Chapter 8: I Meet A Mr. Really-Not-So-Nice-Guy

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Hey I updated!!!! I'm SSSSOOOOOOOO sorry I haven't updated in ages...Anyway I hope you like this chapter and you'll see why there is a picture of a sword in the little box over there --> or above ^^^ thanks for reading and I'm gonna shut up now. ;)


It had been a least a week of training and Lena and I knew absolutely nothing about what happened at dinner a few days ago. No one told us what the Hades was going on, Lena even did her puppy dog face and no one budged. I even asked Clarisse, my new half sister, what was going on and she wouldn't tell me. Gods people drive me crazy. But at least Nyssa finished my sword, but still--with my luck--everything got even worse.

I was going about my day sharpening my new wickedly awesome sword. The sword had a golden hilt with back leather wrapped around it, so I could have a better grip. The blade was iron with a black thing over it and celestial bronze riming, it looked cool and it killed monsters like a boss. Anyway, I was sitting on the grass, sharpening away as Lena and Cecil were playing volleyball. They bounced the volleyball back and forth for a bit before Cecil sent the ball flying on top of Lena's head making her fall over.

"Ow." she grumbled playfully "I'm going to get you back Cecil, mark my words." she got to her feet and launched the ball over the net. It landed, sending sand fly everywhere. "18 Lena and 4 Cecil!"

Cecil grumbled a curse and got ready to serve. They played for a bit, but that was when something from Half-Blood Hill roared and by the sound of it; it apparently wanted to cross the borders.

"What was that?" I asked, looking back at the hill. I grabbed my sword and hopped on my feet, ready battle the monster that roared.

"A monster, duh!" Cecil answered

"I know that!" I chided, whipping my head back at him. "Why is it here?"

"Lets go check it out." Lena said, pulling out one of her blue celestial bronze lined dagger from her belt. Before we were over the hill I knew it was probably some Cyclopes, and I was right. Well except that the cyclopes were chasing a satyr and boy who was probably near my age.

"Let me eat you!" one of the cyclopes bellowed. Cecil had ran off to get help, while Lena and I would distract the cyclopes so the boy and the satyr could cross. Brilliant idea or what? Lena and I ran up the hill and crouched behind a tree, planing our attack.

"I say we wing it." Lena said in a hushed tone.

"No, we need a plain." I argued

"Well if you don't make up a plain soon I'm going to charge."

I poked at the dirt with the tip of my swickedly awesome sword, thinking. Soon a little mischievous smile tugged at the corner of my lips.

"You have a plain?" Lena asked

"Yep." I replied, running out in the open in front of the cyclopes. "YO UGLYS!"

"What-Huh?" one of them said, confused form what I just did.

"Yeah you, ugly!" I taunted

"Hey! We're not ugly!" one other said, offended by my remark.

"I thought you had a plain?" Lena asked, running from our hiding spot while throwing one of her daggers at the cyclopes. And with her luck, one of them turned to dust.

"Good shot!" I exclaimed, while swishing my sword at the monsters; who turned into dust.

"Hey I don't need your help!" Someone whined, stubbornly from behind a cyclops.

"Yeah, yeah whatever tell that to the Cyclopes whipping your butt." I yelled back at the person. Soon the cyclops that was between me and the ungrateful slob turned into gold dust and I saw the troll standing with satyr behind him.

He was tall, a little buff, with dark copper hair and brown eyes. He wore--from what I could tell--baggy pants, a grey T-shirt, and black Reebok shoes. He looked tiered, but he seemed like he didn't want to show it. He swung his golf club like a sword at the cyclops to his left, wait golf club? Whatever it was, it was pretty effective. The cyclops was caught surprised by the hit, so I the awesome girl, came charging at it lodging my sword in it's big fat belly. Golden monster dust went flying everywhere.

We had killed them all. Poof. Gone down into Tartarus. But someone came and rained on my parade.

"I told you I didn't need your help! I had it under control!" Mr. Ungrateful whined

I sheathed my sword and started approaching him with my fists balled, ready to dislodge his head from his body, but Lena held me back.

"Hey, let me go! I need to show this punk some manners!" I gritted my teeth. Pfft what do I know about manners? My inner smarty pants thought.

"Oooh I'm scared!" he wavered sarcastically

"OH THAT'S IT!" I bellowed, lunging at him with my fist ready to hit his face. And I sent him flying, well that's an overstatement. He stagered back rumbing his chin, blood coming from his mouth. I felt good, really good.

"Ok, Toni--" Lena said before she was cut off by the sound of Cecil yelling, "I have reinforcements!"

"Little late there Cecil." I grumbled

"Oh, oops..."

After a little bit of yelling and a few misunderstandings, we brought Mr. Ungrateful to the infirmary and Chiron. We waited out side on the porch for the Newbie. Lena wanted to show him around while I wanted to cut him into pieces and feed him to the cleaning harpies. Or make him wear Lady Gaga's meat dress and throw him into the woods.

"Well Mr. Hank you're good to go. Miss. Myers would you show Peter around?"

Lena made a little squealing noise and happily skipped off with 'Peter' leaving me sitting by myself on the Big House porch. Wonderful.

I walked by myself around camp, thinking of how many ways I could pulverize Peter. I don't know why I hate him, I just do. He was an annoying boy who didn't have and decency what-so-ever. Man, he made me want to trow him in Tartarus. But by the way Lena was actting, she probably had a thing for the dude. What she sees in him I have no clue, but he's a jerk. Then I fell on something warm, small, and with dark red hair.

"Oh my gods, I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." I said getting to my feet.

"It's fine." the girl said, a purple leather book in her hands.

"Here, let me help you." I said offering her my hand. She took it and pulled herself from off the dirt. Then it hit me, I ran over this girl at the camp fire a weak ago...and the girl from my dream "Oh my gods, I didn't notice it was you."

She rasied an eyebrow "Pardon?"

"I ran you over after the camp fire about a week ago."

"Oh, yeah you." she looked down, leting in awkward silence.

"Well um, you want to walk to the pavilion with me?" I asked, noticeing that the sun was starting to set and the conch shell horn was probably going to blow any second now.

"Sure, I guess so."

We walked passing the canoe lake and the cabins, having small talk. Like; "Nice shoes." "I like your hair." "Cool book." and other stuff like that.

"Hey I never got your name?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

"Veronika Tolliver, yours?" Veronika replied

"Toni Kraus."

"German?" She asked

"I have a German background." I said, with the conch horn blaring the signal for everyone to get the their butts down to the pavilion for dinner.

"Well, see you later." Veronika said, running backwards to her table.

"See ya." I said, walking over to my table with my rowdy siblings talking up a storm.

"Kraus, sit down." Clarisse ushered me. Then my worst fears came true. Everyone was on one knee kneeling and looking at the steps of the pavilion.

"Ares," said Chiron from his table "Rager, Father of War. Hail Peter Hank, Son of the War God."

I whipped my head back at the direction they were all staring where was Peter standing on the pavilion steps, over is head was a red glowing boar and two spears crossed, like a skull and crossbones. The sign of Ares. Peter is now my brother.

"What! Really, are you kidding me?" I complained loudly

"Haha, suck it up buttercup." Peter said, strolling over to our table, like a snob.

The rest of the night was unbearable. Peter wouldn't shut his annoying pie hole all night, while Lena was swooning all over him. Well we talked for a bit, but she was mostly swooning. Clarisse and the rest of the camp caught him up on everything, I mean EVERYTHING. They told him everything thing from all the Greek myths to today. Well take a guess who's the new favorite? Stupid, Annoying, Turd Bucket, worst new brother ever, Peter. Yay. Well at least I didn't get any dreams tonight, that's a plus.


Sorry for the shortness! I think I'm going to make the chapters shorter now, 'cause if you want me to update more often then the chapters are going to be shorter. But if you guys love the longer chapters then please tell me in the comments! Love you guys! Also if you have any ideas or anything PLEASE either PM me or comment your idea. Thanks a million times for reading!!!

Love: TophPug *Internet hug*

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