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(A/N Notes: Dramatic narration voice sound effect ON!)

The demon lord Cryselys was the strongest demon lord to ever rise to power, Cryselys would unify all the demon tribes on the demonic continent and then launch an invasion on the human continent

And yes this is just a generic fantasy web novel starting prologue number 4578, anyways...

Cryselys' troops would go on to conquer and plunder half of the human continent, the demon horde appeared unstoppable, then in an act of desperation the strongest human nation, did some magic thingamajig or asked the gods for it, I don't care how they got it but they went, and, got themselves a hero, the hero... Hmmm... The hero John! That is what I will call him as, even though that probably won't be his name. John Hero! That's how everyone called him as

The hero, John Hero, would go to singlehandedly push back the demon horde, how? I don't know either, he just did. With the demon army retreating back to their initial conquered territories, Cryselys would finally set foot on the human continent for the first time since the invasion, Cryselys was intent on getting rid of the hero before the invasion was completely pushed out of the continent

Then on the battle of the plains, because I don't want to think of a better name for it, it would be there that the demon horde would make its last stand on the continent and the demon lord Cryselys would fight the hero John Hero

"My demon lord, as you can see, all of our troops are extra motivated with your presence here. Today we will surely win against the hero!"

One of the three great demonic generals, why three? Because it shall be three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number of generals, and the number of the generals shall be three. Four is too generic to use, neither it will be two, except when we proceed to three. And five is right out.

"Excellent, today our battle will be legendary!"

Cryselys could feel the ecstasy of being on the battlefield for the first time after long years of staying in her throne room like most demon lords in other web novels. And that was also the first time all of the soldiers ever saw their ruler in the flesh, Cryselys gorgeous face, and body alongside her magnificent horns were a delicacy to the eyes of the demonic soldiers, her beautiful wings proudly being displayed to all the onlookers, and her fluttering and wavy red hair

No matter how they saw, there was no way for the demon lord Cryselys to lose

"... So where's the hero and human army?"

"We don't know, my lord. In fact, we have no idea how the hero operates since there were no survivors in the battles he was part of"

"That's concerning -! Move out of here now!"


Faster than anyone could see, Cryselys disappeared from the chair she was on just seconds ago, located on the top of a hill. Then just a few mere moments later, the hill was obliterated by something hitting it. The great demonic general who was standing next to Cryselys was killed in an instant by that attack

"What the hell...!"

Cryselys who was now flying in the setting sky looked at the place she was seconds ago with clear confusion at what that magicless attack was. But her attention was brought to somewhere else when she felt an enormous amount of magic rapidly approaching her army... And it was coming from higher up in the sky, then a single line crossed the sky and crashed exactly where her army was creating a huge explosion that decimated half of her army

The explosion pushed away all the dust and smoke, allowing the surviving demons and Cryselys to see the cause of the explosion. There was a single individual in the middle of the crater created by the explosion, and that individual was the hero John Hero, he then looked up making his eyes meet with Cryselys eyes for a moment, then he began running in her direction with his right arm extended to the side, in just seconds he left the crater and began running even faster on the open plains

"With me, men! We're going to show him the might of our army!"

Then in an attempt of defiance, one of the remaining two of three great demonic generals, stood in the way of the hero with his loyal retainers, when the two were just a few dozen meters from each other, something thin and long came flying at high speed towards the hero, which he caught with dexterity. It was a metal spear, the hero spun the spear with his hands and then made the tip of the spear's blade drag around the ground creating hundreds of sparks as he ran.

Once the hero and the general were only some meters away from each other the hero stopped running transferring all of his kinetic energy on a spin with his left leg as the center. The sparks formed by the spear's tip increased even more, and the moment he took the tip away from the ground halfway through his spin, a line of flames was formed, the line grew longer and wider as the hero continued the rest of his spin

Everything in the path of the flames was pulverized instantly, then unfazed by the flames, the hero rushed into the enormous flaming inferno. He crossed the flames without any signs of being affected by the flames or even stopping his dash. And in a similar repeat to what happened before... The last remaining of the three great demonic generals stood in his way, the remaining handful soldiers of the once hundreds of thousand soldiers

"I will be the last person you will fi-"

Before the general could finish his line, the hero disappeared and then reappeared right in front of the general as he thrust his spear toward him. When the hero's spear merely touched the General's clothes, he and the soldiers exploded into tiny pieces of flesh and blood


The only remaining member of the demonic army was Cryselys herself, and she was now drenched in a cold sweat with a desperate surprised face. Because in a matter of 3 minutes, her army ceased from existing in its entirety, and all it needed was one person, the hero John Hero. But before she could even think of anything else, she noticed him aiming his spear at him


Following her instincts, Cryselys moved out of the way of the spear in the nick of time, missing her by a few millimeters as it left a trail of light. She landed on the ground, but before she had time to get prepared, she once again avoided another attack from the hero by a few millimeters, this time from a blade of light coming out of the hero's right arm as if it was an extension of it as he thrust it towards her. The hero connected his missed attack with another one with his left arm, which was also avoided by Cryselys, the hero continued pressuring her with a barrage of attacks, not giving her any chance of counterattacking him

They had reached a stalemate, Cryselys was avoiding all of the hero's attacks, even if barely, but was unable to make an attack of her own. But the stalemate was soon broken when Cryselys' instincts made her avoid the hero's spear that came crashing down in her direction from behind at high speed

Once again, she barely avoided the spear, but this time the spear created a dense cloud of dust, blocking her view, and the worse of all... Her move to avoid the spear put her directly into the path of the hero's own attack, and this time there was no avoiding it


All that Cryselys could see was the hero's fist coming right towards her, and then...



A 26-year-old woman fell from her bed as she flailed her arms and legs with a scream because her alarm woke her up in the middle of her most terrifying memories

"Uuuuuuugh... It hurts..."

The woman rubbed the back of her head, as tears formed in her eyes, because of the pain caused by the fall. This woman was Tachibana Misaki, and she was the reincarnation of the Demon Lord Cryselys, and differently from her previous self, her body was almost flat as a cutting board, she was also slightly shorter than average, and needed to use glasses because of bad eyesight, with the only saving graces of her being a pretty cute face together with a wavy and fluffy looking pink hair

"It has been quite a while since I dreamed of that time... Haaaaaaaa... ... ... I need to prepare myself for work... *Sigh*"

Resigning herself back to the real world, Misaki turned off the alarm clock that was still beeping until now. She changed from her pajamas to simple looking linen pants and shirt, with a hoodless sweatshirt over it, after changing her clothes she made her way across the mess of boxes, magazines, and other types of non-perishable trash, towards the kitchen, where she picked up a box of milk from the fridge and cereal that was on the top of the counter. And that was her breakfast for the day

"..." *munching* <I really need to clean my house>

Misaki says that to herself, in the same way, she said it to herself in the past and never done it. It had already been a year since she moved to a house closer to her workplace, and not once had she cleaned the mess nor cooked, she was truly an almost failure as a human being which fitted the fact that she was the reincarnation of the demon. But her appearance and incapability of cleaning and cooking were unbefitting the title of the strongest demon lord

Once she finished her breakfast, she put the bowl and spoon on the already filled sink and went to brush her teeth, the bathroom was the only place with a feeling of cleanness amidst the sea of mess that was her house. Once she had finished brushing her teeth, and checking everything she would need to bring with her was inside her backpack. Misaki put on her outdoor shoes and a red scarf because for her it was still relatively cold for spring, and left the house


The first thing she noticed after leaving and locking her front door, was a transport truck stopped on the other side of the road in front of her house

"It appears I'm going to get new neighbors... I hope they're good people"

Then after saying that, she went on her way to work, since her house was pretty close to her workplace she made her way there on foot. After a thirty-minute walk, she arrived at her workplace...

A Kindergarten, where she worked as a caretaker for the children there

"Whew... I hope today will be another peaceful day"

(A/N Notes: You, and I both know what those words mean... And no... They won't mean too much in terms of super exciting stuff happening, like battles... and stupid conspiracies. There's only wholesome rom-com in here

I would prefer not to write this, but since it was a member of Team Kai who requested it, and I got some time and an idea for the story, I decided to write it. And just like the other story, I published recently... I will only write it when I get an idea for a chapter)

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