Travis' Side

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The comments from the last part are absolutely killing me. I'm so sorry guys. Some of your comments were hilarious though. XD Brillant.

Anyways, onto the part! I'm assuming that you guys want to find out what's going on.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Travis' POV:

"Has she answered any of your calls yet?" Dante asked.

"No! She hasn't!!" I shouted, slamming my fist into my knee. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes.

"Dang it! She has to know the truth!!" Garroth exclaimed. "Why won't she answer?!?!?!"

"-because she's mad at me, Garroth!!! She hates me now!!!!" I yelled.

"Yeah, but she won't hate you when you tell her what happened!!" Laurence said.

"We can talk about this later, guys. You guys should go to the movie you want to see. I don't think I'm going to go," I said solemnly. All I wanted to do was cry my eyes out. I couldn't stand to have Y/N be in so much pain.

"I know that you're heartbroken, Travis, but things will get better," Dante said. Then, all of them waved goodbye and walked out of the door, leaving me in my woe.

I tried to call her again. No answer. Again. No answer.

Y/N, don't you see how much I love you?

I would never do something like that to you.

~The night of the party~

I stood by the table where they had beer pong set up, watching people go against each other. Dante had beat Laurence. Obviously.

"Hey, Travis? I need to talk to you," a familiar voice said from behind me. I turned around to see Y/N, looking at me with a big smile, her eyes gleaming.

"Yes, of course. What do you need, darling?" I asked.

Y/N grabbed my hand, pulling me through the house, up the stairs, and into one of the bedrooms.

"Oh, this must be serious if you wanted to speak with me privately," I said, chuckling.

"It's very serious," Y/N whispered in my ear, closing the door behind us. She bit her lip nervously, twirling her hair around her finger. Suddenly, Y/N smashed her lips against mine, pushing me up against the wall as she pressed her body against mine.

I kissed her back passionately, even though I was a bit confused with her sudden want to make out with me. I pulled away for a second, out of breath. "Y/N? Why are you doing this all of a sudden?"

"I just... Really wanted to have some fun..." Y/N whispered in a husky voice. She pressed her lips against mine again, pulling me deeper into the kiss.

Y/N tugged on the hem of the shirt, as if she wanted to take it off. In between passionate kisses, I asked, "What... Nghh... Are you doing, Y/N...?"

"Taking this off~" She whispered against my neck. She began to pull my shirt off. Reluctantly, I reached my arms up, letting her pull my shirt off in one swift movement.

"I thought you said that you wanted to wait," I whispered. Y/N threw my shirt across the floor, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I changed my mind," Y/N said. "Do you not want to?"

I smirked, picking Y/N up as she wrapped her legs around my waist. "No, I do. It's just, are you sure?"

Y/N nodded, throwing her jacket off and leaving a trail of kisses down my neck and to my collar bone. I carried Y/N to the bed, laying her down on the bed as I climbed on top of her.

"Are you very sure, Y/N? Did you drink? Do you really want to do it here?" I asked. "I thought you said that you wanted to make it special."

"I'm sure. I didn't drink at all. I've just really wanted to do this," Y/N said. "I'll make it special~"

My smirk grew, and I went back to passionately kissing Y/N.

Something was off about the way she kissed me. I guess that she was trying something new.

Y/N licked my bottom lip, asking for entry. I let her tongue in, and began to kiss her harder, fighting with her tongue for dominance. I slowly pulled her shirt off, not pulling away from her lips for a single second as I did so.

I pulled away, looking at Y/N, her eyes filled with passion. I could've sworn that they flicked from yellow, back to their normal color, but I ignored it.

"I love you," I said, my voice deep with lust.

Suddenly, Y/N tapped my shoulder, pointing towards the door. I heard a noise coming from behind me as I turned around.

Y/N. Y/N. My girlfriend. The love of my life was standing by the doorway, but I was just kissing her.

She stood there, gasping for air, sobbing, looking at us in terror.

I was immediately confused, and my head snapped back to Y/N, the one I was making out with.

There was a quick flash before my eyes, and for a second, her real identity was revealed. In reality, it wasn't Y/N.

It was none other than... Michi.

Anger boiled inside of my core. I could kill Michi right now.

I could feel my dinner rising in my stomach. The thought of ever touching another woman besides Y/N, in that way, made me sick.

"T-Travis, w-why??" The real Y/N asked, her voice trembling and cracking in anguish.

Heaven knows what would've happened if the real Y/N came in later.

The thought made me sick to my stomach.

I had to push passed my anger, and try to help Y/N now. It hurt me more than anything to see her like this.

"How does it feel to be the villain now?" My father's voice chanted inside my head.

I ignored him.

"Wait, Y/N, this isn't what it looks like!!!" I shouted. I jumped off of Michi, sprinting towards Y/N.

No. No. No. No.

Don't cry, Y/N.
I love you, Y/N.

"T-Then w-what d-does it l-look like? D-did y-you a-accidentally fall on h-her face a-and accidentally m-move y-your l-lips w-with hers?!?!"

I could barely speak. Her pain silenced me, and I tried to fight back tears.

I tried to grab her and hold her in my arms. I wanted to hold her and comfort her, and let her cry into my shoulder, but I knew
that I
was the reason
those tears fell.

"Y/N, please just listen to-" I said.

Y/N pushed me away roughly.

Y/N, please sit here and listen to me. Let me fix things.

"DON'T T-TOUCH ME!!! WE'RE OVER, TRAVIS!!! W-We're o-over..." she shouted, continuing to cry.

We're over...
Broke. Broke. Broken.

Then, she ran...
Away from me.

She sprinted down the stairs, and I followed close behind her, telling her to wait, telling her to come back.

Please don't go, Y/N.

She kept running, and didn't stop.

I watched the worst thing that I could ever watch. I watched me break your heart, and I watched you leave.

The door closed behind you.

I stormed up the stairs, tears threatening to fall as I stomped into the extra bedroom.

There, Michi laid, smirking a vile grin, out of her disguise.

"MICHI!!! YOU BIT*H!!!" I yelled furiously. I walked over, grabbing the collar of her shirt and yanking her off the bed.

I couldn't think straight. All I wanted to do was hurt Michi.

I spat in her face, pushing her to the ground. "You disgust me!!!"

"Fiesty, aren't you? You know that you wanted to go even further than that~" Michi said, giggling that annoying high pitched laugh.

"I wouldn't ever want to touch someone like you, unless it was to hit you," I said. I growled, about ready to slap her.

"Nya~ Please don't hit me Travis~senpai!!!" Michi exclaimed.

I wasn't going to hit her though. Y/N wouldn't want me to do that if she knew what was going on.

"You're lucky. You know what I could do to you," I whispered, crouching down beside her. "How did you do it? A potion? Answer me or I might consider letting the dark side of me show."

"Okay, fine!!! Just don't hurt Michi~chan!!! I brewed a potion in Lucinda's basement. The potion made me look like Y/N to you. However, to everyone else, I looked like Katelyn. It makes it worse because Y/N knows that you used to have a thing for Katelyn. She wouldn't have such a big reaction of it was me. She would know that something was up. I just wanted to have some fun with my dolls!!! I loved to watch Y/N cry~" Michi said.

She was disgustingly twisted. It was almost inhuman.

That cat was going to get it.

That's it. I don't care that she's a girl, and that I shouldn't hit a girl.

Michi is going to get slapped for hurting my girl.

I slapped Michi hard in the face, a loud slapping sound happening with it.

"OWIE!!! You hurt me!!" Michi shouted.

"You hurt Y/N more," I said as I yanked her tail.

Michi screeched in pain. "OUCH!! EEE!!!"

I gave Michi a cold hard glare, not caring that she now had a red mark on her face, or that her back was aching in pain from her tail.

"Now, don't you ever hurt the girl I love again, or I will do a lot worse," I whispered.

Michi gulped, nodding quickly. "Of course, Travis~senpai!!!" Michi shouted.

Then, she sprinted out the room, leaving me in my next painful few days.

The next three days of my life were the longest three days of my life.
I'm sorry for all the feels. XD

I really am. I hoped you enjoyed though.

Anyways, thanks for everything, guys. You guys are amazing, and I hope that you have a fantastic day or night. Love ya!! Bai, Unicorns!!! <3

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