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I'm sick guys, so I'm sorry in advance for the short part.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV:
So, that's the story of me and Ashton. Now I'm here," I whispered. I had just explained to Travis about how we met, and what happened up to the break-up.

"Wait, if you sent the video, then why isn't A**ton in jail?" Travis asked.

"I found out later on that the video was never sent correctly. Ashton must've figured out that I didn't send it that day. However, he never came back because he thought that I had the video, and that I would send it if he ever thought of coming back."

"Why didn't you give it to the police afterwards?" Travis asked.

"Once Ashton figured out that I didn't send it, he broke into my house and deleted the file, so that I could never send it. However, he never came back to harm me or anything, because he was worried that I had a spare copy hidden some where. However, I don't. I don't know what happened to all of the DVD copies. If I did, he would've been locked behind bars by now. I guess that Ashton just figured out now that I didn't have any copies, and that he was free to hurt me again," I said. "Ha! I said that he'd never hurt me again," I whispered. I chuckled in pain.

"We're going to get him behind bars," Travis said.

"How?" I asked.

Travis opened his mouth to say something, but he stopped himself. "Umm, Y/N, do you know anything else about Ashton?"

"What do you mean?"

"Y/N, this is a world of magic and different types of mythical creatures," He calmly said.

"-And?" I asked. I didn't know what he was getting at.

"What are the real magical beings that you know of?"

"I've heard of witches and magicks users. I know about potions. I also know about the divine warriors, and the jury of nine. Besides that, I don't know much. I haven't met many magical beings. I only know of a few. Most of the ones I hear about are on the news."

"Do you know what Shadow Knights are?" Travis asked.

"Shadow Knights? No, I don't."

Travis sat in silent thought for a second. "They're beings from the nether. Shadow Knights are born when a person is either stuck in the Nether, or when a person dies. Shadow Knights are very powerful. They can gain immortality if they kill someone that they were once close to. They work for the Shadow Lord, trying to overcome the Overworld and have the Shadow King rule once again. They believe in evil, and they wish to see the darkness rule once again."

"Whoa, how come no one talks about this?"

"-because everyone thinks that Shadow Knights don't exist anymore. They're extremely rare. However, I happen to know a few."

"Really?" I asked, astonished.

Travis nodded. "Some shadow Knights can learn to control themselves. Some Shadow Knights don't choose the life of a Shadow Knight. For example, Laurence is a shadow knight. He's a premature one, which means that he's not immortal. Laurence doesn't want to be immortal," Travis said. "Oh, and the leader of the Shadow Knights is named Gene. Gene is Dante's brother. Dante is against the shadow Knights though."

"Wait... Does that mean that Laurence died?"

Travis nodded. "Shadow Knights are a creature of both worlds, the living and the dead. So, now Laurence is both dead, and living, at the exact same time," Travis said. Travis closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "A-Ashton... He's, he's, he's a-a-a Shadow Knight."

"What?" I asked.

"He transformed into his Shadow knight form. He's definitely one of them. He looked like Laurence when he transforms. He's not a full Shadow Knight though. He's still premature. I'm just surprised that he was up here in the Overworld for so long, hiding it from you. By the looks of his armor, he had a high ranking, which means that he was loyal to the Shadow Knights, and has been with them for at least five years. I just don't get why he's here. Shadow Knights target large groups of people, not a single person. Plus, they look to kill, not to play," Travis explained.

"How do we have proof then?" I asked.

"We have to get a piece of his armor, a drop of his blood, and a photo of him. We will bring it to Laurence, and Laurence can prove that Ashton is a loyal Shadow Knight. Maybe, if we do that, and prove that Ashton works for evil, then we can prove to the police that he did those things to you. If they know that Ashton is bad, they have a better chance of believing that Ashton would do something like this," Travis explained.

I gasped. "We're going to be like total bad a** agent-spy-detective ninjas!!!" I exclaimed.

Travis laughed. "Ermergosh!!!" Travis said.

Travis' POV:

Y/N's so strong. She's able to smile at times like these, when hope is limited.

I wonder how she can do it. How has she not lost hope? How has she not quit?

I smiled. Y/N's going to get through this.

If Y/N can get through this with a smile on her face, then I can get through what's going on with my father.
That was a very fluffy part. Sorry. Also, hopefully the whole explanation makes sense to you guys. I knew that some of you guys were wondering why A**ton wasn't in jail.

Ha! A**ton!




Anyways, thanks for everything guys. You guys are amazing. I hope that you guys have a nice day or night! Love ya! Bai!

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