To the Past!!!

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WARNING: Just like one of the parts I did before this, there will be some stuff that may make you uncomfortable. Reader discretion advised.

This is my intro :P:
I'm currently sitting outside, locked out of my own house. The only unlocked door has a gigantic flying bug the size of a bird, on the door. My sister isn't hearing me knock on the door, my garage code isn't working, a storm is coming, and my other sister's iPad isn't working so she isn't getting my calls. My dad won't be back until later, so here I am, sitting on my lanai, hugging a pillow and writing this. I think that the big big is going to kill me. Kansas scares me. I'm just seeing how it is in Summer. It's hot and humid and scary. There's big bugs everywhere, and frogs. I miss dry, cold, mile high, Colorado.

Okay, now on with the story!

Note: This part will be about your previous relationship with Ashton. It takes place in the past.
The day that you met Ashton...
Your POV:
I turned the corner out of the ice cream place, with my ice cream in my hand.

As soon as I turned the corner, however, the ice cream was no longer in my hands, and it was on the ground. I had run into someone. Now I was on the ground, with my ice cream.

"Oh my Irene, I'm so sorry!" A voice said. I looked up to see a young man with blue eyes and dark brown hair.

I frowned. "It's fine," I mumbled.

The man grabbed a bunch of napkins and helped me clean up the ice cream.

"Thanks," I whispered.

"Hey, can I buy you some new ice cream? It's the least I can do," the man said. He flashed his perfect teeth at me, smiling.

"Yeah, thanks," I said.

The man reached out his hand for me to grab. I gladly took it, and he helped me up.


"What?" I asked.

"The name's Ashton, Ashton Gray, and I'm really sorry about running into you," he said.

"It's fine."

"What's your name?"

"It's Y/N."

"That's a lovely name," he said, smiling. He took out his wallet and handed me a ten dollar bill.

"Thanks. I'm pretty sure that ice cream doesn't cost this much though," I said.

"Keep the change," he said.

I smiled. "Well, it was nice meeting you," I said. I turned to walk away.

"Wait!" I turned around. "Can I give you my phone number?" He asked.

I was internally screaming. He was really nice.

I let him type his phone number into my phone, and walked off with a wide grin on my face.

Little did I know Ashton wasn't really the nice and charming gentleman that he seemed to be. After time went by, his true colors started to show. We began to date. He was always so kind to me when we went on dates. However, in private, he was an entirely different person.

I was afraid. I was afraid to go against him, or say no. I was scared to be alone with him. I was scared to have him touch me.

-But no matter how much he hurt me and played me like a game...

I still loved him.

The day before you broke up with Ashton...

"Hey babe," Ashton said. He leaned in to give me a kiss. I flinched, but let him kiss me because I knew if I didn't, I would get hurt again.

A shiver went down my spine. Ashton wasn't supposed to be home until 5 p.m., with his other lover. I wanted to be alone and away from him for a little longer. Yes, I knew that Ashton was cheating on me. I couldn't really leave the relationship though. He would hurt me if I even tried.

I looked down at the bruise on my arm, remembering the pain.

I smiled. "Hey," I said. I wrapped myself up into my cardigan. It was a cold day, and it was raining heavily outside.

I sat on the window seat, watching it rain as I sipped my coffee.

"What are you wearing?" Ashton asked.

I laughed. "Clothes?" I answered.

"I know, but why are you wearing so much of it?" He asked.

"I'm cold," I simply said. I looked back out the window. "Hey! I'm like the Edolas version of Gray!" I laughed at my own joke.

"Is that another reference from one of your stupid anime shows?" He asked. He rolled his eyes.

Ashton's phone beeped.

"Yes. Is that another one of your toys?" I mumbled under my breath.

"Excuse me, what did you say?" He asked.

I didn't answer. He heard me very well.

"When I ask you a question, you give me an answer, okay?" He asked. He grabbed me by the collar.

"Is. That. Another. One. Of. Your. F**king. Toys?" I asked clearly. I pointed to his phone.

Ashton knocked my coffee out of my hand, and the hot coffee poured all over me. It burned like h**l.

Ashton placed his hands back on my collar, picking me up by the collar of my shirt.

"I'm the one in charge here, you useless sc*m," he said. I struggled to get away from him. "Now, you little b***h, listen up. I don't want you watching any more of this anime bulls**t. You should be using all of your free time with me, or with cleaning the house. I get to choose what you wear. The next time you choose your clothes, I'll lock you in the basement for a week again. Ya hear?" He said. He slammed me against the wall. "Now, go make yourself useful and make me some food."

"I'm not your little f**king slave! How about you go do it yourself?" I asked. I spat at his feet.

"You know that the more angry you make me, the more consequences that come."

Little did Ashton know that I was videotaping all of this. I hid a video camera while he was gone. It was capturing all of this. I would finally have the proof I needed, to make the police arrest Ashton.

I had stopped loving Ashton a month ago. I had to tell myself that the Ashton I love is merely a character that the real Ashton plays. The Ashton I love isn't real.

Tears flooded down my cheeks as I began to cry.

"I own you," he said.

"You can't own a person," I whispered.

Ashton lifted his foot and kicked me in the side.

"You're worthless! It's your fault that you're in this mess. You're ugly, disgusting, stupid, and weak. Who could ever love you?" Ashton asked.

"Please, stop it!!" I said. I jumped to my feet, and his foot hit my knee.

I began to run, but before I did, Ashton grabbed my leg, so I fell face first into the ground. Ashton pulled me by the hair and dragged my downstairs, to the "room".

This is the last time that you'll ever touch me again, Ashton. I have all the proof that I need.

The day that you broke up with Ashton...

I woke up, my whole body sore. Ashton had taken away my medicines and first aid supplies, so now I just have to hope everything heals without me getting an infection.

Luckily, this is the last time that I'll have to deal with this.

I had saved the video to my computer, and I made a DVD... Or 20 just in case.

Ashton was upstairs watching one of his shows.

Great. I have time to send the video to Fawn and Adrienette. They told me that they're going to help me. I just have to send them this video, and they'll give it to the police.

I rolled off my bed and sat on the floor. I lifted one of the loose floor boards, to reveal my laptop.

I pulled it out and quickly opened the video.

Two clicks.

Okay, now I just have to wait till it's finished loading, and then I'll finally be free from this living h**l. I was so happy that I was crying. I was shaking with excitement.

Finally, it finished downloading. Just then, Ashton walked in.

He saw my screen.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" He yelled.

"Number one, we're over. Number two, you're not ever going to hurt me again. Number three, I'm sending this to the police," I said.

Ashton fell to the ground. "P-Please! No, don't do this! Why are you doing this? Don't you love me? I love you!" Ashton said.

"I don't. I don't love you," I said. "You said that this was a game. Well, guess what? You cheated and you broke the rules. So, I'm breaking the rules. Say goodbye to your little good reputation!" I said. "Game over, Ashton. I win."

I clicked the button, and the video was sent.

I walked over to Ashton, and I kneeled next to him. "How does it feel knowing that you're my puppet now?"

Ashton didn't answer.

"When I ask you a question, you give me an answer, okay?" I asked. I laughed.

"Who's stronger then who, now? Now go make yourself useful, and prepare to be arrested," I whispered into his ear.

"If you're stronger then me, then hit me," he said.

"That's not what strength is. I'm strong because I'm not hitting you. I'm using all my strength to not give you the same scars and bruises that you gave me." I got back up, and began to pack my bags.
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa! *applause* GAME FREAKING OVER, PLAYER!!!!

I'm sure that there are many questions running through your head. Ask me in the comments, and I'm sure that they'll be answered in the next part.

Thanks for everything, guys. You guys are amazing. I hope that you guys have a nice day or night. Love ya guys! Bai!

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