Chapter 10: Veronika Blows Big Bubbles

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I was falling to my doom. Well this is a stupid way to die I thought as I screamed and cursed my head off, plummeting maybe four or more feet from the ground. My stomach felt like it was still flying around in the sky while my body fell from that wretched pegasus. I closed my eyes, hoping maybe that the landing wouldn't hurt that bad. I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs, cannon-ball style, preparing myself for empact.

Then I felt nothing. Not the hard dirt. Nothing. I opened my eyes and saw purple tented grass. Is this what the Underworld looks like? I wondered to myself Hades has some nice grass. Then I realized I was hovering over the purple tented grass, in a bubble. Well the bubble was purple, not the grass. Then the bubble popped, leaving me to fall on my face with a loud THUD!

"A-are you ok?" A girl's voice stammered

"No." I groaned sarcastically, my face still buried in the grass

"Um, we should get an Apollo kid." A sorta high pitched guy's voice suggested

I rolled over on my back, winced, groaned and looked over to where the voices were coming from. Two black boots, two green feet and a pair of goat hooves. A camper, a nymph and a satyr. Then I looked up to see who they were, the camper was Veronika-why she was there I don't know-and the nymph and the satyr I've never seen before.

The nymph was a small, light green skinned, and amber haired, girl who looked maybe sixteen or fifteen. The satyr was sort of tall, he had medium sized horns that poked out of his curly brown hair, to the looks of it he was trying to grow a beard, and from the waste down he had a donkey's -I mean goat's back half. He was probably seventeen or sixteen. But what I learned here at good old Camp Half-Blood, they was probably two times their age.

"Where's the pegasus?" I asked, rubbing the shaved side of head and sitting up.

"What peg-" Veronika started before she was cut off by the nymph

"He flew away once he bucked you off." nymph cut in

"Rory did say he'd buck me off if I went to low." I muttered to myself, barely audible, sitting crossed legged

"What?" Veronika leaned closer to me

"Nothing, it's not important." I quickly said, then moved my gaze to the nymph and the satyr. "I don't think I've seen you guys around here, what are your names?"

"I'm Juniper," the nymph gestured to her self then to the satyr "and this is Grover."

My jaw dropped. This was the Grover the satyr who found Pan, escaped Polyphemus' island and fought in the second Titan war. Yeah, he was no Thalia but he was a survivor and a legend. Well not a legend, he still was the most brave satyr that I've heard of.

"You're-you're the Grover. Like the one who possess Pan's spirit?" I kinda fangirled. No. I chided myself You're not fangirling.

The the satyr scratched the back of his neck and blushed a bit "Yeah."

"Oh Grover stop being modest!" Juniper hugged his arm. They were probably dating.

"Anyway," Veronika broke in "you fell?"

I pushed my hand on the ground to get up, but my legs refused, causing me to flop back down. "Yeah, I was riding a pegasus and then I guess he fell asleep, then woke up, bucked me off, then the bubble caught me...Was that you're bubble?" I pointed to Veronika

She bit the bottom of her lip and looked down at her shoes. "Ok, don't tell Lou that I've been practicing without her, she'll kill me!"

"Alright," I said "so it was you."

"Yes." she admitted. What's the big deal about practicing without someone? I thought Never mind that, focus! Find Caboose.

"We're do you think the pegasus could have gone?" Juniper asked, looking at me then the sky

"No idea." I admitted, slowly standing up and brushing the dirt and grass off my clothes. Then the sound of disturbed Campers broke through the air, coming from around the armory and the stables. Caboose. I mentally scowled.

"I'm guessing that's the horse." Grover looked over to the where the sound was coming from.

"Yep." I answered, turning to Juniper and Grover. "It was nice meeting you two."

"Nice meeting you too." Grover said and held out his hand, and I shook it. Juniper and I did the same.

I started walking over to the were Caboose probably was and looked over my shoulder, glancing back at the satyr and his nymph girlfriend "Oh and thanks for saving the world." And walked farther.

"Wait up!" Veronika scurried to my side "Camp rules; don't be in the forest alone."

"Yeah, says the girl who was playing magician alone in the woods." I replied sarcastically as we walked together.

"I wasn't alone, Grover and Juniper were there."

"Uh-huh, sure."

"I'm telling the truth! Grover and Juniper were with me!" Veronika protested, then looked to the side "Most of the time."

"Ah, so you were alone." I smirked. She didn't know it but I was messing with her. I'm not that mean to tease her about something so stupid as practicing magic alone. But if you do something to get on my bad side you have a whole new world of hurt coming for you.

"Ok maybe interring, I was alone," she explained, trying to rush her words "but once I got to Zeus' fist Grover and Juniper were already there then you fell out of the sky."

"GAH!" Someone shouted "GET IT OFF! GET. IT. OFF!"

"Caboose." I moaned and looked down at Veronika "We better go get him or he's gonna kill someone."

"Yep." Veronika agreed. And we ran off to the sound of screeching Campers.

Caboose was tramping Campers left and right. Stepping on them, snorting grass in their faces and being plane annoying. But by the way he was moving; he might have been looking for something.

"Caboose!" I shouted at the pegasus.

Caboose whipped his head back at me and Veronika and charged. Not a war charge, more like a happy-Great-Dane-running sort-of charge. Veronika moved out of range in a matter of seconds to avoid being stepped on. I stayed in place, not moving an inch. What a dumb move, right? Well I know a happy tromp when I see one.

"Get over here you Turd-Blossom." I commanded Caboose playfully. He came over all happy/goofy like and nudged my arm with his wet nose.

"So this is the horse who kicked you out of the sky?" Veronika asked, once she got close to Caboose.

"Yep." I replied, petting his long grey neck

"TONI!" a familiar voice hollered from beyond the stables

I squinted and saw a girl with big light brown frizzy hair come running down with a tall boy; he was probably that wretched, evil, annoying, gods awful, guy I call brother. They ran the down the hill super fast and soon enough Peter was standing in front of us, panting. He's hands on his knees and Lena kept charging at me, getting close enough to tackle me. And she did.

"Oh my gods are you ok?" Lena rushed, still hugging the life out of me. Slight panic and concern in her voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine-" I reassured her, but she cut me off

"Peter saw you fall off your pegasus and-and- I freaked," she babbled, sympathy in her tone. "We thought you were dead."

"She thought you were dead." Peter corrected, pointing down at Lena.

I gave him a pathetic eye roll and Lena let go of me, ready for me to explain what happened. And why there was a little girl behind me.

"So are you going to tell us, or what?" Peter said impatiently, gesturing to me

"Caboose was falling asleep and flung me off, Veronika here,"-I gestured to Veronika behind me- "saved me from turning into a pancake and we came here." I explained simply

Lena's and Peter's faces both showed that look. You know the look of Did-you-really-just-say-that? with a mix of You-stupid and disappointment.

"What?" I whined. "I'm too lazy to tell you all of it in detail."

Behind me, Veronika snickered and brushed Caboose's rib cage with her fingers.

"Whatever," Lena playfully rolled her eyes "C'mon, we should get Caboose in his stable and get lunch."

My stomach rumbled in agreement, lunch. Food...Healthy. Vegetables. Yuck.

"Lunch, let's get some." I said, pointing my finger up in lazy matter-of-fact way.

We some how managed to get Caboose back into his stable after probably ten tries. After they tricked him to get in with some(stolen)sugar cubes. I locked the gate door thingy, Veronika by my side, and we left for lunch.


Kay, that was a stupid chapter. Let's all just admit that all of these chapters are stupid and poorly written.

Anyway I forgot to say that I don't own Connie or her horse, buggy2222 does. I own Peter Hank. I just needed to clarify that sooo...on we go to the apologizing! ^_^


Apology#1; I got lazy. Apology#2; I have a thing called school and other distractions. Apology#3; I've been diagnosed with a terrible disease called Writers Block. Apology#4; I've been reading more than writing, deal with it. (Sorry if sound like brat, it's just the truth. I don't want you to think I'm a snobby butthole.)


Love: TophPug :)

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