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WARNING: Cuss words. A lot of them.

WARNING: More feels.
Your POV:

I woke up to a throbbing sensation in my head, like my brain was trying to escape this chaos called life. It hurt so bad, I immediately curled up in a ball, groaning in pain.

What the h*ll happened last night?

All I know is that I drank... A lot.

I opened my eyes, instantly regretting it. Too much light.

Also, where the actual f*ck am I?

Am I dead? Oh gosh, I'm totally dead. Am I in heaven or h*ll though? I mean, a broken heart and a hangover... Sounds like h*ll to me.

I scanned my surroundings, straining my eyes.

On the bedside table, there were two glasses of water, some Advil, a bucket, and a potion bottle. The potion bottle was labeled 'Bye-bye Hangover'.

Okay, maybe I'm not in h*ll. Maybe I'm not dead.

I sat up, groaning in pain. My head hurt extremely bad. I drank a few large gulps of water, took an Advil pill, and drank the potion.

Immediately, I felt better. The potion worked extremely well. Whoever did this was taking great care of me.

Maybe I'm at Aspen's house. I've never seen this room before though.

Suddenly, Laurence walked in.

"Good morning, Y/N," Laurence said.

"Good morning. Uhhh... Can you please explain what the heck is going on...?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah. That. Well, you came here drunk, and you passed out on my bed. I took care of you last night," Laurence said. He looked away, avoiding eye contact with me, like he was hiding something.

"-and where is here?" I asked.

"My house," Laurence said.

I practically gave Laurence a death glare.

Travis lives here.

"Really, Y/N? You don't even have to talk to him. Just leave," Laurence said.

"I will. Thanks for taking care of my drunk self. Have a nice day," I said, walking out of his bedroom.

However, as I stepped out, I ran into none other than... Travis.

Travis caught me as I fell forwards, holding me by the arms so I could balance myself. A rush of heat ran through me, but then it suddenly dispersed as I remembered what he did. I was speechless, my breath caught on my throat.

"H-Hey. S-sorry," Travis said. He glanced down at his hands on my forearms before he awkwardly let go of them.

You disgust me, Travis.

I didn't respond to Travis, and I started to walk away, but Travis grabbed my wrist, just as I was about to leave.

Travis' POV:

"Y/N, please. Won't you at least let me speak?" I asked.

"No one can speak to you, because you're busy having Katelyn's tongue down your throat!" Y/N said.

"Y/N, I didn't cheat on you! Well, I didn't mean to. Just, listen to me," I pleaded. I hated to see Y/N like this.

"No!!!! Go have that wh*re, Katelyn, listen to you."

"I wasn't kissing Katelyn!! It was actually-"

"-What do you mean that it wasn't Katelyn?! Oh, so it was the boogeyman?" Y/N asked.

"Y/N!!! Listen to me!! I swear, I wouldn't ever do that to you. Katelyn was actually Michi, and she looked like you-"

"Shut the heck up, Travis. I don't need to hear your bull cr*p."

Y/N's voice was getting louder by the second. I could see the anger and pain in her eyes, burning like spreading fire.

"Y/N, please-"

"You broke my heart, Travis. What did I ever do to you? Was I not good enough?" Y/N questioned. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

I'm so sorry, Y/N.

"Nothing! You're everything to me."

In the heat of the moment, I had lost all ability to think straight. I smashed my lips against hers, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her closer.

Y/N pulled away instantly, backing away from me as she pushed me away.

"Don't you dare touch me ever again," Y/N said.

"Y/N, I love you," I said.

"If you loved me, then you wouldn't have tried to sleep with Katelyn!! How many other girls have you hooked up with? Was it only Katelyn? You disgust me!!" Y/N shouted.

Her words hurt.

"Damn*t, Y/N!!! I thought it was you!!! I wasn't with any girls besides you!!"

"What did I expect?!?! For you to be a decent person?!?! You're a monster!!! You're just like your father!!! How about you go back home, to h*ll!!! No wonder no one ever dated you!!!" Y/N screamed.


Her words silenced me.

Her words hurt me.

It was more silent than a library. The only sound was the air around us moving, like static. It seemed to last for an eternity, carrying out into the morning sunrise.

-and the birds chirped.

It's funny how much words can hurt.

She lifted her hand up, smacking me hard across the face.

I didn't hit her back.

I just stood there.

Freeze. Froze. Frozen.
Yellow. Blue. Black.
Love. Loved. Still loving.

That hurt, Y/N.

Y/N almost looked shocked herself for what she said and did. That didn't last long though. She meant it.

I looked away from her, at the ground. I bit my lip and narrowed my eyes, trying to hide the fact that what she said had hurt me so bad.

She gave me a cold hard glare with her gorgeous E/C eyes, which had a sheet of fury over them, like a blanket. Then, she stormed out of my house, each of her steps sending even more pain to me.

However, just as she was about to walk back to her house, she looked back at me, and said one last thing.

That's what hurt me the most.

"I guess it's true. No one could ever love you."
Man, you just flipping roasted Travis. I don't know. Do you think that you went too far?

I mean, Travis is dying over here.

I died writing this.


Ahem. Sorry.

Anyways, thanks for everything, guys. You guys are amazing, and I hope that you have a fantastic day or night. Love ya! Bai, Unicorns!!! <3

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