Chapter 9: I Get Flung Off A Pegasus

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HEY HEY, Supzez!! So sorry I took so buggin' long to make this. I had lots of school stuff to do and life, life is my lame excuse. So....yeah I hope you like this chappie!!!

So you think after all that had happened yesterday Peter would be to shocked to wake up, and I would have a fabulous morning. Absolutely wrong.

I woke up to the sound of metal banging against metal and someone shouting, "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" That was Peter banging two pans together while yelling that in my ear. And my instincts reacted sending my fist flying into his face.

"Ow!" Peter complained, dropping the pans on the floor to assist his face.

"Well that's what you get for waking me up like that." I hissed, throwing myself out of bed. I'm not a morning person. "Where is everyone?" I asked finally noticing that everyone was gone, and it was only me and Peter in the cabin.

"Oh, they're all getting ready." Peter said, rubbing his nose "Clarisse told me to get you up."

"And that's how you wake people up?" I snarled, grabbing some clothes for today

"Well you wouldn't wake up, so that was the last option." he said while holding one pan in each hand, shrugging.

"Yeah, whatever." I muttered while walking out of the cabin to the showers.

To sum things up; I took a shower, changed in some clothes, attempted to fix my bed head, and walked to the pavilion for breakfast.

I sat at Ares table stuffing my face with grapes and other healthily stuff. Yeah, they never served anything inorganic or unhealthily. And it sickened me. I know that healthily is good for me and yada yada yada, but I want real good food that has cheese, oooooh cheese. Or a nice cold unhealthily chocolate sundae with sprinkles and whip cream. Yum!

"Ok, time for training." one of my brothers said pulling me out of my beautiful thoughts. I stared down at my now empty plate and my stomach gurgled wanting that sundae.

"Hey." someone said while poking my shoulder "Hey, Toni, hey." they poked my shoulder again "Toniiii, hey, hey." They started poking my head now.

"WHAT?" I snapped, whipping my head to their direction finding out who was being the annoying jerk. And if you guessed it was Mr.D poking my shoulder, then you were wrong. It was my turd for brains brother, Peter. "Peter what is it you want?"

"Oh, just came to say hai." Peter said, smiling like a crazed killer

"Really?" I asked, adding sarcasm with a scowl

"Uh-huh." he grinned

"If you have planned something with the Stolls, I swear--" I was saying before something sticky and and warm was pored on my head. Honey, sticky honey. I glared at Peter who was practically rolling on the floor laughing his brains out and said, "You better run, boy."

He stopped laughing, eyes wide. "Run, Peter run while you still can!" someone said from behind me, but Peter being a son of Ares he didn't run.

"Ooh, Toni vs Peter in an all time show down!" someone from Nike table yelled. But Chiron being an old horse dud, he came trotting over to us. My fists were balled and ready to put Peter in the infirmary for a month.

"Alright children break it up." Chiron said calmly.

"He started it." I mumbled

"Cecil, Lena, you two are going to wash dishes tonight and apologize to Toni." Chiron commanded the people who pored the honey on my head.

"Lena, you were working with him?" I asked Lena, pointing my thumb back at Peter.

Lena shifted her weight nervously and looked down "Um, yeah...Sorry?"

"So, I'm just gonna go train, I'll see you guys later." Peter said slowly, walking backwards trying to escape punishment.

"Not so fast Mr. Hank." Chiron's voice boomed stopping Peter, his hand held up. And Peter stop in his tracks. "You will join Lena and Cecil in punishment. As for you Mis. Kraus, you can carry on with the daily schedule."

"Yes sir." I said and got the Hera out of the pavilion, leaving Lena, Peter and Cecil in the hands of Chiron.

I trudged to my cabin, my arms swinging by my side. I was angry, but not because I got honey on my hair. I was angry at Lena, Peter and possibly the whole gosh darn world. Ok, maybe not the whole world, but it felt like it. Lena was working alongside with that troll, Peter. She was my friend and she betrayed me for my idiot brother. Maybe it was a joke. I thought...Or wasn't.

I opened the door to Ares cabin, my head held high. I'm not going to show weakness, I told myself. not around Clarisse, not around my siblings, not around camp. Ever.

After getting the wretched honey out of my hair I fumbled around. But then a thought popped in my head. I ducked under my bed and grabbed my sword out from under the dark abyss that was the undercarriage of my bed. But something caught my eye, my pistols. The bronze lining glowing faintly with the bullets in my belt my aunt gave to me. Aunt Rose. It had felt like forever since I last saw her. I blinked away the pain and grabbed my bullet belt and two pistols. Then put the belt on my waste and stuck one pistol in each boot. After strapping my sheath to my side, I went off for training looking OP.

The arena was pretty empty. I guessed everyone was probably at Art&Crafts, because there was only a few people training with eachother or stabbing the straw dummies. So I went up to a dummy that was unoccupied, unsheathed my sword and started slicing at it.

Later after skipping Art&Crafts to train, I went over to the pegasi stables for Pegasi Riding with the Demeter cabin and some satyrs. A satyr, who's name was Rory, helped me up on a grey and white spotted pegasus.

"Be carful." Rory warned "Grey is a bit jumpy, don't fly to low or to high. He'll get scared and buck you off."

"The horse's name is Grey?" I asked, totally random(ADHD much?)

"Yeah, so?"

"Couldn't you think of a better name, like maybe; Kasper, Wallie, or even Caboose for gods sakes." I rambled

"I don't know." Rory said "Ride over to Connie she's in charge." He pointed at a girl riding a pegasus with long brown hair that had sun bleached blonde tips. She was pretty, and so was her horse. The pegasus was white with a black mane, tail and a diamond marking that was above her eyes.

"There's a few things I have to tell you first. Keep your balance, don't fall, and lastly don't die." Connie told the group of campers as I rode over to join them. "Ok everyone got that?"

Heads shook and others grunted signaling they understood what Connie said.

"Alright let's do this!" Connie said while she and her horse went flying up into the sky, and the other campers followed her. Grey stood there munching on some grass, enjoying life as a winged horse.

"C'mon Grey, we have to be up there. Let's fly! Come on!" I urged, pulling up the reins and lightly pounding my foot on his side. But he wouldn't budge. "Grey, no time to eat the grass, LET'S GO!" I bumped my foot a little harder on his side. He snorted and went back to eating the grass.

"Need a hand?" someone suspiciously familiar said from out of my peripheral vision. I zipped my head back to where the speaker was.

"Peter, I don't have time you." I sneered, tightening my grip on the reins

"Well, I guess I'll just leave you and your pegasus here scoffing down grass." Peter said, spinning around slowly to create dramatic effect. "I'll be off then, oh I now I'll go ask Lena if she'd like to come with me to the woods." he smirked

"Fine. How do I get him to fly?" I gritted my teeth

"Well first, you shouldn't be holding the reins that tight, you're going to snap it in half if you do that." Peter explained "Second, he's hungry. You wouldn't want to fly off into the sky on an empty stomach would you?"

"What, should I do feed him apples?" I asked sarcastically

"Pfft, how should I know?" Peter smirked

"Well, I guess we ask Rory or Connie."


"Rory is a satyr and Connie is in charge." I explained "But she's in the sky, so we'll ask Rory"

Apparently Grey was hungry, so we gave him some food and Rory talked to him a bit.

"He doesn't like being called Grey." Rory translated

"Told you." I muttered

"Well what would the he like to be called, Carl?" Peter asked in a sarcastic tone

Grey whinnied and Rory translated, "He said he likes Caboose or Ke$ha."

Peter and I raised our eyebrows and gave Grey a disgust/perplexed look.

"He wants to be called Ke$ha, like the singer?" I asked slowly in disbelief

"Or Caboose, he said it soots him." Rory grinned

"Because he's last." Peter pointed out

"Well let's rename him Caboose 'cause I'm not going to call him Ke$ha." I decided

Caboose snorted and Rory translated, "He said--his words not mine-- But the party don't start till I walk in."

"I'm not renaming a horse after someone like Ke$ha." I scolded Caboose

Caboose huffed and shook his head.

"You don't want me to translate that." Rory cringed

"I don't want to know anyway." Peter smirked

"Caboose, to the sky's!" I ordered, pointing my finger up to the sky like I was leading an army into battle. It wasn't that amazing, nor exciting though. Caboose spread his wings and started galloping, soon enough we were high in the sky scoring above Camp Half-Blood.

"Good boy, Caboose!" I exclaimed, patting the side of his neck

Caboose snorted

"I'll just take that as 'you're awesome, Toni'."

Caboose trotted around for a while, scoring left and right with the wind in my choppy hair. Then we were over the forest and starting to loose altitude. Either Caboose was falling asleep or it was just the wind in my eyes, and I'm pretty sure that it wasn't the wind.

"Uhh, Caboose." I said, a little panic in my voice "Caboose?" I shook the reins "CABOOSE WAKE UP!" I yelled as we fell, pine trees almost c'bobing us. The ground was probably a few feet away, and that was when I was flung off the winged horse.


OOooooh, cliffie. Well I guess it's kinda a cliffhanger but who knows. Sorry again for the shortness and I wrote this on my iPad so if it's terrible I'm sorry. Anyway thanks for reading!!! Vote, comment if you have any ideas or anything!!! And once again thank you for reading!!

OH WAIT!!!!! So the next chapter I'm going to do a Ask&Dare thing for my characters in this book! So if you have any questions for any of the characters just comment your question and they will answer!!

Love: TophPug xoxo

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