5 - The Shinigami #1

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{Picture of Ryu on her Triumph.  I Do not own picture}

Ryu had the buns going in the steamers. She had 2 steamers going, one for her family and the other for Sanada. She knew that Inspector Lee would join them for lunch. She also was fond of Chief Inspector Lee, why she didn't know but he had a kind heart and face and his nature was a peaceful one. With the steamers going on the back burners, she set up large containers on the counter for the other 2 dishes.

Before she started on the stir-fry dishes, she put on her apron as she didn't want to change clothes again. Since there were 3 new guys with Sanada last night, Ryu made sure to make enough for lunch in case they joined them. She was an excellent cook and soon her brothers returned to the kitchen after they had all showered and dressed. Tomo and Seiji took seats at the table while Kaneko walked up to her.

"Smells good sis!"

"Thanks Kan!"

"Are you getting excited?"

"Mmhmm! Are you sure you guys don't want to come with me?"

"No. No offense sis, but we aren't exactly welcomed in the police station."

She scrunched her face at him causing him to laugh. "We're not Yakuza Kaneko, our businesses are legitimate."

"We're not Yakuza now! But you little sis, are one of the most feared 'bodyguards' in the city. Let's just say our methods are not always legal."

"I know. If people would learn respect, then I wouldn't have to act. I won't lose anyone that I love again. Ever."

"I know sis. Keep a low profile in the station, don't need you sending any officers to the ER."

"I won't. Promise."

Again Sabe was walking in on the tail end. "What are we promising?"

"That Ryu won't send anyone to the ER during her visit."

"Oh! Ryu only acts when needed. Plus Sanada-san and Lee will keep a close eye on her, they always do."

Ryu made another silly face at Kaneko. She left to get her motorcycle ready to transport food. Today she would ride her Triumph. She could set up a small wooden platform on the back so that she could haul things. With the rack in place, she returned to the house to prepare lunch for her family. It wouldn't take long as everyone was now in the kitchen waiting.

Ryu sat the steamer on the table as Seiji and Kaneko took the other two dishes. She returned with rice for them also. Tomo had grabbed the beers.

"You guys enjoy! See you in a bit."

"You need help sis?"

"No. I got it." The steamer she wrapped in a heavy towel to keep the buns nice and hot. The other two dishes were in square containers along with a square container of rice. Everything nested together perfectly. It only took her two trips to load up her bike. She made sure to grab her backpack also.

"What bike are you riding sis?" Kaneko had been watching her. Flit about the kitchen.


"You and that silly little bike."

"Yup!" She waved to everyone before putting on her gear. Instead of all black as she usually wore, Ryu changed it up today with a brown jacket and her dark brown boots. Giving everything another check to make sure it was secure. She rode off to the police station for Sanada's birthday lunch.


Pulling up outside the station, Ryu noticed the sport bike from the other night. She parked next to it and dismounted. Giving a look around, she already saw some of the officers looking at her; they already knew who she was. She quietly put her helmet on the seat and retrieved the food containers. She carefully sat them on the ground and hooked her helmet to the rack. Helmet off, there was no mistaking who she was now. Gathering the containers in both hands, she walked up to the front. She wished she could just walk to where she wanted to go but knew she would have to check in at the front desk. She was a visitor after all.

Ryu confidently walked towards the doors, hands full with delicious smelling food. She wasn't sure if people were staring because of the aroma from the food or her. Half way up the steps someone called out to her.

"Hey! Little motorcycle lady!" She turned with a stern look that someone was brave enough to speak to her. She noticed it was the sports bike rider. The scorn on her face relaxed a little as she stood there.

"Where's that nice bike of yours?"

Ryu looked over to where their bikes were but didn't say anything.

"Ahhhh! A Triumph! You have excellent taste in bikes!"

Ryu bowed politely then turned to continue into the building. By now his other two associates were running up to join him.

"Hey? Let us help you!" Before Ryu could say no, someone had grabbed the steamer from her hand. With her quick, yet strong reflexes she grabbed the person's arm, stopping them. She looked and saw it was the one that had been staring at her from last night. Cute or not, she didn't appreciate the gesture.

"I can take it. Thank you." The three men stood there perplexed by her cold demeanor. They didn't make another move to help her but Seo rushed to hold the door open for her. Walking through, she stopped and bowed respectfully to him. Walking into the precinct, she could already hear the whispers as she made it to the front desk. The three men followed her.

Approaching the desk, she stood quietly waiting for the officer to acknowledge her. Another officer that was next to him saw her and elbowed him.

"Sato! Sato! It's the Shinigami! She's here!!"

Officer Sato looked up startled, as if he'd seen a ghost. "Ye-y-y-yes Miss, Can I-I help you?"

"I'm here to see Commissioner Sanada."

Hearing their boss's name, the three stepped up to intervene, especially Seo.

"Ah! Don't worry Sato! We'll show her up!"

Ryu turned and looked at him, her expression still cold. Yibo and Zhan spoke to each other in Chinese, figuring no one else would understand them.

[Zhan]: "Are you sure she's the one from last night?"

[Yibo]: "Positive! How many cute dark skinned foreigners have you seen since then?"

[Zhan]: "Seo seems to like her! He's like a puppy dog. I agree she is kinda cute too."

Ryu couldn't help but giggle at overhearing the exchange. She decided to relax, being so on guard was tiring, plus she was in a police station. Not to mention the one called Seo was kinda cute. Another officer walked past the group and Ryu looked at him. The officer froze. His arm slowly raised as he pointed a shaky finger at her.


That got everyone's attention. Ryu was getting pissed, trying to keep her temper under control, she turned to the two behind her, Zhan and Yibo. She shocked them by speaking to them in perfect Manadarin.

"Will you be so kind as to take me to Commissioner Sanada, please?" Ryu bowed again. Both men stood there dumbfounded. Seo walked up to them and snapped his fingers in their faces. He had no clue what they were saying or what everyones problem was with the small woman. He turned to her and smiled.

"Let's go, I'll take you to his office." Seo flashed her his killer smile but still received no response from her. As Seo walked towards the elevator she quietly followed, but not before giving Yibo and Zhan a wicked smirk. Once the elevator door opened, Seo motioned for her to enter which she did. As he looked back at Zhan and Yibo, Ryu quickly hit the close door button. Seo tried to get on but she was too fast for him as her small hand pushed him back out. He caught her waving as the door shut. Doors closed, Ryu laughed at all the silliness of the officers.

The doors opened for Sanada's office. Walking out of the elevator, Ryu received the usual stares, whispers and finger pointing. She ignored them as she walked to the office entrance.

Back at the front desk, Zhan and Yibo were too busy laughing at the defeated Seo. Zhan walked up to him and put his arm around his shoulder.

"Ohhh Seo. I fear she is out of your league my dear comrade."

"Agreed Seo." Now it was Yibo's turn to make fun of him. Sato and the other officer at the front desk were running up to them as they hit the elevator button for their floor.

"Oh!! You guys best stay clear of her. She's very very dangerous! She's a real live Shinigami!!"

"A what?"

"A Shinigami! A demon. How do you NOT know who she is!? She's a Nakamura!"

Both Zhan and Yibo turned, their faces now serious. "Nakamura!?"

They both said the name in unison.

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