Long Lost Friends

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My NaMe Is RyAn AnD i'M sUpPoSeD tO bE wOrKiNg On OtHeR StUfF, bUt I'm PrOcRaStInAtInG, bY wRiTiNg ThIs.
Your POV:
Finally, Aspen was done with his masterpiece. We all stood there, gazing at Ashton's beautiful hair.

"Fabulous!" Aspen exclaimed, laughing.

"This is freaking brilliant. Thanks, Aspen," Travis said.

"No problem. This is actually a reward for me, seeing Ashton like this. He looks horrible," Aspen explained.

"He's probably going to wake up soon. We better go meet up with Laurence and see if we want to do anything today," I said.

Time Skip

I turned around the corner, and the skate park within the park came into view. There were few people in the skate park. Some of the teenagers from before were there.

A girl with bright fiery orange hair immediately grabbed my attention. There was something familiar about her. Her light blue eyes were identical to Laurence's and Zane's. She had thick long eyelashes. Her hair was in a simple side braid that cascades down her shoulder. She wore a plain lime green crop top, which had 'Skateboarder and proud' printed on it in black lettering, and a pair of high waisted white shorts. She was also wearing a pair of black converse. Her skateboard was all black, except the rim, which matched her shirt, and was a lime green color.

Laurence was skateboarding next to her, in a pair of jeans, and a gray and black striped jacket. He was also wearing some black converse, and was skateboarding on his green skateboard.

"Hey Laurence!" Aspen shouted, waving to him.

Laurence came to a halt, and he kicked his skateboard up, catching it in his hands.

"Hey biatch!" Laurence said, smirking.

"Who's that chick? She looks oddly familiar," I said.

"Oh? Her? Yeah, that's Cadenza, my sister. Have you guys met before?" Laurence asked with a raised eyebrow.

"She looks familiar to me too, but I don't remember anybody by the name," Aspen said.

"Hey, Denzie! Can you come here for a sec sis?" Laurence asked.

The girl looked in our direction with furrowed eyebrows. She looked closely at us as she stopped her board and walked up to us with it in her hand.

Cadenza smiled, but she seemed to be deep in thought. "Hey Travis!" Cadenza said. Then she turned to me and Aspen. "Hey, do I know you guys?" Cadenza asked.

"No. You look familiar but we don't know you," Aspen said.

"I'm Y/N, and this is Aspen. It's nice to meet you Cadenza," I said.

"Y/N? Hmm..." Cadenza mumbled.

"What?" Laurence asked.

"Nothing, I just-" Cadenza started to say.


"I thought thinking was impossible with you!" I said. I leaned up against a tree, crossing my arms.

"Hey!" Travis said.

"It's true!" I exclaimed.

"Can you two just shut up and kiss already?" Aspen and Laurence asked at the same time.

Travis smirked, leaning into kiss me. I stepped to the side so that Travis missed me and ended up kissing the tree that I was leaning on.

We all burst into laughter. Well, all except Travis, who was now cleaning his lips off with the drinking fountain.

"Y/N!" Travis said.

"It's fun to tease you," I said.

"Two can play at that game," Travis said.

I rolled my eyes. "Just get on with what you were going to say."

"Guys," Travis said, turning to me and Aspen. "You guys were adopted from an adoption center in Meteli, correct?" He asked.

"Correct," I said.

"There's only one adoption center in Meteli. Laurence was from that one too. You guys said that you were friends with a boy from the adoption center, and a girl who lived in they town. You said that the girl's father adopted the boy. THAT BOY IS LAURENCE, AND CADENZA IS THE GIRL!! IT MAKES SENSE!!! CADENZA IS INTO FASHION, AND LAURENCE WAS INTO SOCCER AND THEATER!!!" Travis exclaimed.

"Y/N!!!! ASPEN!!!" Cadenza shouted, with a huge grin plastered across her face. She wrapped her arms around us, suffocating is.

Laurence's lips curved into a small frown, and he gazed down at his feet. He glanced at Cadenza for a second, with questioning eyes.

"Are you okay, Laurence?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine! I was just remembering how much you would tease me!" Laurence said. I don't think that he is telling the truth, but whatever.

I laughed as I walked down memory lane in my own mind. I did used to tease Laurence a lot.

Travis awkwardly stood there as we all group hugged.

"Oh come here you little baby," I said as I was squished into the sandwich of a hug.

Time Skip :3

"Where are we going?" I asked Travis. We had just gone to dinner with Aspen, Cadenza, and Laurence. Afterwards, Cadenza went home, and Aspen and Laurence went to catch up at a cafe. Travis was the only person with me.

Travis pulled me by my hand through the park. We were at the park again.

It was dark out, since it was quite late. The shimmering stars freckled the sky. It was absolutely beautiful. Silhouettes of trees stretched across the horizon, and the light of the moon illuminated through the branches of the tall trees surrounding us.

Travis did not answer, he only stopped in his tracks, and turned to smile at me. His perfect straight white teeth looked like they were glowing in the darkness of the night.

The simple smile made my heart flutter, and even though we were now a thing, and we had been through a bit, I still felt myself blush. The whole walk through the wooded area felt mysterious and exciting all at the same time.

I didn't know what was going on, but I trusted Travis. I'm not going to lie. I had doubts before. With my whole relationship with Ashton, why wouldn't I? Ashton was sweet and amazing when I first met him. Then, he turned into a monster. I just wanted to be cautious before stepping into another trap. However, Travis helped me. He was there for me, and he has not left my side. There has been no sign of an unknown part of him. I can trust Travis.

Travis made my heart skip a beat every second that I was with him. When he touched my skin, I lit up like a firework.

"Moonlight, peaceful silence, surprises, that freaking smile on your face; Are you trying to do something romantic?!" I asked, gasping.
Yes, maybe that was an awkward way to end it. I just had a lot to do today, so I cut it short. I don't know if I'll post a part tomorrow. I might take a day just to try to respond to all comments. I really want to try and get to that.

I'm really happy though. #219 on Fanfiction! I didn't even think that I would get on the list! Thank you so much guys!

Anyways, thanks for everything guys! You guys are amazing! I hope that you guys have a nice day or night. Love ya! Bai Unicorns!

Note: I'm sending a smile to you guys. I hope that you guys smile! If you are having a bad day, week, etc., then stay strong! Just know that I'm thinking of you, and I hope that you smile! :) <3

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