Chapter 4: My Steak Goes Up In Flames

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 SUPZEZ, fellow people of Wattpad! Sooo, to get right down to the point, I did NOT make up this prank, my sister helped me with it. Ya know, writers block and stuff like that. So I give cred to ma sista.

And that pic up there, or to the side over there -->, is what I kinda imagine what Lena looks like, if you add more puff to the hair and add more green in the eyes, then that's how I pictured her. I found it via Pinterest at random. soo yeah.

Wait....OH MY GOSH!! GUYS STUPID WATTPAD WAS DRUNK AND IT DIDN'T SAVE MY LAST BIT OF THE LAST CHAPTER!! AND IT WAS PRETTY GOSH DARN LONG!! *curls up in a ball*. Whhyyy...*rocks back and forth*. I can't go on..*sniff*

OK, ok calm down. breath in breath out...It's going to be fine, just fine...I hope.


 When I got back inside the cabin again there were teens and preteens running around the cabin like crazy. Some were bickering over who stole what or who did that, but there were some what you can call 'normal' people..well far as normal goes.
Lena was a little off to the side, while Connor and Travis stood in front of me. 

"Yo!" Travis yelled to get their attention. Then him and Connor scooted out of the door way. "This is Toni, she'll be staying here until she is determined, or you know she'll be one of us."

I soon felt all of their eyes on me and to avoid it being awkward I said "Hi." in a small voice, and toped it off with a shy wave. I didn't like the fact that all the of the attention was on me, but another part of me liked it, and it wanted keep all of the eyes on me. Were that part of me came from? I have no idea.

I swiftly walked to were Lena was standing, were I felt more comfortable. Well...more comfortable than standing in the middle of the door way with dozens of pares of eyes staring at me.

"Yeah, yeah whatever Travis. 'Lets just keep on waiting for dinner." a voice from the crowd of people teased.

"I hope I don't have to share a bunk with her." another voice said loud enough for me to faintly hear. Lena gave a death glare to the speaker, but I didn't really care. I really didn't care what they said, if I were them I wouldn't want to share a sleeping space with a stranger. Long story short: I didn't mind.

"It's ok, you can share with me." Lena whispered to me. I nodded and she pulled me away to the back of the room, where she led me to a bunk bed filled with stuff on the top bed.

"I guess I'll take the bottom." I said to Lena

"If that's ok with you." she replied. I nodded and flopped on the surprisingly comfy bed. Once the energy got back up to the way it was when I came in, I knew that I wouldn't get as many looks as I did a minute a ago.

I probed my back on the wall of the cabin and out of nowhere Lena's head hanged upside down, three inches away from my face.

"So, sense you just got here and all we should probably get you something else to wear." she said to me. Her puffy(or frizzy, curly) light brown hair was hanging around her face and a leather necklace with clay beads in it was dangling over her noise.

Once I digested what she just said it hint me. I didn't have any spare clothes.

"Well...considering that I was kinda in a rush coming here.." I faltered

"Figured. OH! How did you get here, I want to know every thing!" she practically screeched

"Well...I..Uh.." I stumbled, but before I could say any more, a horn that sounded not quite like a modern bull horn. It sounded more hollow, more old.

"DINNER!" a kid exclaimed from the other side of the cabin "Get out of ma way suckers!" Lena chuckled and so did some other kids.

"Eleven fall in!" Connor commanded, clearly trying act in charge. The whole cabin lined up behind the two brothers and they led us to the dinning pavilion, where there were going to be some angry Demeter kids. But, soon after we all got out of the cabin, Lena gasped from in front of me. She turned around to face me, and started to grin as if she had something mischievous pop back in her brain.

"What is it?" I asked

"Just give me a minute, I'll be right back." she held out her finger, making the one more minute sign "Don't let anyone know i'm gone. Ok?"

I studied her for a second and sighed "Alright, but if you do anything stupid...don't drag me into it."

She smiled and winked, then pranced somewhere into the distance. Something was up...something that her brothers and sisters didn't know about. What is she up too? I questioned myself.

When we walked up to the pavilion mostly every picnic table was full with people wearing orange T-shirts. I looked around at all of the people, chatting, horsing around(Although that was mostly the Hermes cabin), or being severed dinner by what looked like green people with moss, twigs, flowers, mushrooms, or leafs for clothes.

"Nymphs?" I blurted quietly

They stat down at a pretty big table, and I followed them to the table. The nymphs went around the tables passing around plates of  BBQ, grapes, apples, strawberries, cheese, and bread. A nymph came around and gave us plates with an empty goblet. I looked at the goblet sternly and raised my eyebrows.

A guy across from me gave me a look then realization appeared on his face. He probably recognized that I was that girl who was standing in the middle of the door way looking like a fool.

"You speak into the goblet whatever you want that's liquid and non-alcoholic, and it gives it to you." he told me

I raised an eyebrow "Cherry Coke." and before I new it there was a dark reddish liquid in my goblet.

"Drink it."he insisted. I took a sip and cold cherry coke went through my system.

"How...How did it do that?" I asked him

" am I supposed to know that?"

I wanted to say something back, but then everyone started walking to a bronze bath tube with fire inside of it. So I just followed along with what they were doing.

I spotted Connor and ran towards him "Hey what are we doing?" I asked Connor trying to catch up with him.

"Oh, yeah forgot to tell you. We just scrape of some food for the gods, something about them liking the smell of burnt food." he replied getting in line to toss his food into the bronze bath tube.

I gave him a confused face "That's weird. Why would they like the smell of burnt food." I lined up behind him. "I mean why would anyone in the right mind would like the smell of burnt food! I mean c'mon!" he chuckled and stepped forward to scrape off his juiciest rib on his plate into the bath tube of fire and mumbled "Hermes."

Wait! What? Who..What...Who am I supposed to give my steak to? What do I do? I frantically asked myself.

"Just say whoever you're godly parent would be, like you're mom or dad." He told me

I sighed and took a step towards the fire "To whoever you are, dad." I whispered and I used my fork to push off my steak into the fire of the bath tube. I let out another sigh and hung my head, knowing that maybe, maybe, that this wasn't a dream, and also knowing that I wouldn't be able to eat my steak anymore.

I plopped back in my old spot and started eating, then a loud screech came from a table far behind me. It was Katie.

"EVIL PLANT!" one of the Demeter kids wailed

"GET IT AWAY!" another yelled

"What's that smell?" one gagged and they kept on doing this until the two brothers who planted the prank (from the help of Lena and I) were laughing harder than everyone else.

"STOLLS!" Katie bellowed and came marching up to Travis and Connor(but mostly Travis). The two brothers couldn't stop laughing and Katie looked so red I thought she was going to blow up in flames.

"REALLY! Mistletoe the killer of plants! On my cabin's table! And who do you think put it there!" Katie yelled at them. She kept on screaming at them and out of the corner of my eye I saw Lena. She was sitting on top of pillar holding a fishing rod, dangling a piece of mistletoe over Travis and Katie. It was a good thing that Connor noticed and moved out of the way, or he would have been caught up in the chaos.

Then Lena dropped the mistletoe closer to their heads and I heard some giggles from an other table. Soon after Katie yelled at Travis again she noticed the mistletoe 2 inches above their heads.

"Love is in the air, ladies and gents!" Lena screamed from above and everyone laughed.

After a second of silence some one, from what was probably the Aphrodite cabin, started chanting "KISS! KISS! KISS!" and soon 80% of the camp was chanting it. Everybody was surrounding them chanting them to kiss, but the ones who didn't stayed back laughing and snorting at the new 'couple'. It was starting to get tense and everyone kept on waiting and waiting for some one to make the move. And then Travis kissed her and the dining pavilion was now like the way it is at the super bowl when some one scores a touchdown, loud and filled with people cheering. I have to admit I was cheering too, but the best part was when Katie slapped him and stormed off, trying not to show that she was blushing.

After every thing was cleaned up and after laughing so hard my side was hurting, Chiron 'insisted' that we went to the camp fire. What's the camp fire? Beats me, all of the other campers rushed off somewhere with guitars, harps, and other instruments...Well some of them. But I guess it's just a normal camp fire, not a bath tube.

"Hey!" some one called from behind me.

I turned and saw Lena running towards me, her puffy curls bouncing into her face. "Hey."

"So, what'd ya think?" she asked me

"Oh, you sitting on a pillar hanging mistletoe over you're brother and his -totally noticeable- crush." I said "I loved it, that was one of the most funniest things i've ever seen!"

"Its just in a days work of being awesome, nothing else." she said trying to play it cool.

"So, what's this camp fire thing?" I asked "Is it a normal camp fire thing? Or is it totally different?"

"Oh, it's just like a normal camp fire, we do sing-a-longs, s'mores and ghost stories. But the only thing different is the fire it'self."

I raised an eyes brow "What do you mean 'the fire is different it'self'."

"It rises when the energy is high and turns bright colors, but if the energy is low: it has dark colors and it's low" she explained


We walked for a bit and she grabbed my arm "Kay, we're here." she told me as she pulled me to a stone seat (or step) in the amphitheater. A lot of the kids with instruments sat close to the fire, which was at medium level and was glowing with bright orange, green, red, and blue light.

They started strumming their harps and guitars, and then started singing, while some people started getting out the marshmallows, gram crackers, and the best part; chocolate. I didn't sing: I mostly stuffed my face with s'mores, and listened to Lena and Connor dreadfully sing 'She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain'.

They told ghost stories and I stuffed myself with more s'mores. Just to say never not eat  their s'mores, they are the best ever, and I couldn't stop eating them. But in then end, Lena had to stop me from eating another one, or I would end being sick for the rest of the night.

"Alright Campers off to bed." Chiron told us

We got up and Lena skipped ahead, while I shuffled back to cabin eleven. I walked along with the other campers, not paying attention to where I was going. I soon learned my leason and bumped into something small , with dark red or auburn hair, and it fell with a loud thud.

"Ow." said the person I bumped into. I looked down at the person and she was rubbing head from the fall. And there was a big dark leather bound purple book with symbols on it laying on the ground next to her.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there!" I told to her .

She didn't say anything, she just stood up, brushed some dirt of her clothes and stared at me. She had fierce violet eyes that were looking at me with sternness. She was short and was probably twelve or ten.

"No problem." she said sternly, and quickly scooped the book in her arms and scampered to a stone cabin with glowing letters on it.

I walked back to Hermes cabin, where I plainly walked up to my bed and fell face first on the pillow. I closed my eyes and fell asleep, but that's when the dreams started.


Hey guys, so I tried my best to rewrite the last bit of chapter 3, and I don't know if it was the same way it was when I originally wrote it. But whatever, what's done is done.

I want to ask you guys if I'm taking the story to slow or to fast. I mean, I know this is the fourth chappie and all, but 1(I want to hear feedback. 2( I got nothing for two, but this will still be here. :P

Also do you guys think Lena is awesome or what? I love her, but if you guys don't really like her then.....I hope she grows on you, cause I ain't gonna kill her off. Hehehe

Oh, and this was a filler chappie. So if you thought it was boring then please don't stop reading! please!

Love you guys! Thank you soo much for reading!

                                              Love: TophPug

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