6 - Lunchtime!

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Ryu walked through the office ignoring the whispers. As she approached Sanada's office. Lee caught sight of her and opened the door. A pleasant smile on his face. She stopped and bowed politely to him then entered the office. Sanada already had things ready.

Ryu smiled at him, "Happy Birthday!"

He chuckled at her as she sat the items on his desk. Hands free, she walked over to him and gave him a hug. She returned to unwrap the buns when the door to the office opened. There stood the three men she encountered at the front desk.

"You're a Nakamura!"

Zhan was not only shocked but seemingly upset. Ryu was unphased by his outburst as were Sanada and Lee. Ryu stopped what she was doing and turned to Zhan and politely bowed.

"Ryu Nakamura. If you are eating, then please sit. If not, then leave." She gave him a look and returned to getting the dishes unpacked. Sanada stood to address them.

"Well, with your sudden outburst Sargeant Zhan, I see you've heard who she is. Yes, she is a Nakamura of THE Nakamura's. Now like she said, if you want to eat then sit, if not, you are free to leave."

"Baozi!!" Yibo along with Seo, were more interested in the food than whose family she belonged to. Lee handed out plates which Yibo and Seo gladly took. Zhan took one but didn't take his eyes off of the small woman. She could feel him staring at her.

"Do you have something to say Sergeant Zhan?"

"Your Yakuza! And here you are in a police station?"

"First, I am NOT Yakuza nor have I ever been. Second, my father Kenji Nakamura, the Yakuza boss that you are referring to was murdered 13 years ago. Third, my Uncle Sabe Nakamura is a legitimate business man. Now, if you want to continue your assumptions based on old facts and actions, then please do so. But do not, place those assumptions on me. Am I clear Sergeant Zhan?"

Ryu was still carefully unboxing and setting up the meal for them to enjoy. Sanada felt it best to jump in, now was not the time for any of this.

"Zhan, have a seat and enjoy a delicious meal. It's my birthday, not an interrogation."

"But Sir!"

Ryu's patience was gone. She knew exactly why Zhan was upset and it had nothing to do with her or her father. It was her mothers doing. Ryu slammed down the lid to the steamer, getting everyone's attention.

"I see I wasn't clear Xiao Zhan." He stood at attention at her knowing his full name. "You are pissed because a Nakamura was responsible for the death of older sister when you were just a child. That Nakamura was NOT my father, me or my current family. That Nakamura was not a true Nakamura and was only using the name. Davina Nakamura is also responsible for my fathers brutal murder and my shitty horrible childhood. So, if you're going to be mad at a Nakamura, make sure it's the right one! Now, you are either eating with us or you can get out of this office." Ryu once again bowed and returned to her previous task. Her delicate face still emotionless. Zhan left the office. Lee went to go after but Sanada stopped him.

"No, let him have some time to himself. Ryu, I'm so-"

She raised her hand to stop the apology, a soft smile appearing on her face.

"Please, don't be mad at him. That woman continues to ruin not only my life but the life of others. He has every right to be angry; it is just misdirected."

With everything ready Ryu turned to the other two men in the office. "Please, enjoy the food." Sanada smiled at how forgiving she was. She gathered the towels and lids and placed them on the floor when someone burst into his office.

"Sir, the Shinigami is in the-"

Ryu stood, the look on her face froze the officer's blood. He immediately turned and ran for his life out of the office and out of the area. Sanada had had enough. He placed a hand on the small woman's shoulder and pulled her into a hug. He didn't care that others were watching.

"I'm so Ryu that you have to deal with stuff like this."

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Ryu broke the hug and gave him a smile.

"This is not something one should be used to." Seo finally spoke, everyone looked at him, even Ryu and for the first time, she smiled at him. A genuine smile.

"Enough sadness, eat!" Ryu had enough of the tension. The men all fixed their plates, excited for the delicious looking food. Ryu fixed a plate, she wrapped it in plastic wrap that she had brought and left the office. They watched as she quietly walked over to the desk that Zhan was sitting at with his head in his hands.

Ryu gently sat the plate down next to him. He looked up, his face was still red with anger. She gave him a kind smile and bowed. "Please, enjoy the food. I know it doesn't matter and won't help any, but I'm sorry that the woman known as my mother has caused you pain as well." She bowed again and left.

The men all enjoyed the food and raved about how delicious it was. Ryu didn't eat. Instead she dug in her backpack for something that she had wrapped earlier. When Sanada had finished eating, she presented it to him.

"Happy birthday!."

"Ryu...you didn't have to get me anything."

"Just open it!"

Sanada was ignoring the shocked looks he was getting from Yibo and Seo as he opened the gift. It was a picture of her and him when she was 12. They were sitting on his motorcycle together, her on his lap. He burst out laughing.

"You little stinker come here!" Sanada brought her in for another hug.

As they broke the hug, Ryu wiped a tear from her face. Just then Zhan returned, he head held low.

"Zhan! Back for more food?" Lee hoped to break any more tension that was left between the two.

"No, I apologize for my behavior earlier Ms. Nakamura."

"There's no need to apologize. I understand. Please, have a seat." She hoped the smile she gave him would be enough and it was.

"Good! Now eat up! All of you."

Suddenly Ryu began to clap. "Yay the cake is here!!"


"You can't have a birthday without cake!"

The delivery guy entered and Ryu signed for it and he left. Opening the box, Sanada read the cake.

Happy birthday to my 'O2'

"You are such a brat!"

"I know! Uncle Sabe helped me pick it out!"

"Ah! Why didn't he come with you?"

"They said it was our special day and didn't want to intrude."

Seeing how there was plenty of food left, Ryu asked if she could take out into the office for the others to enjoy. Lee offered to do so. Once the guys saw the delicious food they were on it immediately. All you could hear was how delicious everything tasted. The cake soon followed, that, Ryu took it out to the table that contained the rest of the food.

"Please enjoy some cake. It's for Sanada-san's birthday!"

The food had squashed any apprehension the men had concerning the small woman. They thanked her as they all ascended on the cake. Ryu returned to the office. Lee excused himself as he had a meeting to attend. Ryu sat next to Sanada as the other men enjoyed the cake, that she had a small piece of. Before her first piece she yawned. Sanada was slightly worried as she did seem pretty tired.

"Did you sleep well Ryu?"

"No." He already knew that that meant nightmares. Zhan wanted to break the tension that was between him and her earlier.

"So where did you learn to speak Chinese?"

"My teacher taught me."

"Teacher? Ohh you mean language tutor?"

"No, my Kung-fu teacher."

"Kung-fu!?" Again Yibo and Zhan were shocked. Seo thought he would be funny.

"Ha haha! Right next you'll be telling us you have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do!"

"I do." Ryu continued to quietly eat her piece of cake. 

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