#2: #Selfie

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"Hashtag Selfie"
-Travis 2016
Your POV:
"GO TRAVIS!!!" I shouted. I had no one else to root for, so I decided to root for this random hunk.

It was the last competition for the day. It was the head of each team against each other. They had to go down the 50 meter pool and back. Whoever got back first would win.

Apparently, Travis was the head of the dolphin team. He was an amazing swimmer of what I had seen so far. His body glided quickly through the water, and it seemed like he was as fast as a jet.

However, Travis was neck to neck with the head of the Sharks team, Finn.

"Come on, Travis!!!" I shouted. I was at the edge of my seat, filled with anticipation, and eager to see who would win.

Finn went a few centimeters ahead of Travis, then Travis sped up and was a full arms length ahead. Travis was taking the lead, moving fast through the water. His feet fluttered against the water gently yet strongly. His arms stretched over to his ear and they scooped into the water.

"GO TRAVIS!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!" I yelled. It was a lot more fun now that I had someone that I wanted to win.

Travis's feet were across from Finn's head, so Travis was now ahead by a lot. They only had about 5 meters to go before they reached the finish line.

4 meters and Finn was catching up but Travis was still in the lead.

3 meters and Finn was only a foot behind Travis.

2 meters and Finn was inches behind.

1 meter...

Travis shot forward with all of his strength. He was way ahead of Finn as he touched the edge of the pool, marking his victory, and the whole Dolphin team's victory.

The wild crowd roared. People bursted from their seats, cheering. Travis had won.

Smiling, I rose from my seat and stood to cheer myself. Smiling, I threw my hands in the air in celebration. I applauded the Dolphin team, as well as the Shark team, which did pretty good. They were very close to winning.

Travis's teammates crowded around Travis, patting him on the back. The whole team stood congratulating each other with wide smiles on their faces. Travis shook Finn's hand, telling him that he did well. Everyone was a good sport, and even though the Shark team lost, they weren't being rude about it.

After the celebrating, the crowd began to pack up their stuff and leave. The team members started to head off to the locker rooms to change.

Travis shook Finn's hand and Finn headed off to get dressed.

Travis was the only one of his team left at the pool.

Travis peered over his shoulder, smiling when his emerald green eyes met mine. He swung his green towel into his beach back and slowly walked over to me with be bag in his hand.

"Congratulations, Travis!!! You were amazing out there," I said, giving him a high five with my hand which wasn't holding my phone.

"Thanks, Y/N..." Travis said. He trailed off when he saw my phone in my left hand.

"You're welcome," I said. Travis brushed his wet hair out of his face, revealing more of his perfect face.

"I couldn't have done it without your cheering," Travis said, winking.

I laughed. Then it was silent. I really didn't want Travis to leave. I wanted to get to know him.

"You know what," Travis said.

"What?" I asked.

"We need to take a selfie. Me and my cheerleader," Travis said. Travis reached into his bag and took out his iPhone.

He turned it on and opened the camera app.

"A selfie?" I asked, chuckling.

"Yes, a selfie, Ms. Y/N," Travis answered.

"Oh fine," I said, sighing in defeat.

Travis positioned his phone so that it would take a picture of both of us.

I smiled normally, trying to stay serious as Travis stuck out his tongue and crossed his eyes. "Hashtag Selfie!" he said. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Stop making me laugh, Travis! I can't believe that I just met you and I'm letting you take a selfie with me," I said.

Travis did not stop with the silly face though. He snapped the photo, showing me bursting into laughter, and him with the funny face.

He's so flipping adorable. I think I'm going to die.

"You're silly," I said.

"Who uses the word, silly, anymore? Are you 5?" Travis asked.

"No, I'm 6," I teased.

Travis laughed. Then Travis looked down at my phone again, smirking as an idea came into his mind.

"Travis, you have a mischievous smirk on your face. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing with you," I said, tilting my head to the side, grinning.

"Definitely bad," Travis said with the same flirtatious smirk on his face.

Travis snatched my phone out of my hand. He held it up in the air, out of my reach. He was taller than me by a lot so I wouldn't be able to reach it even if I jumped.

"TRAVIS!!! Give me my phone back!!!" I shouted. I still tried to jump and grab it, even though it was no use.

"Only if you give me a kiss, babe," Travis said. My face went bright red.

Crossing my arms, I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

Travis may be hot as h**l, hilarious, and well, amazing, but I just met him today.

There was no way that I was going to kiss anyone that I just met. They could be Hans from Frozen for all I know.

Who says that I can't have a little bit of fun though?

Smirking, I stepped towards Travis. I put my hand on his chest and pushed him against the wall of the recreation center.

I leaned in to kiss him, and just as I suspected, Travis lowered his hand which had my phone enough so that I could grab it.

Travis closed his eyes, leaning in. I quickly snatched my phone from his hands, smiling to myself.

Travis opened his eyes, grinning.

"You can't get me that easily, babe," I whispered into his ear before backing away from him.

Travis laughed to himself. "What?" I asked. Travis gestured towards the phone in my hand.

Uh-oh. This isn't my phone. This is his. He must of switched them to trick me.

"You sneaky little-" I started to say.

"Hot bas***d?" Travis asked, biting his bottom lip.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I was going to say," I said sarcastically.

Travis pulled out my real phone from my bag and tried turning it on, only to discover that it had a passcode.

"See? You can't even get into it!!" I said.

"Doesn't mean that I'm not going to guess," Travis said, quickly tapping the phone.

I didn't want Travis to lock it for hours, so I pulled at his arm, trying to get my phone.

I gave up, sighing. I trusted Travis. O could give him my passcode. "The passcode is 'FangirlFriends'," I said. Travis typed in the passcode.

"Thank you!" Travis said. He smiled as he pulled up something and began tapping the phone again.

Travis handed me my phone back, and I looked down at it, to see that Travis had made a contact for himself and had typed his phone number in. For his name, he put, "Travis the Hottie" with a kiss emoji.

I chuckled at the sight. "You know that I would've just given you my phone if you wanted me to have  your phone number," I said.

Travis smiled. "It's more fun this way though." Travis swung his bag over his shoulder.

"Call me, k?" Travis asked, walking away, backwards.

"I will, Travis," I said. Travis continued to walk backwards, away. "Be careful or you'll fall again."

"It's worth it."


"It's worth falling to get to see your beautiful face for a few more seconds," Travis said.

I smiled. "Thank you, you flirt," I said. I waved. "Good-bye!"

"Call me!!!" Travis shouted, turning around do that he would walk normally. I rolled my eyes, even though he wouldn't see it.

"Oh my Irene, I will Travis!!" I shouted back.
Sorry for the short part. I hope you guys enjoyed. Have a nice day/night! Love ya guys!!! Bai!!!

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