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Seo went to the kitchen to help her but she was already to go. Walking through the dining area, Tomo stopped her. "If you need help with the bike call me, okay."

"I will, I think I can just use the patch kit, it was only a nail stuck in the tire."

"Okay but still, call me if you need to, I'll be in the city today."

"Okay, love you guys, see you later."

Everyone waved them off. Seo opened the door for her as Sabe approached the car.

"Seo, drive carefully, you have precious cargo young man!"

"Yes sir, understood."

Ryu was in the car positioning things for the ride into the city. Once Seo was in, he started the car and put on his seatbelt. He looked at everything she had. "What's all that?"


"You made breakfast for Yibo and Zhan?"

"And Sanada and Inspector Lee!"


"Yeah...You want to drive now?"

As the car made it down the road, Ryu was still tired from the sleeping pill, she relaxed in the passenger seat and was asleep within 5 minutes.  Her hands still holding the drink carrier.   It was probably a good thing that she had fallen asleep as Sanada was phoning the Sergeant.


"Yes sir."

"Where are you?"

"Heading back to the office."

"Good, is Ryu with you by chance?"

"Uhh, yes but she's asleep."


"Yes sir."

"I see, did she have another nightmare?"

"No sir, we fell asleep on the couch."


Sanada almost blew out Seo's eardrum.

"Ow! I'll explain later sir. She made breakfast for us."


Sanada hung up. He needed to know what was going on as his protective father instincts werer kicking in.  He called Sabe.

"Ah! Sanada, good morning!"

"Sabe, I just talked to Seo."

"Oh good, the guys really warmed up to him."

"I see, what's this I hear about him and Ryu falling asleep on the couch?"

"Ohh that. I'll show you." Sabe texted the picture to Sanada.


"I know, I can't believe it either. She seems to have warmed up to him. They should be there shortly, I believe she even fixed you and the other gentlemen breakfast!"

"Well, well, well!  Alrighty then. I'll be in touch soon."  Sanada had to laugh, even though she wasn't his daughter, Sanada still looked at her as such.  She had only lived with him for 5 years but they had gotten close in those 5 years and had remained close. So in a sense she was the closest thing he would ever have to a daughter.

He called Yibo and Zhan to his office along with Lee, but he had to decline as there was another meeting on the issue they had discussed earlier. Sanada let him know he understood.

Seo pulled up to the precinct. He turned to gently wake his sleeping passenger.


She looked at him, disoriented. "I fall asleep again?"

"Yeah, I figured you needed it, so I just let you sleep."

"Ugghh, wait are we already at the station?"

"Yes we are sleeping beauty."

Ryu grabbed her head and winced in pain. The sleeping pill was giving her a headache.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, let's get the food up there before it gets cold."

"I'll help."

"No, you can get the door!"  Ryu gave him a soft smile, he could tell she wasn't feeling too great.

Car in park, he walked around to let Ryu out. She had her hands full with the tote of bento boxes and drink carrier. As the two walked up to the front door, they were getting plenty of stares and whispers, Seo was ignoring them for the most part. He held the door for her as she walked in and waited for him. Seo went to the front desk to get her a visitor badge. 

"I need a visitor badge Sato."

"Uhhh sure." Sato didn't take his eyes off of Ryu, but she ignored him. Badge in hand he turned to Ryu.



She followed him to the elevator as they waited, the drink holder was getting heavy.



She handed it to him which he took without hesitation. He noticed there were 5 large cups. Getting onto the elevator, it was crowded and no one wanted to move. Seo made them so Ryu could have room. She didn't make eye contact but could hear the whispers.

"It's her, the Shinigami."
"Surely she isn't with him! He is so wholesome and good looking."
"She's so dark."
"Of course, she's a Shinigami."

It was two of the female officers. Seo had had enough of them. He tried to ignore it, but the two women were too much. He turned to them.

"If she was a Shinigami..." Seo leaned in uncomfortably close to the two women. "She would have swallowed your souls already!"

Ryu gave them a wicked smile and her oh so cute giggle. With that they backed off into the corner along with everyone else that was close to her. Seo meanwhile was trying not to laugh. Reaching the office floor, Seo got off and motioned for her as she followed him. Before the doors closed Ryu looked back and gave them another wicked smile. Seo saw her.

"Let's go you!"

Once the doors closed and before they headed into the offices, Ryu gently held his arm, touching him willingly for the first time.

"Thank you Joon."

He smiled at her calling him something other than Sergeant or Seo. "Let's go pretty little lady."

He opened the door for her, as she entered the office, some of the other officers smiled at her.

"Morning, Thank you for the delicious food!"

The welcome surprised Ryu. No one was calling her a demon or whispering or anything. She simply bowed politely and smiled. Seo led her to Sanada's office. Walking in, she saw Yibo and Zhan already waiting for them.

Ryu bowed and went to Sanada. "Morning O*!"

"Morning dear."

Seo entered and sat the drinks on Sanada's desk, grabbing the center coffee for himself. Ryu was looking out into the office.

"Where's Inspector Lee?"

"He had a meeting."

"Oh." Ryu busied herself with handing out the bento boxes.

"What's this?" Yibo was curious.

"She made you guys breakfast." Seo had a huge smile on his face as leaned against the wall, arms across his chest.

Zhan and Yibo looked at each other and smiled. Ryu gave Sanada his breakfast first and one of the coffees. Then she handed Yibo and Zhan their bentos. "You two have green tea, Sergeant Seo said you were tea drinkers. Hope it's okay and not too strong." She sat Lee's bento and coffee off to the side. "This is for Chief Inspector Lee."

"Oh Ryu dear, you're too kind, he'll really appreciate it!"

Zhan looked at Seo as Ryu handed him his coffee. "Where's yours?"

"I already ate. You guys enjoy, it's really good."

While everyone was enjoying breakfast, she leaned over to Sanada, "O*, where's my bike so I can fix the tire?"

"Oh it's okay dear, Yibo fixed it for you already."

Ryu looked at him, her eyes were sparkly as she smiled at him.

{"Oh thank you so much!!}

{"Sure, no problem. Thank you for breakfast."}

Just then one of the other officers came into Sanada's office. "Hey! How d'you guys get breakfast bentos?!"

Everyone pointed to Ryu, who smiled at the officer. He looked dejected as he handed Sanada a file. It was the case file that Lee had sent up to him. He needed Ryu to leave as the file was confidential.

"Seo, will you take Ryu to the holding area to get her bike. I'll give your containers to Sabe dear, we are meeting for a beer later."

Ryu gave him a hug, she wanted to go home anyway as she wasn't feeling well and wanted to sleep. "Okay, make sure Lee gets his breakfast!" She waved to Zhan and Yibo. "Thanks again for fixing my tire Sergeant Wang."

He smiled as Seo escorted her out of the office. She wasn't looking that good at all. In fact she looked worse than she did when they arrived. The sleeping pill was reacting even more with the herbal tea. She suddenly looked at him with glassy eyes.

"I...I don't feel s-..."

Ryu didn't finish as she started to drop to the floor. On the way down, her head grazed the corner of the desk. Seo was quickly at her side to pick her up and put her in a chair as other officers gathered around her. Seo asked one of the officers to see if any of the paramedics were downstairs. He had another officer, who was there from the adjacent office, to go and get Sanada.

"Commissioner! The Shini...the young lady has passed out!"

"What!" Sanda rushed out of his office and towards the small crowd of officers that had gathered. Yibo and Zhan were right behind him. He reached her just as a couple of paramedics rushed towards her also.

"Seo, what happened?"

"I don't know, she wasn't looking good, she started to say something but dropped before I could get to her."

The paramedics started to remove her shirt when Sanada stopped them. Seo caught a glimpse of a tattoo.

"Not in an office full of men, have some respect! Seo, did she take anything last night?"

"Shit...that tea and she had taken a sleeping pill earlier."

Sanada looked to the paramedics, "Start an IV to flush her system."

"Sir! We need to get her to the hospital."

"Start the IV! Seo, carry her to Lee's office, she can have privacy in there."

They followed Seo as he carried the unconscious bundle to Lee's office and carefully placed her on the couch. As soon as the paramedic started the needle, Ryu woke and suddenly grabbed his hand and knocked him to the floor. Her movements were so fast that no one, not even the paramedic himself could react. But she passed out again.

"Get her up Seo." Sanada and Zhan help the paramedic up while the other one hesitantly started the IV again. This time she remained unconscious. IV started, they all relaxed. Sanada thanked the paramedics and told him he would be responsible for her. Zhan and Yibo stayed close to the couch as well.

"Seo, she trusts you, will you stay with her until she wakes up?"

"Yes Sir."

"Yibo, will you head to the clinic and get her a blanket, one of the electric ones?"

"Yes Sir."

"Zhan, come with me."

Sanada and Zhan made their way to the front desk. In the elevator, Sanada called Sabe.

"Hello Sana-"

"Sabe, It's Ryu. I need you to get to the station."

"What has happened!"

"She passed out, I think it's due to the medicine and tea she had last night."

"I see, Tomo and Seiji are closer, I will have them go there, they can get there sooner. I will meet you later today."

"Alright, I will have Sergeant Zhan waiting for them, he'll show them the way."

"Thank you so much Hiro."


"Zhan, her brothers will be here shortly. Take them to Lee's office."

"Yes Sir."

Yibo quickly returned to Lee's office with the blanket at the same time as Sanada. Sanada covered her and set it on low as he knew her body temp would drop. Sure that Ryu would be okay, Sanada and Yibo needed to head to the meeting with Lee.

"Seo, will you stay with her until her brothers get here? If she wakes, just have her stay on the couch."

"Yes sir."

"Yibo, let's get going."


O* =  Ryu's way of calling Sanada 'dad' without actually saying 'dad' in Japanese.

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