Not Expecting That

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Uncle Sabe was the first one up. He noticed how warm it was in the house and could have sworn he had put the fire out before going to bed. He walked into the living room and couldn't believe what he saw. He tried to stifle the outburst of laughter and returned to his room to get his phone. He had to take a picture of this to show Sanada. No one was going to believe this. Sabe quietly sneaked a photo of Ryu sleeping next to the young handsome officer. Now Sabe tried to put on a serious face. He quietly walked over to Seo, seeing the empty tea cups he knew what had happened and again, tried not to laugh. He gently shook the young officer by the shoulder.

He came to with a start, Sabe quickly quieted him down and pointed to the couch. Ryu was still fast asleep, her head resting on his lap. Sabe patted his shoulder and gave him a thumbs up. Seo was embarrassed as his cheeks flushed pink. Sabe quietly left to fix himself a pot of coffee. Seo didn't know if he should wake her or enjoy the moment. He really did like her, why, he didn't know.  It was just something about her that attracted him to her.  After about 5 minutes, he decided to wake her. Gently he started to shake her.




"Get up, it's morning."

Ryu was slow to get up, but when she did, she was still half asleep. She got up and shuffled to the kitchen, he thought she was totally oblivious to the fact that she had been sleeping next to him on the couch. She trudged into the kitchen, drawn by the pungent aroma of coffee. She plopped into a chair at the island and placed her head on the counter.

"Morning dear!"

Ryu shook her small hand in the air. She was still half asleep. After a few seconds she looked up with a million frowns in her face.

"Why are you up so early uncle?"

"It's almost 8 Ryu."

She gave a sleepy chuckle. "Oh!"

Sabe couldn't resist and showed her the picture he had taken. She didn't react at all like he thought she would, she simply smiled and returned the phone to him.

"I know Uncle."

"Oh! You do?"

"He is pretty nice."

"Ryu!!" Uncle Sabe leaned over the counter. "This is not like you dear."

"I's kinda scary. But he is kinda nice to talk to."

"Good! How did you sleep next to the young officer?"

"Uughghhh....I shouldn't have combined the tea with the sleeping pill. That was too much!"

Just then Seo came into the kitchen, wide awake. "Morning Mr. Nakamura, Ryu."

"Morning Seo!"

Ryu just waved her little hand in the air, her head was still on the counter. Seo looked at her and laughed as did Sabe. Sabe knew what would wake Ryu up. He poured her a small cup of sake and set it in front of her. Seo had a weird luck on his face but Sabe reassured him it was ok.

"Ryu dear, drink this."

She opened one eye and slammed the contents back. She clapped at the harshness of the sake so early in the morning. Sabe and Seo burst out laughing.

"I'm up! I'm up!" Indeed she was. Ryu shook off the rest of the sake, as she stood up. "God that stuff is awful." Ryu  placed the blanket she had wrapped around her on the back of a chair and went to the fridge to get started on breakfast.

"I get breakfast too?!" Seo didn't know what to think.

"Of course Sergeant! If you're here for breakfast, you get breakfast!"  Uncle Sabe gave him a warm smile. 

Ryu turned and scrunched her face at him, she seemed a lot more at ease with him after last night. She got busy on the stove as the men went to their rooms to dress for the day. Ryu found bento boxes for Sanada, Lee and the other two Sergeants. She made extra to ensure they had a hearty meal to start their day. She also dug out 4 large to go cups for coffee for them to enjoy with breakfast.  For some reason she thought that Zhan was a tea drinker instead of a coffee drinker, she would wait and ask Seo when he returned. Breakfast almost done, Seiji came into the kitchen. Ryu gave him a quick hug and returned to finish up.

"Need help sis?"

"Will you take those dishes to the table?"

"I'll help you Seiji!" It was Seo.

"Thanks man!" Between the two of them, they took most of the dishes to the table where the rest of the crew were already waiting. Ryu brought out the coffee container with fresh hot coffee. She went back to get the last dish; tamago.

"Looks good sis!"

"Thanks Tomo, you guys enjoy."

"Ryu?" Uncle Sabe wondered where she was going.

"I need to shower and change."

The men all enjoyed the delicious meal while Ryu showered and got ready for the day, she returned to the kitchen to prepare the bento boxes for the others. She forgot about the coffee and went to ask Seo. She approached him quietly and tapped him on the shoulder, she spoke to him in Korean

{Do you partners drink coffee or tea?}

{They both drink green tea.}

{Ok, thanks}

Ryu turned to leave but Kaneko stopped her. "Hold it right there Ryu Nakamura!"

She turned with her hands on her hips and made a silly face at her brother. "What!"

"What's up with you two talking Korean to each other, you guys get chummy overnight?"

"He's the only chance I have to practice my Korean, so there!"

Ryu pranced off to the kitchen. All her brothers turned to give Seo a look as he shoveled food into his mouth


"Ha ha haaa, I think our little sis is getting soft on the Korean pretty boy." Kaneko shot him a mischievous look.

Seo focused on his food as he felt himself blush while the others laughed again. Ryu finished up and packed the bento boxes and made two large to go cups with green tea, her favorite kind. To-go cups in a carrier and bentos packed, she headed to the garage to grab the tire patch kit. Everything was ready to go as she returned to the dining room. She sat next to Seiji and rested her head on his shoulder, she was still fighting the effects of too much sleep aid. He kissed her on the head causing a soft little giggle.

"Love you Seiji."

"Love you too sissy."

Seo just looked at the cute scene and got up to put his dishes in the kitchen. Sabe stopped him

"Ah! Seo leave it. We'll take care of the dishes, you young man need to get to work."

"Thank you sir for your hospitality, all of you, thank you!"

"Of course, you're always welcomed Sergeant."

He looked over to Ryu as he was already dressed for work. "Are you ready, pretty little lady?"

Ryu just shook her head and went to gather the things she wanted to take with her.

"Dude, you have got your hands full." Tomo was joking but also serious.

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