Tree X Travis Part One

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Yup, you guess it! I'm writing a Treevis one shot! Thanks, ivyspiral for the idea!

I would just write a normal part, but I have a lot of stuff I have to plan out... And I mean A LOT. I haven't even written a quarter of this story. The plot has barely started yet. I know that I may need to condense it. Condensing is hard for me, but it is necessary.

Anyways, let's get on with the one-shot!
Travis' POV:
Age: 8 years old

Three... Kicks into my side.

Three... And I'm done with this bullying.

I can make it so that they'll never bully me again.

I have absolutely no malicious intents. I wouldn't dare hurt a fly. However, I would scare a fly, if that's what it takes for it to leave me alone.

Of course, I can't change their opinion about me.

This may enhance and strengthen their opinions, but it's the only way to stop them from hurting me.

I tried being kind. I tried to prove them wrong.

I tried to show them that the son of a bad man could be good.

However, that didn't work.

It's not that they have seen me do horrible stuff like my father. They just assume...

And assume...

They're just afraid; Afraid of the unknown.

This is a world filled with fear. Sadly, fear can make people do things. It can control people like they're puppets.

I slowly transformed into my demon form, for the first time in front of people, besides my loving mother, and wicked father.

My skin turned a dark gray, and my eyes fades from their bright green color, to a shade of purple. I began to grow claws, and my teeth grew and expanded. My teeth turned into daggers. A black aura radiated from me, expanding like the Rays of a dark sun.

One of the older teens who was kicking me, let out a high pitch scream. All of the bullies began to back away, some stumbling.

Everyone was shouting and yelling. I just watched and listened in silence, their words echoing in my mind.

"Guys, let's get out of here!"

"He's a monster!"

"We were right! The rumors are true!"


All of the bullies began to sprint off, through the park and back to town. Now they are going to go tattletale on me, and I, a young child, will be forced to leave the village and never return. My mother will have to leave too.

I'm sorry mother. I couldn't handle the bullying anymore.

I stayed still, not making a single movement. I only rocked slightly in the wind.

I just transformed. That's all it took. I haven't even moved since. I'm still here, leaning against the tree where they beat me up.

However, before the bullies could run off any further, the all suddenly tripped on one of the large roots of the trees.

"Don't tell," I simply said. The bullies must've thought that I had the magic abilities to cause them to trip. They were afraid, so they obeyed as I said. At least I wouldn't have to move villages, again. This will keep them silent.

The teens scrambled to their feet, and ran off through the woods. I watched them disappear from my sight, with their tails between their legs.

I sighed in disgust of myself as I transformed back into my normal form. I had just used fear to control them. I'm a horrible person. I'm a puppeteer.

With my back up against the tree, I sunk to the ground, hot tears falling down my soft round cheeks.

No, I'm not a puppeteer. I'm a puppet. I didn't control them with fear. Fear controlled me.

A final glistening year rolled down the side of my face.

Happy birthday to me.

With tear stained cheeks, and a sad smile on my face, I drifted off to sleep.

Four years later...
Age: 12

My mother adjusted the collar of my shirt, and sat down next to me on the bed.

"Kindness is stronger than fear. It's easy to control people with fear, but it isn't right. Use kindness instead. You are not a monster, Travis. You are my amazing son," my mother said. She laid her gentle hand on my shoulder.

"I am a monster. The bullies made me fear them. So, to make them leave me alone, I made them fear me. I made them so scared that they won't even be on the same street as me. Kindness can't help what horrible things I've already done," I said.

"Travis, you feel bad for what you have done. That makes you not a monster. You also had self control. You didn't hurt them, even though they deserved it. My son, kindness can help you, if you let it. Be kind to others," mother said. She pulled me off of the bed. "Happy Birthday, Travis. Now let's go get some ice cream and go to the park."

One hour later...

I glanced over, to see the tree from so many years ago. It was the tree that I fell asleep next to.

At that time, the tree was small like me, but now, over the years, it had grown quite a bit, just as I had.

I remember coming here late at night. I would sneak out and come to watch the stars, right next to that tree. I was terribly lonely, since no person my age ever wanted to be my friend. The only person that ever talked to me was my mother.

"Hello tree," I whispered as I sat down next to it. I smiled, laughing at the idea that I was talking to a tree. "I'm twelve now. It's been a while since I've come to this park. How are you? I'm doing okay. I haven't been billed since. Thanks for helping me, by having them trip on one of your roots. I kinda feel bad about it, but I'm glad it's over," I said laughing. I patted the side of the tree. "You're so funny, Tree!" I paused, looking up to see my mother waving me over from far away. "Well, it looks like I've got to go. I'll talk to you later, Tree."

I can't believe I just talked to a tree.
Well, there you go! Part One of Travis X Tree! I think that I'll post 3-5 parts on this. No, not right now. I'll post one of these whenever I need to plan for Travis X Reader. I'll be posting a normal part soon!

I hope that you guys enjoyed this. If you like the idea of me doing a silly or funny one shot thing like this, every one in a while, then please tell me in the comment section below.

Anyways, thanks for everything, guys! You guys are amazing, and I hope that you have a nice day or night! Love ya! Bai, Unicorns!

P.S. I was thinking of calling you guys Unicorns. How does that sound?

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