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I think that you can guess what will happen from the title.

This is going to be flipping great. XD
Your POV:

Three days.

It's been three days.

It's been the longest three days of my life.

"Don't waste your tears on him, Y/N. He doesn't deserve a single one of them," Aspen whispered. He handed me another box of tissues, and gave me another scoop of ice cream.

"I loved him..." I said, trembling.

Aspen's eyebrows furrowed, and he looked away angrily, slamming his fists into the couch. "That son of a b**ch!!! I'm going to get back for what he has done to you."

"I don't want you to get revenge on him, Aspen. I want you to make it all a dream," I said, sobbing. "T-Travis would be here, h-holding me a-and comforting m-me, b-but he's the r-reason I'm c-crying."

Aspen rubbed my back, looking at me with concern. "You don't want him here with you after the horrible things he's done," Aspen said.

"The w-worst part is t-that I still love him. I've tried not to. I-I don't want to l-love a person who's b-broken my heart. H-however, a h-heart can only b-be broken by one w-who has it," I said.

Suddenly, my phone began to ring, for the millionth time that day. I saw the bright white letters across the screen, telling me that "My Ninja Prince in Shining Armor <3" was calling. I hadn't changed his contact name yet, so he still had that name.

There was a little piece of me that wanted Travis to tell me that it was just a prank, and that wasn't really him kissing Katelyn. There was a piece of me that wanted me to wake up to find that it was a dream. I wanted to wake up with Travis, laying next to me, staring at me with those irresistible green eyes. I wanted him to grab me and slam his soft lips against mine.

So, I reached for my phone, that little piece of me calling out to me with hope.

"No, Y/N," Aspen said, pushing my hand away. He grabbed the phone, pushing it into his pocket. "I'm keeping this for the rest of the day."

I wanted to hear Travis' sweet voice again.

I felt so... Heavy. I felt like I was being pushed to the Earth by an overwhelming amount of gravity. A dark storm cloud hung over my head, and I felt like I was drowning in my own tears. I felt helpless. I hadn't done anything the past few days except cry. I was heartbroken... More heartbroken than I ever was with Ashton.

That's because I loved Travis more than anyone in my whole life. He really was my everything...

Well, he used to be.

There was pressure on my chest, and pain in my throat. The tears kept pouring with no stop.

~Later that Night~

"I'm sorry, Y/N. We're out of ice cream and tissues. I'm going to get some. I'll also bring home some food. If you need anything, call me, okay?" Aspen asked.

I had run out of tears, and now I was just staring at the wall, with a blank face.

I knew that Travis was the only one capable of truly breaking my heart.

I slowly nodded. "Okay," I said. Aspen set my phone down on the coffee table so I could call him if I needed anything. Then, Aspen walked out the door, and drove away.

Big mistake.

Liquor cabinet. One glass of wine. Another.

My head started pounding as I forced the last sip of wine down my throat. Alcohol kept me distracted from my pain.

I cried over the kid's cup filled with wine. I didn't have any wine glasses, and the only clean cup I had was a Dora the Explorer cup that I bought from the dollar store when I was running out of cups.

Another glass of wine.

The room was spinning, and I had the sudden urge to pretend to be a worm.

I like worms...

I'm so drunk. Fun.

Another glass. Another. Another. I've drunk the whole bottle.

I'm dizzy, and I can hardly focus on anything. Nothing stopped me from throwing on some sweatpants and walking out the door. Nothing stopped me from skipping down the street to Travis' house as I sung Disney songs.

Travis' POV:

Y/N still hasn't answered me. I've begun to get extremely worried.

What if something happened to her?

I'm not there to protect her. Y/N is strong, but without any magicks, or special magical weapons, it will be almost impossible for her to fight against a Shadow Demon, or any creature from h*ll for that matter.


She's just heartbroken.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Assuming that it was Dante, who left his jacket here, I went to the front door and answered it.

However, it wasn't Dante at all.

"Y/N," I said, the name fading out into the night.

"Heyyyy, baby!!!" Y/N said.

I was so happy to hear her voice again. I just stood there, staring at her in shock. Since I was so overwhelmed with joy, I hadn't heard what she said.

She had a giddy smile on her face, and there was no sign of her ever being upset at all.

That's when I knew that something was off.

"Y/N, what are you doing here?" I questioned.

Y/N pushed passed me, walking inside to my house. "I was bored; as bored as a board," she said, giggling. "Hey, wanna pretend to be flying giraffes?"

Y/N ran into the kitchen. I followed close behind her. She got on top of the counter, standing up.

She's drunk.

"You're drunk, Y/N," I said.

"No, I'm not. Is there a way we can get on your roof? I'm a flying giraffe, and I want to go fly."

Y/N really doesn't do good with alcohol. Thank goodness she came here.

"No no no no no!!! You are not going on any roofs!!!" I exclaimed. I pulled Y/N off the counter, scooping her up in my arms.

"Oooohhh!!! I get a free ride!!!"

"Did you drink any alcohol?" I asked.


I groaned. "How much?" I questioned, carrying her into Laurence's bedroom.

"Only a little teensy bit; a little teensy weensy itsy bitsy spider bit."

She's adorable.

"How much is a little tiny bit?"

"Likeeee... A whole bottle of wine. BABY BOTTLE POP!!! BABY BOTTLE POP!!!"

I laid Y/N on Laurence's bed.

"Oh gosh. Well, did you know that flying giraffes like to sleep? You should go to sleep, Y/N the flying giraffe."

"Nahhhhhhh!!! Flying giraffes like to partyyyyy!!!"

Y/N jumped off of the bed, smashing her lips against mine. I would kiss back. After all, this is the love of my life. However, I knew that Y/N wouldn't do this if she was sober, and I respected that.

I pulled away quickly. "Stop, Y/N. You're drunk. I'm not going to do anything with you while you're drunk."

"Come on, Travis! I loveeee youuuuu!!!"

"You think I cheated on you though. You're mad at me," I said.

"Ehhhhh. I stillll love youuuuiiiiiiiiieeee!!!!" She said, grabbing my face and pushing my lips back against hers.

I pushed Y/N off of me. "No. If you do this, you'll regret it once you're sober. I respect sober Y/N."

"I won't regret it! What, are you already over this flying giraffe? Dating Katelyn the blue bird now?" She asked.

"I'm not dating her, I never have, and never will. I'll never be over you. I didn't even cheat on you," I said.

"Explainio pleaseio!!"

"It doesn't matter. You'll probably forget this whole conversation once you're sober."

"Then, tell me when I'm boring and sober again," Y/N said.

"-but, when you're sober, you won't let me tell you."

"Can you just tell me? I can write it down or something."

"I don't even think you can write right now, being in the state you're in."

"Just tell me."

"Go to sleep, Y/N."

"Tell me, or I'm leaving!!! I'll steal your transformer car and drive home!!" Y/N shouted. She started walking out the door, picking up Laurence's keys as she left.

"NO DRIVING!!!" I yelled, running to her and picking her back up in my arms.

Y/N threw her arms around my neck, kissing me passionately for a few seconds before she pulled back away. I couldn't escape the kiss, because the only way to do that was to drop her.

"Why can't I drive? Maybe I want to play Mario Kart!!"

"-because I don't want you to get in an accident."

"Then tell me what really happened!"

"Fine," I said. I stuck out my tongue. I couldn't believe that I was doing this. Y/N was 100% drunk and won't even remember this in the morning.

I still did it though. I explained it to Y/N.

"Wow. Sober me must be reallllyyyyy mad at you. She won't be though when you tell her. She'll be so happy that she will explode like a sparkly watermelon on a dance floor on a helicopter in space by a talking mushroom."

"Yeah, hopefully. I don't know. You know her better than me. After all, you are her."

"Well, I'm sleeping here, right? Just, wake her- me- well, sober me up with true love's kiss. Then she won't be mad, and she will let you speak."

I sighed. "You should go to sleep. Goodnight drunk Y/N."

"Goodnight teddy bear!! I wuv you more than blue orange smoothies on Silly Sundays!!!" Y/N exclaimed.

I love that smile.

Please don't ever stop smiling, Y/N.

I laughed. "I love you too, Y/N. Wish me good luck?"

"Of coursayyy!!" She said, pecking my lips. Then she walked sleepily to Laurence's bed, flopping onto it.

"Goodnight, my love," I whispered, shutting the door behind me.
Well, that was mostly dialogue. I apologize. Also, I don't really know what drunk people exactly act like, so I'm sorry if this isn't exact.

Drunk you is hilarious though. XD


Anyways, thanks for everything, guys. You guys are amazing, and I hope you have a fantastic day or night. Love ya! Bai, Unicorns!!! <3

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