Fire Side Chat

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It was almost 1 am and Ryu couldn't sleep. It wasn't because of nightmares, she just couldn't sleep. Seeing how the rest of the house was silent, she was quiet as a mouse as she tip-toed into the living room. It was still chilly so she lit another fire to warm things up. To warm herself up, she went to the kitchen to put on a pot of water for tea. Ryu returned to the fire while the water boiled to enjoy the warmth. For some reason she dozed off and was awakened by gentle shaking.

"Ryu? Ryu?"


She opened her eyes to see Seo in front of her. She quickly looked around, half disoriented. "Did I fall asleep?"

"Yeah, the tea kettle woke me up."

"I'm sorry."

Ryu went to stand but had gotten tangled in the blanket and almost fell. This time she caught herself. After a huge yawn she looked over at Seo.

"You want some tea?"


"Have a seat."

Seo was loving this. He grabbed a couple of pillows from the couch and sat them on the floor so they could sit in front of the fire. He was already wrapped in the warm robe she had left in the room. Ryu returned with two mugs and a pot of tea. She sat the teapot near the fire so it would stay nice and hot. She carefully handed Seo one of the mugs.

"Thank you."

She sat on the pillow she had set down for her.

"Why are you up?"

Ryu hugged the hot mug she had cradled in her hands. "I don't sleep that good. I took a sleeping pill but it didn't help."

"I see. Mmm! This is good tea."

"Glad you like it. You don't have to stay up with me, I'll be fine."

"I don't mind."

"How's your room?"

"It's perfect, thank you and thanks for the briefs!"

"Don't thank me, they're from Seiji, same with the pj's."

"Mn. I really like it here, it's so homey and peaceful."

"I'm glad you like it. My brothers seem really fond of you."

"And what about you pretty little lady?"

"Eh... You're okay."

Seo smiled at her. She seemed less distant and cold. "So how long have you practiced martial arts?"

"Since I was 11."

"Ah, how old are you?"

"23. You?"

"I'm 26."

"What made you want to be a cop?" Ryu now had her attention focused on him for the first time. She didn't mind letting her guard down around him, but only a little.

"My dad is a cop."

"I see. Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"No, I'm an only child."


"So I envy you for having so many brothers!"

Ryu smiled at him again. "Seiji is my half brother, we have the same dad. Tomo and Kaneko are our cousins. We all grew up together so we are like siblings instead of cousins."

"Do you ever see your mom?"

"No and I don't want to talk about that woman."

"Oh sorry."

Ryu stared off into the fire again. She could see Seo looking at her. "Why do you keep staring at me Sergeant Seo?"

"Call me Joon and because you are very beautiful."

Ryu scoffed at him "There's nothing beautiful about me Sergeant."

"Yes there is Ryu. I don't use that term loosely."

Ryu kept her gaze on the fire. She moved to put another piece of wood on. Her top moved up to expose a vicious looking scar but Seo ignored it. Ryu wanted to get the focus off of her.

"So do you speak Chinese like your partners?"

"No, just Korean and Japanese."

{"Do you ride?"} Ryu decided to switch to Korean since it was his native language and to give her some practice with speaking it. Seo looked at her and chuckled.

{"You my pretty little lady are just full of surprises. Yes, I've been riding since I was 10."}


{"So if I ride my motorcycle, will you go on a date with me?"}

{"No. I don't date."}

{"Hmm... No you don't date anyone or you just won't date me?"}

{"I don't date anyone. For a cop sitting in the house of supposed Yakuza, you're very forward."}

{"Can't help it, you're cute."}

{"No wonder my brothers like you, you're as bad as they are."}

Again Seo chuckled. Ryu hated to admit it but she enjoyed talking to the young Sergeant, but she wasn't going to tell him that. The herbal tea was starting to put her to sleep, Seo as well but she wanted to enjoy the fire.

{"There's a blanket on the couch if you're chilly."}

{"You mean you don't mind me spending time with you by the fire?"}

{"No, you're not going to do anything I don't want you to."}

She really was something else. Not at all like the women he was used to dating.

"How d'you learn to speak Korean so well?"

"I lived in Seoul for a year, to learn Tae kwon doh." Now it was Ryu's turn to ask personal questions.

"What is your mom like?" Ryu was looking at him with that uneasiness her intense gaze had. But the sparkle in her eye lessened it.

"She's a lot like you. Small, feisty, confident, excellent cook. She loves to garden, her and my dad travel a lot."

"Why don't you have a girlfriend? Pretty boy."

"Because most women don't find me attractive, pretty little lady."

"You're full of crap..."

"No, it's true. They say my eyes are too Asian."

" the dumbest thing I've ever're Asian, how are your eyes supposed to look. I think you have beautiful eyes."

"Is that a compliment?!"

"Hmmm...I guess it is Sergeant Seo."

He chuckled again at her. Yup, she was going to be a handful if she ever let him get close to her. Ryu rested against the back of the couch, hugging her knees against her. Seo moved a little closer to her.

"What are you doing Sergeant?"

"Trying to get closer to you."

Ryu turned her head to look at him, a somber cloud covered her face. "That's not a wise thing to do." Ryu returned her focus to the fire.

Before she knew it, the combination of the sleeping pill and the tea had knocked her out. Seo gently picked her up and placed her on the couch as he didn't know where her room was. He also didn't think it wise to leave the fire unattended so he sat next to her on the couch and covered her up with the blanket she had mentioned earlier. He moved the foot stool over, stretched out his legs and got comfortable. He too succumbed to the herbal tea and dozed off on the couch next to her. 

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