4 - Comforted

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After a steaming hot shower, Ryu dressed in her comfy pjs and crawled into bed. Setting her alarm, she put her phone on the nightstand beside her bed. She hoped her sleep would be a peaceful one, but that was not going to happen. As she closed her eyes, she drifted off to sleep quiet easily. Falling to sleep was not the issue, staying asleep was. Once her body had relaxed into the first stages of slumber, her nightmare started. It was always the same and she always awoke in a cold sweat.

Eyes darting behind closed lids, Ryu felt her arms and legs being restrained. She was only 10, but she fought with all that she had to free herself. She could hear the drunken laughter, smell the dankness of the interior of the limo. The thick smoke from cigarettes, cigars and pot burned her lungs. Eyes searched frantically for her mother as another large hand held her down, clamped over her mouth. Ryu bit into the salty flesh of the strange hand. Head whipping to the side, she caught sight of the one called mom. She was sitting on his lap, as he licked the white powder off her bare breast. Ryu screamed for her.

"Moooom!!!" Surely she would help her, she was her mother, the one she looked to for protection and love. All her mother did was laugh and throw the contents of her glass in her face. Ryu felt a burning pain in her arm as a needle was stabbed into flesh, the contents of the syringe burned as it entered.


Ryu was suddenly sitting up in her bed, her breathing was heavy and pained. She was thankful that she had awakened before the nightmare continued. Searching for her phone, she saw it was almost 3 am. She wanted to get back to sleep but knew if she tried the horrible movie that played in her dreams would only pick up where it had left off. She slowly moved to the edge of her bed, her head hung down, she tried to calm her breathing. Ryu already knew Seiji was asleep, but staying alone and sleeping was not going to happen in her room. Normally another hot shower would fix the issue but not tonight. Her mind knew what tomorrow was; it was only triggering the vile memories to resurface.

Reluctantly she slid out of bed and made her way to her brother's room. She was glad that the door was open just a crack. Peeking inside, he was fast asleep. Seiji slept like the dead and for that Ryu was grateful. If she was quiet and careful enough, she could slide in his bed and get close enough that he wouldn't notice. When Ryu returned to her family, Seiji was the only one that was able to comfort her when she had nightmares. She once told him when they were younger that it was because he smelled like their dad. Seiji didn't mind it when his little sis sought him out during the night. If it's what she needed to do to feel safe then so be it. He would be there for her.

Ryu gently crawled onto the bed, she had brought her own blanket with her as it was already warm. Slowly, she inched closer to him, just enough so that she was in his calming scent. Turning her back to him, she closed her eyes, her body relaxing with a heavy sigh. A few seconds later Ryu was wrapped in a warm hug. Her brother didn't have to say anything as he already knew why she was in his bed. Ryu turned and buried her face into his chest and cried herself back to sleep.

Seiji cursed her mother for the pain and terror she'd allowed to happen to his little sister and for the death of their father.


Seiji began to stir as the annoying drone of his alarm sounded. He tried to turn to grab his phone but the small bundle in his arms made him stop. Ryu never moved a muscle once she finally fell asleep. Seiji inhaled deeply.  She always smelled of yuzu and cherry blossoms. But he needed to get up and use the bathroom. He carefully untangled his limbs from his little sis and made it to the bathroom. The removal of warmth caused Ryu to wake up. She was groggy and could tell that her eyes were puffy from crying herself to sleep. Seeing that her brother was already up, she made her way out the bed and out of his room. Walking down the hall, she was dragging her blanket, she was so out of it, but needed to get it together to get things ready for the day. Uncle Sabe saw her leaving Seiji's room.

Walking to the door of Seiji's room, Uncle Sabe saw him coming out of the bathroom. Hands rubbing his face to wake up, Sabe smiled at him, he was the perfect brother for Ryu.

"I see you had a guest?"

"Yeah...she had another nightmare."

"I'm glad she can go to you Seiji."

Seiji put his arm around his uncle's shoulder as they walked down towards the kitchen. They smelled coffee. Ryu had quickly put a pot on for the guys and they were grateful. Walking into the kitchen, Sabe and Seiji were greeted by Tomo and Kaneko.

"Ah! I see we are all here for the wonderful coffee?'

"Yup!" Tomo already had his coffee mug ready. Ryu was nowhere to be seen. They assumed she was getting ready for the day. Sitting at the kitchen Island, Seiji rested his head on the cool countertop. Kaneko gave him a look.

"What's up with you little bro?'

"Sis had another nightmare last night."

Kaneko grumbled under his breath, they all knew what that meant. When Ryu returned to them, her nightmares were vicious. There were nights where she would scream blood curdling screams that could wake the dead. She even reached a point where she refused to sleep and had to be hospitalized because of it.

Ryu entered the kitchen drawing their attention. They could tell she had been crying during the night as her eyes were still puffy. She had her braided as usual and was already dressed in jeans and a tshirt.


"Hey sis, coffee ready?" Tomo usually kidded with her, but now was not the time considering she had a rough night. She inspected the coffee pot.

"Almost." She ended her reply with a soft smile. Seiji perked up and smiled at her.

"How you feel sissy?"

"Better. Thanks Seiji." Seiji got up and walked over to her, the two shared a hug with Ryu almost disappearing in his arms. A cute giggle and she wiggled out of his arms. She began pulling things out of the fridge and along with her steamer and wok.

Sabe was curious to what she was making as she started rolling out her dough. "What are you making for your lunch with Sanada-san?"

"Steamed pork bun, fried cabbage w/bacon and beef and peppers."

"Ohhh sounds delicious Ryu!"

"Mn! I will make extra for you guys for lunch!"

Ryu got busy making the meals. 

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