#9: Travis' Friends

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Dang, Ryan! Back at it again with the double parts!

I can't write intros.

Does anyone want to write them for me?

Intro writer needed! XD

Okay, I'm done with being weird. I have a quick note though.

So, I decided to just have MyStreet happen in this. Never mind the whole MCD and MyStreet thing. This is just MyStreet. There are a few differences though. For example, Garroth and Aphmau are dating, and Travis is still the demon warlock's son.


Your POV:

"GUYS!!! I'M HOME!!!!" Travis shouted as he walked through the door with me and my three puppies.

A blonde haired man, who I assumed was Garroth, ran in, with Laurence, the brown haired man following behind.

"Travis- I-Is that a g-girl?" Garroth asked. He was absolutely dumbfounded and astonished.

"Ummm... I think so. I don't know. Are you, Y/N?" Travis asked.

"No, I'm unicorn," I said.

"Oh. She's a unicorn, Garroth," Travis said. "Wait a second... I can go check kissing a unicorn off of my bucket list," Travis whispered into my ear. I'm assuming that he wants to keep the kiss a secret until we figure out where we are in our relationship, if we are in one. I can respect that.

Laurence and Garroth laughed.

"I've never met a unicorn before! Nice to meet you. My name is Laurence. Are you Sparklez the famous unicorn from rainbowlandia?" Laurence asked. He reached his hand out for me to shake. I took it and shook it.

"How did you know?! People here like to call me Y/N though," I said.

Laurence smiled.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N. My name is Garroth Ro'meave," Garroth said. Garroth was shy and he stuttered, but he was very proper and he was a gentleman. He reached his hand out and I gladly shook it.

Dante, the blue haired man, walked in. "TRAVIS BROUGHT A GIRL HOME!!!! OH MY IRENE!!!! THIS IS A FIRST!!!!" Dante exclaimed.

Garroth wiped a non-existant tear from the corner of his eye. "He's grown up so fast!"

"How did Travis get a girlfriend?" Laurence asked.

"She isn't my girlfriend," Travis said. I didn't say anything because it was the truth. Plus, I needed time for a relationship.

"Then why are you holding hands?" Dante asked.

I looked at Dante in confusion. "We aren't holding hands," I said.

"Ummm... Yes you are," Laurence whispered, pointing down to our hands. I looked down and sure enough, we were holding hands. I hadn't even noticed it because it felt so natural.

"Me and Travis are like best friends. Can't friends hold hands? I bet you guys are just jealous because I get to hold his hand, and you guys don't get to!" I said.

"I'm sooooooooooooo jealous. I'm sureeee that you guys are just friends," Dante said sarcastically.

"Wait... Y/N... Isn't that the girl Travis has been non-stop talking about all week?" Laurence asked.

I turned to face Travis. His face was as red as a tomato.

"Awe! Our little Travis boo is blushing!" Garroth said. He walked up, pinching Travis' cheeks. "I ship it!!!!!!!!" Garroth exclaimed.

I too, began to blush. My face matched Travis'.

"AWWWWWW!!!! Y/N IS BLUSHING TOO!!!!!" Garroth sung. Travis jerked his head around, seeing my red face. Travis smiled. "I ship it like FedEx!" Garroth said.

"Please don't be turning into Kawaii~Chan," Travis said, facepalming.

"Admit it, Travis! You likeeeeee herrrrr!!!!!" Garroth said.

"I don't think that this is something you should be talking to me about, Mr.Shyness. It took you like half a year to confess your feelings for Aphmau!" Travis said.

"I'm afraid that I can't argue with that. Laurence, I think it is best if you handle this," Garroth said. He frowned.

"What about me?" Dante asked.

Garroth looked at him like he was crazy. "Just... No. Dante, you've dated like a hundred girls," Garroth paused. "-And that's not a good thing. Leave this to Laurence." (Oh yeah, btw, in this book, Dante and Nicole are engaged. I'm sorry this is so confusing XD #ICan'tWrite)

"Hey! I'm engaged!" Dante said. He was engaged to Nicole.

"Shhhhhh, Dante. Let the dating expert give the advice..." Laurence said. He held a finger over Dante's lips.

Laurence put his finger down. He stood on a nearby chair, facing us. "Ahem! Attention gentlmen and unicorn! I am Laurence Zvahl, here to give you advice... ABOUT LOVE!" Laurence said dramatically.

Travis looked like he wanted to go hide in a corner.

"You see, Travis. I have one piece of advice for you," Laurence paused. He scooped up a spoon from the kitchen counter and held it to his mouth like it was a microphone. "YOU'VE GOTTA KISS THE GURLLLLLL!!!!! 🎤" Laurence sung, mimicking Sebastian from 'My Little Mermaid'.

Travis shuffled over so that he was behind me. He hid behind me, holding onto my shoulders, with a tomato red face. He was so embarrassed. I too, was blushing. I wish Travis was hiding behind me so that I could hide behind him instead.


"Travis..." I whispered.

"What?" He asked into my ear.

I jumped forward so that he would release his hands from my shoulders, and I ran behind him, hiding.

"I just wanted to say that you're going to hide me instead," I whispered.

"You know, we're just going to head upstairs with Y/N's puppies," Travis said. Travis took his hand in mine. We slowly backed away and darted down the stairs to Travis' bedroom.

"Bye guys!!! Nice meeting ya!!!" I shouted behind me as I ran down the stairs.

"REMEMBER MY ADVICE, TRAVIS!!!!" Laurence yelled quickly.


"Ugh. Apparently my brother is out of town on a trip. He won't be back until next week," I said, flopping down on Travis' bed. "I think I'm just going to buy some quick stuff at Target and stay at a hotel... If I can find one that accepts dogs," I mumbled against the bed.

"You could stay here if you want. I can sleep on the couch and you can sleep in here," Travis said.

"I couldn't do that to you," I said as I sat up to face him.

"It's fine, Y/N," Travis said.

"I would. However, that would be putting too much on you and-"

"Stop being empathetic. Stop thinking about my well being and stop caring for me. Let me care for you."

I stayed silent.

"I'll just tickle you until you say yes," Travis said, walking over to me.

I must resist.

Travis pounced onto me. He started to tickle me with no mercy.

I burst into laughter instantly.

I rolled around in laughter, trying to escape.

"Travis!!!" I shouted. I was laughing so hard that my side hurt.

Travis grabbed my wrists and pinned me down onto the bed.

"Now will you let me help you? Hey, you'd save tons of money, and you would get to be with me," Travis whispered. He looked into my eyes.

"Okay, Travis, I will. However, I'm sleeping on the couch, and you're sleeping in here," I said.

"Hmmm..." Travis leaped off of me. "Why do you want to sleep on the couch?" He asked.

"This is your house. You should get to sleep on the more comfortable thing. Plus, you are already doing too much for me," I said.

"The couch is more comfortable, so I'll sleep there. You sleep here."

"I don't believe you."

"Dang it. You caught me. I was trying to let you sleep in a more comfortable spot!" Travis put his hands up in surrender.

I laughed. "Fine, I'll sleep here, but if you feel uncomfortable, than we are trading places."

"Okay," Travis said. He bit his bottom lip.

There was a long moment of silence before I said anything.

"About whatever-" I started to say.

"-This is," Travis said, finishing my sentence. He gestured to both of us.

"Yeah," I said.

"You need time?"

"I need time. Can we, take- whatever this is- slowly?" I asked. I stood up from his bed and rocked on my toes.

"I can deal with slow," Travis said.

I smiled. "Really?"

"Of course. It doesn't really matter the speed we're going, as long as we're going," Travis said stepping towards me.

I smiled. "Dang it, Travis! I said stop it!"

"Stop what?" He asked.

"Stop making my heart go in weird ways," I whispered. I stepped closer.

"Slowly," Travis whispered.

"Slowly," I repeated.
Relationships growing slowly...
It's soooo hard. So hard.

Ugh. Oh well.

Anyways, guys, I hope you have a nice day or night. You guys are amazing. Thanks for everything. Love ya guys! Bai!

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