#10: Aphmau

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I'm honestly not going to even try.

Once upon a time...
Your POV:
I woke up with three little puppies cuddling with me on Travis' bed.

"Good morning, Friday, Cocoanut, and Bubbles," I groggily mumbled.

I rolled over and looked at Travis' clock. It read, '8:00 a.m.'. That was  pretty early. Well, at least for me.

Wait a second. I didn't fall asleep here. I fell asleep on the couch when I was watching Fairy Tail with Travis.

Travis must've carried me down here.

How dare he be so nice, amazing, and just ughhhhh.

I sat up slowly, groaning. "Let's get you guys some food," I whispered. I hopped off of Travis' bed and creeped up the stairs to the kitchen.

I poured some dog food into three disposable red bowls. Me and Travis went shopping last night to get some food and other stuff for them. I really need to find a way to thank him.

"Here you go, guys. Eat up," I whispered.

I needed to wake myself up. I felt like a zombie. I set the coffee pot up and sat at the kitchen island while I waited for it to brew.

"Goodmorning Princess," Travis said. He sat up on the couch and stretched his arms out, yawning.

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?" I asked.

"No, you didn't," Travis said. Travis propped himself up with his hand on the couch. "How did you sleep?" Travis asked.

"Great. I noticed that you carried me down."

"Yeah. You're cute when you snore," Travis said. Suddenly, his hand that was propping him up slipped, and Travis fell off of the couch.

I burst into laughter as I rushed over to see if he was okay.

Travis popped up. "I'm fine!!!" He exclaimed.

"You're clumsy," I whispered as I knelt down beside him.

"You're amazing," Travis whispered. He sat up, his eyes flicking to my lips.

Travis leaned in and kissed my cheek before he stood up.

"You like coffee?" Travis asked.

"Yeah. I drink it almost every morning," I said.

"Me too."

"Wanna be coffee buddies this week?"



'Ding Dong!' The doorbell rang through the house.

"I'LL GET IT!!!!!!" Travis shouted. He jumped off of the couch and sprinted for the door.

"TRAVIS, BE CAREFUL!!! YOU'RE WEARING SOCKS ON A HARD WOOD-" I started to shout as Travis ran.

"Ouch," Travis said. He groaned as he rubbed the back of his back. "Too late," he mumbled.

"I'll get the door instead," Dante said from the kitchen.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Travis said. He grunted as he stood up.

"Good, now come back here," I whispered.

"You can't stand to stay away from me for 5 seconds, can you?" Travis asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Nope, I can't," I said.

"You've gotta kisssss the girrrrrllllll," Laurence sung quietly as he peered into the room.

"Good advice," Travis mumbled under his breath. I don't think I was supposed to hear it, but I did.

I froze for a second, realizing that Travis kissed me the day before.

I smiled to myself. Maybe, just maybe, I can get over my ex and start a new relationship.

"Guys, it's Aphmau, Katelyn, and Kawaii~Chan!" Dante shouted.

"Y/N! This is great! You can meet these guys!" Travis said.

Me and Travis walked over to the door, to see Aphmau, Katelyn, and Kawaii~Chan. Travis  had described them to me, so I knew who they were.

"Hey guys-" Katelyn started to say. "Oh! Hey, my name is Katelyn. Are you Laurence's girlfriend?" Katelyn asked.

"Hey, Katelyn. My name is Y/N, and no, I'm not Laurence's girlfriend," I said.

"She's Travis' girlfriend," Garroth whispered.

"TRAVIS HAS A GIRLFRIEND?!??" Katelyn asked. She burst into laughter.

"Travis~Kun has a girlfriend? That's strange," Kawaii~Chan said.

"Katelyn! It isn't nice to laugh! Travis may be- well he may be Travis, but he can have a girlfriend!" Aphmau said. She scolded Katelyn.

"I'm sorry, but i-is this a j-joke?" Katelyn asked between laughs.

"I'm not his girlfriend," I said.

"Yet," Laurence whispered to Katelyn. "Soon Travis will take my advice."

Travis jabbed Laurence in the side with his elbow.

"Thank you, Travis," I said, laughing.

"Now, where are my manners? My name is Aphmau. It's nice to meet you," Aphmau said. She had a gigantic smile on her face. The room was lit up by her joy.

"It's nice to meet you too," I said. I shook Aphmau's hand.

Aphmau turned to Kawaii~Chan. "This is Kawaii~Chan."

"Kawaii~Chan is so happy to meet
Y/N~Sama!" Kawaii~Chan exclaimed. Travis really wasn't joking when he said that Kawaii~Chan spoke in third person.

"-And I'm happy to meet you too, Kawaii~Chan!" I said. I smiled at the pink-haired woman.

"What brings you here?" Aphmau asked.

"I kinda locked myself out of my house. Travis here is one of my friends, and he's letting me stay here until my brother, who has a spare key, comes and unlocks my house. He's out of town right now," I explained.

Suddenly, the door bell rang again.

Travis opened the door to see Lucinda.

"I heard that Travis has a girlfriend and I came as fast as I could," Lucinda said.

"I don't have a girlfriend," Travis said. "Y/N here is just a friend. She's staying here because she accidentally locked herself out of her house."

"Oh. Nice to meet you, cutie," Lucinda said.

I laughed. "You too, Lucinda."

"Aphmau, we should let Y/N stay at our house. I'm sure she would rather stay with us instead of with these smelly boys," Katelyn said. I chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sure Y/N doesn't mind staying here," Lucinda said. She winked.

I burst into laughter. "No, I'm fine. They don't actually smell...Too bad," I said.

"Hey!" Laurence said.

"Well, in any case, you should come by and hang out sometime. Okay? Maybe we can have a sleepover," Aphmau said.

"Of course!" I exclaimed.
No big you and Travis moments.
I had to have you meet these characters at some point. I was kinda putting it off.

Btw, thanks for the 3k views!!! It means a lot!!!

I hope you guys have a nice day or night. You guys are amazing. Thanks for everything. Love ya guys! Bai!

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