Overnight Guest

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Ryu quickly composed herself. She hated crying. She would distract herself by cooking dinner once done with the room.

"I'm fine Seiji, let's just drop it."

"Fine sis." Seiji gave her a kiss to the side of her head. Again he cursed her mother to hell for what she had done to her.  Room ready, they headed back to the kitchen. They saw Seo making himself at home with everyone, even uncle Sabe. Ryu walked to the other side of the kitchen island, distancing herself from the others.

"You guys hungry?"


Ryu had calmed down. While she started the evening meal she thought about what Seiji had said to her, She even entertained the idea of her and Seo going on a date. He was handsome, but like she had told her brother, she was too screwed up for a relationship. All she wanted was to avenge her father. She shook it all off and went back to focusing on cooking dinner. The guys all went to the living room. Tomo had started a small fire in the fireplace as it had gotten chilly.

The power returned, thankfully, but the downpour outside continued. Uncle Sabe entered the kitchen.


"Yes, uncle?"

"How are you doing dear."

"I'm alright uncle."

"I believe that young officer has taken a liking to you."

"You and everyone else."

"He is a nice young man."

"Yes, and he's also a cop, and like I told Seiji earlier..." She turned to face her uncle. "I'm a killer uncle Sabe, no one wants to date a killer."

She returned to the stove. Uncle Sabe's heart hurt for the young woman. "Some people Ryu, can surprise you."

He left so she could continue with her task. One the way to the living room, his phone rang, he knew it was Sanada. Sabe went straight to his office.




Both men had a quick chuckle with the unnecessary formality.

"How are things there?"

"Fine, no issues. I've asked your young officer to stay the night."

"Ha ha haaa. I think he has a soft spot for our Ryu?"

"Ah...that may not be a good thing. You know how she is, she doesn't find herself worthy of happiness."

"I know, but Seo is different. It's why I asked him specifically to take her home. He will protect her just like her brothers. But, this is not why I called, I have information.  Tobe is here to open a restaurant it seems, he is meeting with some developers."

"Is it legit?"

"Of course not! The restaurant is just a front. He's still entangled in drugs."

"I see."

"Yes, Lee just received the information, Seo and the other two are working the case. If Ryu finds out he's in Japan..."

"I know, I know. But if her mother or Tobe finds out she's alive, she may have no choice. I worry about your young officers, you know how cruel Tobe and his men can be."

"I know, I'm reluctant to give them the case. I need to sleep on it, I just wanted you to know what's going on."

"I appreciate it Sanada. You be careful also."

"I will, enjoy your evening."

"You too."

Sabe returned to the living room. Seo was getting along very well with guys. But he was worried about Ryu.

"Will one of you go and see if your sister needs help?"

"Seo. That's you."  Tomo always liked leading lambs to slaughter.

"Ryu isn't my sister."

"Ah haaaa, you're the perfect smart ass, that's why we get along!" Tomo was enjoying kidding with him. But Ryu didn't need anyone's help, she had quickly whipped up another delicious meal. Rice, miso soup, fried seafood and a chicken dish. She was feeding a lot of hungry men. Walking back to the livingroom she ran right into Seo. Luckily he caught her before she fell to the floor as her ankle twisted.


Without thinking, Seo scooped her up and took her into the living room. She had an arm around his neck so she wouldn't fall out of his arms.

"Sis?" Seiji just looked over but didn't move.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, you can put me down now, Sargent Seo!"

Ryu kicked and twisted her ankle. It was tender, but no damage done. "Your dangerous!" Ryu poked him in the side.


"Dinners ready." Ryu turned to walk to the kitchen, but stopped when she put weight on her ankle. She sat down and massaged it real quick.

"Maybe you should just have a seat Ryu?" Uncle Sabe had made it over to her. He took her ankle in his hands and gently moved it around.

"I'm fine Uncle."

Again Ryu went to talk to the kitchen, this time with a little limp but she needed to walk it off.

"Ah! Seo, please stay close to her incase she needs help."

"Yes sir!"

Ryu gave her uncle a look. Everyone was trying to put the two of them together. The men all sat at the table while Ryu brought the dishes out. Tomo went and got everyone a beer, even Seo but Ryu stopped that real quick.

"Nope! No beer for you." Instead she gave him a glass of ice tea.

"He's not a child sis." Tomo was sticking up for his new buddy.

"No, but he's on duty so no beer."

Ryu scrunched her face at him and went to the kitchen to bring out the rest of the dishes. While she was gone everyone had move so that she had no choice but to sit next to Seo. She sat down and looked at everyone.

"You guys are assholes. All of you! I know you're trying to hook us up so knock it off!"

"Ahhhh come on sissy-roo. I like him!"

"Then you date him Kaneko! Now shut up and eat."

Everyone laughed at her expense, even Seo. Ryu poked him in the side again.  All the guys dug into the wonderful looking dishes. Sabe was amazed at the amount of food she cooked.

"Ryu dear, you cooked so much!"

"Yes uncle, there are 5 men to cook for."

Again another round of laughter. Ryu was fairly quiet during dinner but she usually was. Seo continued to steal glances of her. He finally leaned over to her.

"How's your ankle?"

"Fine. Thank you."

The ever watchful uncle Sabe noticed.  As they continued to enjoy the meal, the guys enjoyed good and lively conversation. Ryu headed to the kitchen to get dessert ready, it was simple strawberry ice cream. Seo noticed she had been gone for a bit and went to see what she was doing.

"Want some help?"

"Uhh, sure."

He leaned on the counter, watching her spoon out the ice cream. "Dinner was really good!"

"Thanks. Here, will you take these to everyone?" Ryu handed him a tray with the bowls of ice cream and spoons on the side. She followed him to the dinning room to gather up the plates and start washing them. Seo quickly downed the ice cream and returned to the kitchen to help. The others noticed also but let him go. They knew she could take care of herself and weren't worried. Ryu looked over her shoulder as he neared her by the sink. She handed him a towel to dry the dishes. Neither of them spoke as they washed the dishes. Dishes done, Kaneko came to call them to the table. It was time for the customary glass of sake. Ryu quickly finished up and returned with Seo, taking up her spot next to him. The cups of sake were already waiting for them.

Uncle Sabe stood and gave a quick saying for the Nakamura ancestors and for their dad. Even though Ryu didn't drink, she did the nightly sake for her dad. Everyone headed to the living room to enjoy the last reminants of the fire. Ryu pulled Seiji to the side.

"Hey Sei, do you have some pj's that Seo can wear? You two are about the same size."

"Sure, come on."

As the siblings walked to his room, Seiji started the conversation they had earlier. "Everyone likes him sis."

"I know! How weird is that?"

"I like him too, he seems pretty protective of you."

"I noticed that."

Seiji found a clean set of pj's and Ryu flitted off to finish getting his room ready. Fresh towels, robe, slippers and amenities and his room was set. Seiji also had new, still in the pack single boxers and briefs. Ryu sat out one each for him. She returned to the living room and walked over to him.

"Your room is set whenever you're ready."

"Thank you."

It was getting late and Ryu was tired. She had done a lot of cooking for the day and now she just wanted to rest. Uncle Sabe saw her leaving again.


"Night, I'm going to bed."

"Night dear."

Ryu quietly left and headed to her room. She left the guys with their nightime chat. Since she would be going to the station again, she would cook Sanada and the guys breakfast. Nice hot shower and she was ready for bed, tonight, she took a sleeping pill. She didn't want nightmares, not tonight with a stranger in the house. 

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