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It all started with a mistake, a single mistake, a small fucking mistake.

I regret it, regret it with my whole existence. I should've never had opened the door. I should've never trusted him or his innocence.

I inhaled sharply as my legs were shivering badly in the cold of the night. "No fucking no, I can't give up, not now." I shouted at myself as I muster up my whole strength and started running a little more faster.

Every single moment of the ugly times came running to my mind which weakened me to my core. Warm tears rolled down my cheeks only to be dried by the chilly wind. No, I can't return to the hell. It's better dying out of cold here in the woods than surrendering myself.

I don't know where I am heading to, all I see is endless trees in the way and the path is never ending. I kept following the moon, the forest was quite and the only thing I heard was my heart beating in my ears.

My last hope came crushing down when I heard the same deep voice that boomed in the surrounding. "STOP RIGHT THERE"

I didn't look back even once before changing my direction to the left and running in zigzag. I was breathless, my lips hurting, my face numb as the cold wind kept hitting on it as I run. My lungs were hurting because of continuously running from the past hour.

I panicked when I heard the crunching of dried leaves right behind me. I couldn't scream at all. It was like someone had sucked all the breath out of me. My knees were quivering like jelly.

I don't give up and I won't even if it takes me forever to run but I won't give up myself to him, I can't return back now.

"Stop or you will regret the day you were born!." His voice hoarse and irritation evident in them but I was still happy that his voice was in a distant and I still have a chance to escape.

I began to sob ugly as I saw a car headlights moving and I knew it was the end of the forest. I ran in other direction to catch up to the road fast.

Shiver ran down my spine hearing him shout out of frustration. "FUCK YOU"

Suddenly everything went silent. No footsteps behind. I think he fall down or something.

Taking the opportunity, I ran as fast as I can. I was both crying and laughing at the thought of escaping from him.

The night suddenly felt shining and sparkling at the thought of finally being freed.

Not until I felt a sharp sting at the back of my head and everything beautiful about the night became a blur memory and with a thud I fall right on my face.

I tilt my head to the side before the darkness covered my vision and the last thing I saw was

The Moon....


Jimin leaned back on the sofa with his one leg above the other looking at the boy sitting on his knees infront of him. Jimin's face puffy and eyes red and swollen as if he had cried. But now, every emotion was thrown away as he stare at the red haired boy kneeling down with his head low.

"Where did you saw her last?" The red haired boy look up pressing his lips together before mumbling a weak reply. "At the university." Jimin click his tongue in annoyance.

"Weren't you a little too careless from your job block 3?" The red haired boy that is referred as block 3 from the group looks up and bow deeply. "I'm sorry, boss."

Before he could continue, a hard kick lands on his chest making him roll back on the ground. He groan and hold his chest where Jimin kicked him. "I gave you all one task, just one fucking goal for the whole group but none of you were capable to cooperate." He said his voice raising into a shout as he goes on. Frustration and tears evident on his face.

Block 3 hold his hands infront of him and said. "I'll work more hard, boss!" Jimin scoff as he stand up and stride towards him making him gulp in fear. He crouch down to his face level and spat while snarling. "You five mf couldn't carry the lone task I gave you, just one!" He point his index angrily.

"I don't need weaklings in my black hole." Jimin said dismissively as he stand up and fix his coat and put his hand out asking for a gun. A guard immediately put a gun on his open palm while block 3 tremble and tears fall from his eyes and before Jimin could do anything, block 3 cling to Jimin's leg and beg him.

"Please...boss...I'll try more hard...please don't kill me...give me one chance to prove myself boss!!!" His cries sounded distanced as Jimin went numb as a memory invaded his mind.

*A small girl crying while holding a boy's leg, her small arms wrapped around his legs. Diamond tears falling down her beautiful face as she holds onto his leg begging him. "Don't leave me alone...pleaseee jiminieee....you promised meeee....pleaseee....you will never leave meee....you promised you'll be my best friend for the rest of my lifeee...." Her every cry was piercing through his heart as he tried to snatch his leg out of her grasp resulting to her clinging more to him. "I plead you pleasee....there's no one hereee....please jiminieee take me with youuuu...." *

Jimin snap out of the hazy memory with a tear already falling across his cheek before he could blink it back. The gun fall down from his hand as he snatch back his leg from block 3 grasp and rush out wiping the small trail of wetness from his cheek before anyone could take notice.

Block 3 remained sitting on the ground while wiping his own tears, determined to find the person Jimin had appointed to them. He look down at his lap ashamed of his current situation. He didn't knew he'd have to beg for his own life too. He cannot blame Jimin for getting angry either. He'd do the same if he were in Jimin's place


The man with brown hazelnut color hair with a cloth tied around his face walk into the garage where he show a specific card to the men sitting, they nod and one of them motion for him to follow him. He followed close behind not really focusing anywhere.

As the man enter the place, he locate five built up hulk men dressed in black suit standing already infront of him. He look up confused at the other who guided him here. The other man smirk at him.

His eyes widened when one of the man charge towards him, not wasting a moment he dodge his every punch easily making the man angry. The man throw a fist in his direction while he bent down from under his punch and elbow his shoulder dislocating it right there.

The man grunt and fall right on the face. He look up to the other four who were ready. He slowly get in position not backing out. His fists infront of him observing them. When one of them make a run, he throw a round house kick making him fall on his back. He look up and started fighting the others

At last, he release the headlock when the last man faint. He slowly get up on his own dusting his clothes. He look around and walk in the door he was supposed to go.

Jimin smirk seeing the cctv footage of his own man roughhousing him but he was way too talented to even get a single punch. "Always showing off!" He mumble before getting up and going to the center point room where they meet. The hazelnut hair man already inside the room.

Jimin clap his hands loudly, each clap weighing more sarcasm than the other. "If you would've shown that interest of yours in carrying out the mission, there would've been peace upon us." His voice silky as ever but once Jimin speak in this tone, nothing is normal.

The man remove his mask showing his flawless handsome face. "I saw her." He said completely dismissing his last comment. Jimin's eyes narrow immediately while he quickly stand infront of him. "Where?"

The man look up with apologizing eyes but did not say anything in return. "I think I ASKED YOU SOMETHING BLOCK 1!!!" Block 1 slowly mumble. "Boss, let's talk in peace..."

Jimin grab his collar. "Don't tell me what to do...I sure have many reasons to shoot you in the place right now so better tell me what you saw!" Jimin's grip still on his collar as he mumble slowly.

"At her house...when she was abducted..." Jimin's hand loosen on his collar slightly while he spat at him in disbelief. "You saw her get abducted...yet you did nothing?" Block 1 shake his head vigorously. "It's not like that...boss I would've put my life on line to protect her but..."

"But what...?" Jimin ask tightening his grip again. "The boy took him before I could reach there..." Jimin's teeth were clattering because of the anger he was feeling. He tug at his collar shaking him violently.

"Why didn't you reach there!!! Were you fucking handicap??? SHE WAS FIGHTING UP THERE AND YOU LET THAT BOY GET AWAY!!!!!" He shout out his all pent up anger while block 1 let him toss him around.

"I thought the others were useless, but turns out that you are shit." He said landing a punch on block 1 face causing him to stumble back but he regained his posture. Wiping the blood off his teeth with his tongue letting the ironic taste dissolve in his mouth with a wince.

He wouldn't even glance up at him, because this time he was at fault. He had not protected her with his all. He could've run up earlier. He should've never let his guard down and made some excuses. He should've tried more and never let an inch touch her.

He is not even scared for himself standing infront of Jimin letting him beat him up because he knows what Jimin feels right now. Nobody can blame Jimin for the psychopath he is today. Nobody can blame him for the madness he is letting out today.

Jimin swipe his sleeve on his forehead tightly wiping the sweat off. He look up with hooded tired eyes as he mumble. "I want her no matter what you do or how you do it. For your kind information, I do not care whoever the fuck dies in the process. Make it happen by word or sword. I do not care."

Jimin left after telling block 1, who was the leader of the group black hole, that the mission is still to be carried out but this time with violence as the first weapon. Block 1 make his way out the room and down the basement. His steps familiar with the stairs as he count it down. Perfect 26 stairs to the basement everytime he  descend.

He was a keen observer. He always had good eyes and right tricks to pull out. He wasn't an ordinary person. He entered the room gaining the attention of the three people already staring back at him with another one sitting infront of the computers unbothered. The red haired girl drop the mug of coffee from her hand and gasp.

"Holy moly, did he jump out of a k-drama?" He roll his eyes at her behavior and turn to the one he knows. The guy with the red hair, block 3. Block 3 smile back at him weakly.

The one with glasses stood up and approach him and put his hand out for him. "I'm block 4 and I assume you are block 1 because I guess we all are occupied till 5 and you are remaining." He simply nod. The one in full black clothes was still sitting with his face towards the computers.

The girl walk up to him in a cool manner and said. "I'm block 5" his eyes squint at the information and he remember her position of work. He nod. He didn't had to introduce himself. As everyone knew already he was the leader.

Everyone was keeping their names hidden from one another. Only Jimin knew about them. Block 2 roll around his chair causing block 1 to look at him. Dark black hair with dark brown almost black eyes staring at him with a small smirk on his lips.

He didn't gave him the satisfaction of smirking back and went forth to the round table and drop everything off it. The girl madly mumble about her things dropping too but he doesn't keep an ear to her.

He look up and motion the four of them to come forward. They all do as asked. Because they all know better than not obeying Jimins orders. Block 1 speaks. "Mission is still pending! Write about everything on a paper you experienced last with our mission." Everyone nod and he speak again."Submit it to me by tomorrow."

"From my left everyone get in their position representing their numbers so I don't mess up your names." Block 2 that has black hair and is a little short from him in height stand to his left while block 3 stood beside block 2, he was the red haired boy he knew because their both work position were outdoors hunting the mission.

However block 4, that had dark brown hair and glasses on the bridge of his nose stand tall beside block 3 while lastly the girl named block 5 also red hair that falls right till her waist stand beside block 4. He nod satisfied.

He pull out something from his back pocket and began opening the paper that soon got big enough. It was the black hole work location map. Block 1 look at block 2 and said. "Your work before was indoors with block 4...but although now everybody...neither of you are referred as indoor or outdoors."

They all nod along liking the way he is not too bossy and talks fast and clear. "This here is her house..." he point at the small sticker on the map. "This her work area...while this is the university...and last...her every shoe had a track bug located in it. And this is the area where I located the bug last. Well it was only her shoe that I got though.

Everyone's eyes widened at the new information. The girl mumble a small 'Thankgod' for gaining some new information. Block 1 continue, "J...I mean block 3 and block 2, I need you two to conquer every area near the location of where the bug was tracked. Is it clear?" Both of the blocks says a strong 'Yes' in response.

Block 1 tap the location on his own phone and send it to the other two and when they receive it, it was their que to leave to carry out the mission. But block 1 stops them and step forward taking out a small bug tracker almost invisible and hide it in their clothes.

"This will help us to track you down for guidance and help." They nod and left leaving block 4 and 5 with him. "As for you! Block 5...go and check out the place she worked and if they don't knock out information, choose violence." She nod leaving already. He made sure to keep the tracking bug in her clothes too.

Left behind is block 4 who looks away for some reason. Block 1 step forward and said. "I already know about it!" Block 4 breath out and speak. "Look I'm not your enemy, boss already sensed it before me that you are in love. It's not my fault just because I see it 24/7 and it's my job." He defend himself.

He shake his head and said. "Don't make me uncomfortable now, get back to work now.." Block 4 nod and wait for him to give him some work. "Get back to your computer and I need you to track down every man and woman the other members send you numbers of. Trace their back grounds, hack into their system, break in their personal affairs and find what's important."

He break out in a smile, happy to finally get some real work to do and nod while getting back to it.

Block 1 look down to the small piece of the pendant in his hand. He clasp it in his palm securely while hopelessly staring into nothing.

Jimin hum in satisfaction looking in the cctv of their teamwork. "Seems like it's all rough and busy in here." He doesn't care anymore with anyone falling in love with the person he forbid. He can't blame them. He knew it all from the start because that's the reason he had set this rule for.


Note: Vote and give me notifications sweet pie's if you liked it or Taehyung will appear under yo bed! 🤪

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