Chapter 1

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(A/N Notes: I got an idea for this chapter and here it is, I think it's a pretty funny chapter)

"Good morning!"

Misaki had greeted one of the many parents that had come to leave their children at the Heiya Kindergarten, where she worked as a caretaker for the many children there. And today as usual she was standing at the front entrance to welcome both the children and their parents, and also, as usual, she would witness some of the parents that come together to leave their children and flirt with each other

"..." <Happy couples go explode!!!>

She shouted that inside her mind as she maintained a gentle welcoming smile, for her entire 26 years, Misaki never had a boyfriend, while every single one of her friends had gotten at least one, and one of her friends had already married.

And to rub even more salt in her wound, in her family, she was the only one who was still single, her younger sister by 8 years, had also got married last year, while her older brother by 2 years was currently on the process of getting married

"Good morning" <I want a boyfriend already...>

As Misaki cried internally, she continued showing a gentle and happy smile, but because she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings she didn't notice a certain person approaching her

"Good morning"

"! G-good morning!"

Misaki was caught by surprise by a person greeting her, the person in question was a tall 16-year-old boy, a very handsome one to add, and he was carrying a 3-year-old kid on his arm while being accompanied by a 14-year-old girl. And what confused her was the fact that she had never seen them before

"Ah! Sorry, did I surprise you?"

"N-no, it was my fault. I was the one who wasn't paying attention"

"I see... Then down we go, Kaoru-chan. Be a good girl in there okay?"


The boy put the kid on his arm on the ground and tapped his back for him to enter the kindergarten, which the little girl nodded and trotted inside the kindergarten with Misaki watching the little girl with a gentle smile on her face

"Are you all new here?"

"Yeah, we moved just a few days ago to a house nearby, and today the rest of our furniture arrived, so we're still busy sorting and organizing everything"

"Ah! I know how that is, may I know your name, Kaoru-chan's brother?"

"It's Yamashiro Katsuo. This girl here is my sister, Kanon..."

"... Hello"

Kanon only gave Misaki a short greeting as she looked at her with narrowed eyes as if she had many suspicions about Misaki

"I see" <W-why is she looking at me like that?>

"And the one who went inside is Kaoru, as you already noticed"

"I see, I see, then... Nice to meet you, Yamashiro-kun. I am Tachibana Misaki, one of the caretakers here"

"Nice to mee you too, Tachibana-san. Now if you excuse us, we need to go on our way. See ya"

"See you, Yamashiro-kun" <... Dang, he's hot... Too bad he appears to be in high school... And He's definitely not going to get interested in someone like me... ... ... Also... What hell is up with that girl's chest damnit!!! Why does she got to be stacked while I don't get anything in this lifetime!?!?>

After getting depressed after seeing a girl much younger and with more assets than her, combined with the sight of more flirting parents, Misaki simply cried internally as she went inside the kindergarten building after all the enrolled kids had arrived

Some time later

"*Clap hands* Alright, everyone! It's recreation time! Take out your lunches and eat with your friends!"

Misaki who was in charge of one of the classrooms said so to the kids with a happy voice. Hearing that the kids began taking out their lunches from their bags and forming circles with their friends


Misaki then noticed one of her students sitting away from everyone else, it was the new student, Yamashiro Kaoru. So she went towards her and crouched down to talk with Kaoru

"What's wrong, Yamashiro-chan? Don't you want to eat with your friends?"


"Why is that?"

"Because... There might be a demon or a traitor among them"


Hearing those words coming out from Kaoru, Misaki began cold sweating as she kept a smile on her face. That was because she was very well aware of what the words demon and traitor coming from a kid that young could mean

<This kid is the reincarnation of the hero, isn't she?... No, no, no, let's not jump to conclusions this early> "Haha, where did you learn those words? Didn't your onii-san tell you that demons aren't real?"

"They are real..."

"Can you tell me how you know?"

"It's because... I once killed hundreds of thousands of demons... And traitors... With my own two hands... Including the demon lord... ... ... Cryselis, I think that was his name..."


Misaki was still showing a gentle smile to Kaoru as she entered in total panic inside her mind, from the fear that Kaoru would try to kill her if she found out that she was the reincarnation of the demon lord, just like last time

"I-I assure you, Yamashiro-chan. T-that there aren't any demons or traitors here, so you can trust your colleagues"

"Is that true, Tachibana-sensei?..."

"Yes, you can trust me" *nodding*

"I see, then I'll trust you, Tachibana-sensei"

Kaoru then got up and walked towards a group of little girls, she talked to them and managed to join their group. Misaki seeing that, went to her chair and grabbed her lunch out of her backpack... Three melon pans and a small carton of milk, that she bought on her way here

"... *bites a piece of the melon pan*" <My stomach hurts> *Tearing up*

Her hands were trembling and her face was almost turning blue, all because of the growing worry, desperation, and stress of finding out that the hero was one of her students. After a short time, the break time ended, and Misaki returned to taking care of the children while feeling like running away and crying internally


"Whew... Finally, some time to rest..."

Misaki was seating on a chair in the teacher's room as she stretched her arms since now she had some time to rest from having to take care of the children

"Thank you for your hard work, Misaki-chan"

"Ah! Thanks, Chouko-san"

Chouko had handed Misaki a cup of tea, she was another caretaker of the kindergarten and a friend of Misaki, needless to say, she was married as well

"Taking care of children is hard, isn't it?"

"At least, they don't steal your stuff and teleport to the world's end nor put everything on fire from a sneeze nor do they melt everything they touch with acid"

"Those are some oddly specific and weird comparisons"


Misaki looked away with empty eyes as she reminisced about her time as a demon lord, having to deal with those types of demons all the time, dealing with demons challenging her for a fight at the worst timing possible, and just trying to control the demons inside her castle so that they wouldn't accidentally make the place go to smithereens, things that she was happy to not miss. But there was one thing that she really missed from her past life

"... I miss my old body damnit..."

"Did you say something, Misaki-chan?"

"No, just talking to myself... Haa... I want a boyfriend already"

"Still hung up on that?"

"Huuuh? And who are you to say that when you yourself are married already"

Misaki said that in a bitter and annoyed tone to Chouko

"Yes, yes, I know... How about that boy from morning?"

"Yamashiro-kun? Nah, he won't be interested in me, and he's too young as well"

"How can you tell?"

"Because I have this body since middle school and never got myself a boyfriend"

Misaki looked at the ceiling with even emptier eyes, only feeling herself getting more depressed

"I'm sorry for asking"

"It's fine... I think I'll just go back home since there's nothing left to do"

"Okay, take care"

Misaki then got up from the chair, grabbed her backpack, and left. She walked down the corridor, and when she came out of the building she saw a familiar person

"Ah! Tachibana-san, good afternoon"

"*Nods* Good afternoon, Yamashiro-kun"

It was Katsuo, he had just picked up Kaoru and was holding her on his right arm

"Are you perhaps going home?"

"Yes, I am"

"I see, then you do want to go together? I noticed that your house was in front of mine"

"I-is that so?" <... Does that mean that... The hero is my neighbor now?... Why world?...> *Crying internally*

Misaki looked at Kaoru as she said that to herself, but then she came to a sudden realization

"Sorry, but I'll have to re-!" *Gasp* <That's right! The hero is a little girl now, which means that she'll always have to hear her older brother's words so that means... If I manage to get her brother to go out with me, that means that she won't be able to do anything against me in the future, and I also get a handsome boyfriend as well! This is the perfect plan!>

Misaki's plan that was totally not an excuse to convince herself that it was fine dating a boy 10 years younger than her was totally fine. No, no, it was definitely a plan that didn't have any holes in it, and that would totally work with no problems whatsoever

"Thinking better, I'll take on your offer, Yamashiro-kun"

"Okay. Ah! Just to say I also have to pass by the grocery store to buy some ingredients for dinner"

"It's fine, I also need to pass there as well" <To buy a bento for dinner>

"Then let's get going"


Misaki went to the left side of Katsuo, and hugged his left arm, in her first steps to get him to like her. But he didn't even show any reaction to her doing that

"..." <This might be harder than what I anticipated>

Some minutes later

Misaki and Katsuo as he still carried Kaoru entered the local grocery store, in there they broke off as they went to different aisles. Katsuo went to pick a variety of ingredients something he was doing swiftly as Kaoru followed after him, meanwhile, Misaki had gone to the section where ready-to-eat food was located and she was struggling with what bento to pick for dinner

"..." <I want to eat the one with meat... But it's too expensive for me... So I'll have to go with the one with only vegetables... But I want to eat meat... Why is meat so damn expensive!?>



Misaki silently screamed as she jumped up when she heard Katsuo's voice coming from behind her. Then she turned to face him as she made the face of someone who was caught committing a crime

"Y, yes? W-what is it, Yamashiro-kun?"

"Are you perhaps planning on having only a bento for dinner?"

"No... Yes..."

Misaki tried to deny it, but when Katsuo showed her a moderately intimidating look, she immediately confessed it

"*Sigh* Do you want to have dinner at my place?"

"No, I don't need your pi-"

"We're going to have meat for dinner"

"I'll go! I'll go! Let me have dinner at your place, Yamashiro-kun. Please, I beg you!"

Misaki was almost drooling as she intensely looked at the pack of meat on Katsuo's hand

"Alright, then let me go pay it at the cashier. Can you look after Kaoru-chan while I do that?"

"Eh? Eerm... Sure..."


"Down we go. Make sure to not trouble, Tachibana-san"




Then Katsuo turned and went towards the cashier, making Misaki once again coldly sweat from being left alone with Kaoru, whom she was very sure to be the hero that killed her in her past life


"! Y-y-yes!?"

"... ... ..."


Kaoru stared at her, making Misaki sweat even more and tremble, as she did her best to keep a smile on her face

"... S-so what is it, Y-Yamashiro-chan?"

"... Do you like onii-chan?"

"... ... ... Eh?"

"You like him, don't you?... That's why you walked while hugging his arm, wasn't it?..."

"... Erm" <I don't know how to answer this>


"..." <Please don't look at me with those innocent eyes filled with expectation! You're the hero, don't make me feel bad about thinking of using your brother to protect myself from you!>

Misaki's former self as Cryselys had grown to be extremely soft during her many years as a human

"... Y-yeah?"

"Then that means you're a good person!"


Kaoru looked at Misaki with glowing eyes as she released a very bright aura around her, making Misaki scream as she was hit by such destructive holy magic from the innocence of a little girl

"I paid everything, so let's get... What happened here?"

When Katsuo got back, he saw Misaki laying on the floor with her face on the floor

"... I got hit by holy magic"

"I see... Can you walk?"


"Do you want help to get up?"


Katsuo then helped Misaki get up, and then picked Kaoru up on his arm again, and they continued on their way home. This time Misaki didn't hug Katsuo's arm from the feeling of guilt for trying to use him for her own self-preservation. Then after around twenty minutes of walking, they all arrived at the Yamashiro household

"I'm back" *Puts Kaoru back on the floor*

"Back!" *Running to her older sister

"Welcome back, onii-san, Kaoru-chan... Why is she here?" *Patting Kaoru's head*

"S-sorry for the intrusion"

Kanon welcomed her siblings with a happy smile as she moved a pile of boxes to a corner, but when she saw Misaki behind them, she made a sour face

"She's going to have dinner with us after I bribed her with the meat"


Misaki wanted to deny it but was the truth

"... Very well, then please take a seat wherever you like"

"T-thank you"

Misaki stiffly sat down near one of the ends of the coffee table in the living room

"I'll go change my clothes, and then I'll begin making dinner, okay?"

"Of course, onii-san"

Katsuo then left the ingredients on the kitchen counter and went upstairs. Once he was out of the side, and Kaoru had gone to her bedroom, only Misaki and Kanon were left in the living room. After putting down the boxes, Kanon went to the kitchen, picked a bottle of juice from the fridge, then picked two cups from the wardrobe, and poured the juice into the cups

"Here's some juice"



Kanon then sat down on the opposite end of the coffee table and stared at Misaki with a blank face and a terrifying glare that pierced through the very soul of Misaki

"..." <Kaoru-chan might be the hero who killed me in my past life... But this girl is definitely the one who's going to kill me in this lifetime...>

"..." *Stare*

Misaki was already starting to regret accepting Katsuo's bribe of having dinner in his house, as she started to feel a sharp pain in her stomach as Kanon stared daggers at her

(A/N Notes: So who's the hero?)

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