got powers saved the city fell in love shows Ochako upside down kissing izuku made a cereal brand, a Christmas album and a so and so Ice cream popsicle you know the rest but I am the one only spider man but this isn't about me not anymore and you will find out why" I should have known it was you that would cause all of this ruckus prowler kill him wait don't you want to know what I saw in there wait tell me. I know what your trying to do overhaul and it's not gonna work overhaul enraged the smashed spider man in the chest and said get rid of the body I have business to attend to.

Oh no izuku and followed my baby no and a water fall of tears come from Inko at this many of the class oh so that we're he gets it from many we're in tears to especially eri and Kota as they just saw their hero die.

Rushed home and asked if he can stay the night his mom said yes and he then asked his father if he really hates spider man that much he said yes and was about to say why but his wife stopped him and said Honey he's having a hard day today give him space but he asked me he had a hard day oh fine good night son they left his door open they then turn on the tv and the show they were going to watch was canceled because breaking new was found and the news lady said in just in the police has got a complaint about noise at a nearby building as they got their they saw it destroyed by and a explosion they also found a dead body but that body was not so random civilian no this body was the dead body of our local hero spider man who when mask was taken off was revealed to be young 20 year old Izuku Midoriya many are in grief as the news was let out everyone in japan had covered their mouth and cried at his memorial everyone who went wore a spider man mask Kota bought a who suit and asked the old man if he can return it if it doesn't hit he said one size fits all eventually he then pointed at a sigh that said no refunds.

All man no refunds what will I do if the costume is too small I would look like an idiot said Kota no you won't Kota kun I think you look cool said eri with a bright smile Kota blush like crazy and started to cover his face while saying random things just like izuku did on the first day at U.A. all the while eri was confused everyone laughed while Ochako feels a sense of day ha vu from seeing this.

He is then at izuku grave hey izuku I really want to keep my promise to you but I can't not without you I just got theis power and what worse in trying to learn on how to use them I broke the only way of destroying the collider fast forward to them going to Inkos house and they see the chubby and unkempt izuku try to run away as he said he's not ready for this but was pulled back by eri they then hear inko say please no more today your support and condolences are nice and all but please no more fan for today but as she opens the door she sees izuku and hugs him yeah hi mom this might sound weird but I am me but from a mother universe she then looks serious and says come with me she opens the shed that leads to the secret base of operations as it was going down we see a lot of inventions he made and a few suits he made as Kota was looking at those izuku looked a picture of a smiling Ochako "ok my into is the same as the other me but after I fell in love I saved the city again and again so much so I broke my back but I kept coming back but then Ochako wanted kids I was scared our marriage started to get strained until she called it off I she really wanted kids but I was scared I think I broke her heart but I was fine I took it like a champ showed him eating a lot getting fat and crying in the shower in his suit then something weird happened after that I landed in New York but not mine for one I was dead and two I had black hair but other then that I was perfect in appearance wise and that sums it up" he then hears Kota say hey izuku I am pretty sure this is a cape he just smiled fast forward to the 4 other spider people started to talk about him even though he's right there and can hear them they then hear eri say he's not ready for this at this this really hurts him he just goes invisible and leave on the elevator izuku then try to cheer him up and also points out he when invisible.

Oh I feel bad for the other izuku it looks like he still loves her but he messed up so much he doesn't want to try and make it work said Kirishima.

They are all in Kota dorm and he places his roommate in his bed they then started to say good bye wait why you say goodbye for I am going with no your not they can't just decide it wasn't there I deal it was mine what but izuku I have to go let me get back at overhaul I am ready oh really he then sweep kicks him and grabs his shirt if your ready then use your venom blast right now at will or your camouflage right now at will to get passed me  at this Kōda try's but can't do it see you can't do it you are not ready he webbed him to the chair he then asked when he will be ready izuku webbed his mouth shut you never be ready it a leap of faith Kota look and about your question on how do you save the whole world here's some advice you can't look at it as saving the whole world you have to look at it as saving one person that is closet to you so you will always do your best.

ok and I am sorry but I have to do it I may disintegrate and die but at least you and the other spider people will be safe and let's face it my life is already a mess no one gonna miss me I die.

No you can't think like that Deku said eri and Ochako at the same time you don't know it but a lot of people care for you.

His father tells him what happened to his uncle and he said his things and that he loves him and that he doesn't have to say it back he then leaves. Kota stops and actually tries to use his powers while calm soon he was able to use the venom blast to escape and camouflage before his roommate saw him. He then goes back to the base and see inko in there she said took you long enough oh and I made this they should fit just fine thanks miss Midoria he then took izuku original suit and sprayed painted it black and red he then jumps of the building and uses his web shooters he then remembered izuku other advice remember what makes you different is what makes you spider man whatever you do kid you be amazing but remember don't do it like me do it like you he then starts to web swing and parkour to overhaul tower meanwhile in overhaul towers everyone is fighting and izuku is currently getting his ass kicked by and Multiple metal octopus arm using Kurogiri just as he was about to beat izuku kota comes in camouflaged and start to beat him up 5 minutes later ok I got the machine to work ok izumi your world is first thanks Kota from me and this little guy bye she said next is you izuku nori thanks kid oh and I am taking this cube with me I don't understand it but I will some day he said jumping in the collider with the rubrics cube and then overhaul came and said I will kill you before you can destroy this machine izuku said I will handle him but kota wouldn't have that and told him to go while holding onto his costume he then say what if I mess up again you won't said Kota he laughed and said right the leap of faith he then said good job kid you made me proud is this why Ochako wanted kids if so then now I understand now it feels so satisfying when they make you proud he then left. One epic fight later show everyone going on with their lives izuku was able to start over with Ochako izumi was able to remake her robot izuku nori got an award for discovering the most mysterious thing in the world because of the rubrics cube which he still haven't solved so as he was about to sleep he hears and portal open and hears eri say hey kota you got time yeah I do they ended up on a date to the movies that went well and made plans for a next one when they have free time.

Aw that so cute kota got his dream girl in the end so adorable said rag doll yep so should I tell you the birds and the bees now Kota or later said Pixie-Bob he just blushed and said nothing but other than that that was a great story said Mandalay.

Ok that's the end of this chapter I hope everyone likes it and that I did not get anything wrong as I just watched the movie today and my memory is not very good so I hope I remember the important stuff at least any ways until next time.

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