Chapter 5: I Have a Strange Dream

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So, guys I didn't know how to import this picture I photoshoped in the media thing, and I really, really, wanted to show you guys it. I found it at random on pinterest and photoshoped it. And you guys can't see it and I want to curl up in a ball and die. Cause I tried to find an image with a dark redheaded purple eyed girl, but all it came up with was anime girls. GER! I want to slap wattpad in the face right now.

Sorry if this chapter was a little more of a wait than before. But its just a filler chappie again. Sorry guys! I needed to get some research for whats going to happen, so keep reading or please wait for the next chappie!!!

Sooo, Yeah...back to the story...


In the dream I was sort of floating over the streets of Manhattan island. It was the evening and the city was chaotic. There was fire every were and I could hear a battle from bellow and...Was that a pig squeaking? Yep, there was this giant pig smashing nearby building snorting with glee. I guess you could call it Hogzilla, being a massive pig smashing Manhattan. (LOL!! Ok, sorry I had to write that!)

There was a black dot flying around it like a gnat. I zoomed closer to the scene and soon found out that the dot was one of those winged horses. Then I got a shot of the rider. He had black hair and had one of those orange T-shirts, but his was tattered and ruined.

They swirled around the pig as it trampled buildings. They fought back and forth, but the black pegasus and the black haired boy won the battle. But I could feel that it wasn't over. The battle had just begun.

How I knew it was a battle? And how I new it wasn't over? It kinda is given away how they were fighting, but I knew it wasn't about the pig. It was about something stronger, something older, and more powerful. And it had to be taken down.

The chaos went on and I heard the screams from the people being killed or the sound of the wounded groaning in pain, as the fire burned on through the city. The demigods were short in numbers, I thought they'd never win. Their appoints where stronger, and they had more warriors that weren't dead or wounded.

It was a gruesome fight, but when I thought the demigods were finished and the monsters were going to win, the image of the battle had faded and my vision blurred, but when it came back I was looking at a murder.

There was a guy with blonde hair in a tent loaded with stuffed animals. At first I thought it was that guy from the infirmary, but this guy was in a toga and he had anger, selfishness, and pain in his dark blue eyes. Then he took a knife from his toga and stabbed a stuffed penguin in the stomach, sending stuffing around the room. He whispered something I couldn't make out, it kinda sounded like "I give you this sacorphise, bla, bla, bla.'. He grinned evilly and the tent's door flap came open.

"What is it?" the penguin killer asked the person who dared to disturb the murder

"We are waiting for you signal to leave, Octavian." the disturber asked

The penguin killer 'Octavian' cleared his throaght "What was that?"

The disturber sighed "Praetor Octavian, we wait for your signal to leave and head for Camp Half-Blood."

"Ah, much better."Octavian said gratifyingly "I give you the signal, we shall leave."

Then I registered what he said: Wait, Camp Half-Blood...arn't I at Camp Half-Blood? I thought. What is this stuffed penguin murderer going to do to this camp? Then I could faintly hear some one say something in the back of my head, something like SMASH HIS FACE IN! KILL! KILL! Whatever it was, the speaker was clearly shouting. Then another voice, more clearly said BATHE IN THEIR BLOOD! LET THEM TASTE THE DEFEAT!

Then thankfully the seen changed, but I still could, barely, hear the voices shouting in my head. I think they were bickering now, I'm not quite sure why or who were bickering. All I know is I want them out of my brain.

Now on with the dream. I was running through the streets of Manhattan.(not floating this time)I don't know how, but I wasn't controlling my body. I could only watch through my eyes and do nothing.

The dream me turned my head and I saw the little dark redheaded girl I bumped into at the camp fire. Next to her was Lena, they--we-- where running across the street causing people to honk their car horns at us.

"Are they following us, Veronika?" Lena asked the dark redhead

"No. They probably don't even know we are missing." Veronika told her. We had crossed the street and had gone into a farmer's market like place, where there were locals buying food, trinkets, and other stuff like that.

Then I felt a hand grab my dream self's arm and pull me with it. It turns out it was just Lena dragging me to a stand filled with leather books,cuffs, and jackets. But what caught my eye was something on the side of the wooden stand. It was a round steel shield with the medical staff you see on ambulances.

"Ah, what would you young ladies like, I've got books, jackets, cuffs and many more!" the man behind the counter exclaimed

The vendor was a man probably in his mid fifties. He had no hair with freaky looking green eyes. He wore a white T-shirt with a cow boy hat and I couldn't see the rest of him from behind the counter.

"We need some metal." Veronika said to the vendor

"I'm sorry, but I don't sell metal. Can I-"

Veronika slammed some gold coins on the table"Celestial bronze." she demanded. The vendor looked at the coins greedily and looked up at us.

"Very well." he said "How much would you like?" he grabed all of the coins and sliped it into his pocket.

"As much as you have." Lena told the man. His eyes wided and he turned around looking through his stuff. He took his sweet time looking for the metal, as for Veronika was starting to get inpatient with the man, and so was Lena.

"Any day now." Veronika grumbled

"Ah, I'm sorry ladies, but I am all out of celestial bronze." he said

I felt my dream self scowl and my vew went on Lena. I also felt my lips move, but I didn't hear my voice. It was like some one put me on mute.

"What? How could that be, no demigod ever comes here!" Lena questioned "How could you be all out of celestial bronze?"

"Un less.." Veronika chimed in "You're working for Gaea!"

"Oh, no, no, no." he tried to fool us "Ok, maybe. But who cares, σφίγγα αδράξουν τους!" translation 'Sphinx seize them'. How I knew that? I've haven't the slightest how I know.

Then from behind the stand a loin with the head of a man leaped in front of the stand and snarled at us. My dream self jumped back and got out a sword I didn't even know I had and prepared myself for battle.

"Oh, look at the time! Good bye now." the vendor said "Ta ta!" then he vanished into thin air.

I looked at my companions as the sphinx walked towards us.

"You know demigod is quite tasty. At least that's what I've heard." the sphinx said "I guess I'll give it a try!" and he lunged at us, claws aimed at our faces and teeth bared.

I sat up in my bunk with a cold sweat and started breathing heavily. The dream felt so real...well at least the last bit felt real.

I sat up in my bed and calmed myself down, but then I heard something from above me. It was Lena hyperventilating. She sounded like she was having a panic attack, or something worse I didn't know about.

I slipped out of my covers and got out of bed to see if she was alright. And climbed up the latter, poked my head out so she could see me.

"You ok?" I asked her

She looked at me with red eyes, like she had been crying. I didn't know much about Lena, but I...cared. Yes, I said it I cared for the psychopath. Well...I cared enough for a person I just met. But I still cared.

She rubbed a tear off her face "I-I had a bad dream." she stamered

"You and me both."

She sighed shakily "Yep, those stupid demigod dreams." she said "Well, having weird dreams are one of the many things we demigods have to deal with."

I nodded slowly and yawned. I looked out a window in the cabin and the sun was at it's peak of rising, making the stars fade and bringing day light back into the night sky. It was probably five o' clock, and only Lena and I were awake.

"So, whats the plain for today?" I asked her trying to lighten the mood

"The plain?" she asked "The plain is that we find out who you're godly parent is."

"That would be my dad." I explained " I never met him."

"Ditto, Hermes only had one favorite for the longest time." she said "And he met him once or twice, which is like almost the best thing that could happen to a demigod."

"Who was his favorite?"

"Luke Castellan." she said swiftly, as if the name had meaning

"Why was that?"

"If I told you who Luke was and why Hermes liked him so much." she said "It would take a long time."

We stayed silent for some time before I climbed back down and laid in my bed. I didn't dare try to go back to sleep, I didn't want to and I really couldn't fall asleep again. My mind was running around like crazy. Who was this Luke? Who could my dad be? Why was I dreaming such weird things? They kept bouncing around in my head and it wouldn't stop. But once it did: it felt like the cabin walls were closing in on me and the top of the bunk bed was about to crush me. I started to breath heavily again. The room just seemed to be getting smaller and smaller. I soon found myself backed up against the wall, hyperventilating. I closed my eyes as hard enough that they started to hurt, but when I opened them the walls were still cornering me. I screamed and closed my eyes again before the walls could crush me. Then I felt someone shaking me and yelling my name.

I opened my eyes again and saw Lena's big blueish greenish eyes, her round noise, and her puffy curled hair in face.

"What happened?" I asked her as she flopped on the foot of my bed. The walls where back to normal and the room was brighter than a few minutes ago.

"You fell back asleep, and then you started screaming." she told me

"What time is it?" I looked around the cabin and most of the campers were gone.

"Almost breakfast time." she said "So 'lets get you some new clothes and wash up."

I got out of bed and we sunk out the of the cabin, and thankfully no one woke up...well only the people that were still sleeping. Lena showed me what they called the camp gift shop in a three story blue building, which was the place I woke up in yesturday.
Once we got in the gift shop she grabbed one of those orange T-shirts.
"What size are you?" she asked me, holding the T-shirt above my chest.
"Um...medium." I told her. She turned away and I started roaming the little gift shop.

There was little post cards, snow globes, magnets, little bronze sword key-chains and other cheesy stuff you'll find in a cheesy gift shop. I leaned on cashier counter and waited for Lena to come back from the clothes area.

"So, I don't know if this is you're style," she said carrying a bag of clothes "But only the Aphrodite kids really a style here."

I nodded and she gave me the bag full of clothes. "So, when's breakfast?" I asked

She looked down at a watch on her wrist "Eh, maybe ten minutes at the get changed!"

I went into the changing room and put on their orange T-shirt under my dark denim vest, jeans, and I kept my brown combat boots on. I looked at myself in the dressing room mirror, my mahogany half shaved choppy brown hair was messy, so I ran my fingers through it and that just made it more frizzy and crazy looking. When I got done we headed back to the cabin and cleaned it for cabin in inspection, which was mostly the other campers running around frantically trying to hind all of their junk. And thankfully the horn went off and my stomach gurgled.

We lined up and marched up to the dinning pavilion, but sadly this time there was no mistletoe or any angry Demeter kids involved. We walked back up to the bronze fire bathtub. I scooped off the most greasiest, fattest, and best piece of bacon into the fire and whispered "For you dad...again." I walked back and plopped down on the picnic table, and started eating my food. Once I ate the last grape on my plate I remembered something: my pistols.

Before I even thought what I was going to say, I got up and marched up to a table were Chiron, Mr.D, a few satyrs and a guy who was probably sixteen or seventeen with blonde hair and violet eyes we're sitting down at their table enjoying their breakfast. Well, they were enjoying it until I came along.

"I demand my weapons I came in with!" I demanded. The blonde boy stared at me with his violet eyes, disturbed. Whatever, who cares! I thought.

Mr.D raised a bushy eyebrow "Oh?" He asked "You want to use that tone with me missy?"

"Just give her what she wishes." Chiron said in a clam tone "If she wants to use it as her weapon, very well."

"Even Capture the Flag?" Mr. D questioned Chiron with a bit of sarcasm.

"Oh, I see you're point." Chiron said and he turned towards me "Here my dear." He set the pistols on the table, but there were only two.

"Where's the other two?" I asked them

"The other two will be safe in our hands." Mr.D confirmed

"And if yours breaks you'll have a spare." Chiron chimed in.

I sighed and stuffed the two pistols in my boots, one in the left and one in the right. "Thank you." I mumbled and sat back down at the Hermes table. I didn't know it at the time, but people were staring at me. Why? Go ask them that, I haven't got a clue. But I'll show those punks. Wait...why did I just think that?

"So Toni, you need to now the basics of training and fighting monsters." Lena said, bringing me out of my thoughts  "You are coming with me after you're done eating, ok?"

"Yeah, yeah sure." I agreed, not really registering what she said. I finished and she pulled me to the arena.


HEY GUYS!!!! Sooo, how was the chapter? Ya like it? If you do, then that makes me sooo happy!! But if you didn't like it then... then that tells me that I need to work better and learn more about writing.

The next chapter will be out maybe by Monday or Thursday, but there is a chance that I'm gonna fail on posting it on those days.

I love you guys! And thanks a lot for reading this!!!! It makes me brake out into my happy dance when someone reads my story!!! LOVE YA!!

                                                                Love: TophPug <3 


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