Sleeping Beauty

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Seo pulled a chair over to the couch she was lying on. He pulled another one over so that he could put his feet up. He got comfortable, but it didn't last, 10 minutes later he heard her starting to wake up. Seo sat up and watched her as she tried to sit. He moved over to her and gently placed a hand on her shoulder and sat on the edge of the couch next to her.

"No, just lay there Ryu."

"Ow! My head." Ryu went to grab her head with both hands but stopped and winced at the IV. She looked around the room she was in. "Where am I?"

"You're in Lee's office, you passed out."

"I did?"


"Where's d...Sanada?"

"He had a meeting. I think your brothers are coming to get you."

"Can I have some water?"

"Yeah, please don't try to get up and leave..." Seo gave her a look, which she promptly returned. As soon as he left, she pulled the IV out. Ryu went to stand to grab a kleenex off of the desk. Again she felt dizzy and quickly sat back down, cramming the kleenex in the bend of her arm to stop the bleeding. She stopped the IV drip and wrapped herself in the heated blanket as she waited for Seo to return with the water.

As he walked in, he noticed she wasn't connected to the IV anymore. "Did you take that out!?"

"Yeah, I don't want it in my arm anymore."

"You are such a brat!"

"So are you."

"I'm not the one ripping IV's out my arm."

Ryu looked up at him and held her hand out for the cup of water that he had yet to give her. He looked at her confused.

"My water..."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

She reached out and took the cup, slowly sipping it as he returned to his chair. Her head was still hurting. She reached up and rubbed her scalp with her fingers, feeling the goose egg that had formed. Ryu finished the water and gave Seo the cup to throw away. Just then Seiji and Tomo entered the office with Zhan behind them.


Ryu had moved so fast that Seo couldn't stop her as the small woman lunged at her brother. Luckily he caught her as she wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug.

"Hey sissy-roo."

"Hey little dragon, how you feeling?" Tomo bopped her on the nose.

"I feel like shit...I shouldn't have drank that tea and taken a sleeping pill last night."

"Hey thanks for looking after her Seo! You'll have to let us take you out for beers."

"Of course."

Zhan moved from behind the two men. "Seo? We need to get to that meeting. Can you guys find your way out?"

"Yeah, thanks."

Before Seo left, he couldn't help but make sure she would be okay. "You going to be okay Ryu?"

"Yeah, thanks for helping me." She slid down out of her brother's hold but didn't leave his side.

Seo reluctantly left with Zhan, but not before he gave her a tender smile. Now that she was alone with her brothers, she relaxed.

"Can we go home, I need to go to bed." Ryu was getting pouty.

"You okay to walk sis?" Seiji had kept a hand on her just in case.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." which was followed by a huge yawn. "Oh, will you ride my bike home, it should be out front."

"Yup, let's get you home and into bed."

The trio left the office, but not before Ryu insisted on unplugging the blanket and folded it up. Down the elevator and out the lobby door, she spotted her bike. Seiji walked over to it as she followed Tomo to the SUV that was parked across the street. Walking behind her eldest brother, she spotted someone walking across the street. Ryu stopped right in the middle of the road. Seiji was busy with her bike and Tomo hadn't noticed she wasn't behind him anymore.

Ryu glared at the well dressed man as he adjusted his tie and shades, she saw the tattoo on his hand. Standing there, her eyes followed him like a hawk to the Mercedes that was waiting for him. She was so focused on him that she ignored the fact that she was standing in the middle of the street.


Ryu jumped at the sudden sound of the car horn. The driver had stopped, but since she didn't move, he hit his horn to get her attention. Her head whipped around as she glared at the driver. Tomo and Seiji both looked. Tomo yelled at her, unaware of what she was doing.

"Get out the damn street ya brat!!"

Ryu quickly glanced back towards the man and car but both of them were gone. She hurried over to the suv and got in.

"What were you doing!?"


But it wasn't just nothing. Ryu had recognized the tattooed man as one of Tobe's men. She didn't say anything to Tomo, Ryu would use her computer knowledge to find out more about the man. For now, she needed sleep so her mind and focus could be sharp.

Inside and seatbelt fastened, she waved to Seiji as he zipped past on her motorcycle.

"Thank you for picking me up Tomo."

"Of course, how are you feeling?"

"Better, but I still need sleep. No more sleeping pills."

"Yes, no more sleeping pills, little dragon."

Little Dragon was Tomo's pet name for her. Even though she was small and quiet, he had seen her violent side and it was indeed violent and ruthless.

"Where's Kaneko?"

"He's with uncle, they have something to take care of."


"So what's up with you and pretty boy? He's been hanging awfully close to you lately."

"I've noticed that. I don't know what's up with him, or why you guys are all so chummy with him. Even dad is like 'Stay with her.'" Ryu did her best to imitate Sanada's voice causing Tomo to laugh.

"Do you like him?"

"I don't even know him he's a cop."

"That aint stopping him any."

"You're as bad as Seiji."

Ryu returned to staring out the window, going through her mind on what steps she would take next concerning the tattooed man. Ryu drifted off to sleep during the ride home. Just as she reached a deep sleep, someone was shaking her.

"Sis, we're home."

Ryu woke to see Seiji with her door open, looking at her. She was so out of it that she started to get out of the vehicle, still strapped in her seat belt. She fussed as she struggled to unlock it. Stepping out of the vehicle, she started to stumble.

"Nope!" Seiji scooped her up and carried her in the house. Ryu didn't protest, she loved it when her brother carried her. It always brought back happy memories from when she was really young. He carried her to her room and placed her in bed. Seiji left the door open so they could hear her if she needed anything.

Meanwhile, Sabe and Kaneko pulled up to his second favorite ramen place. He was to meet with Sanada to discuss the current issue. Sabe again knew the owner and was taken to a private room where they could talk without issue. Taking a seat, Sabe wanted to inform Kaneko of what was going on; he would tell Tomo later.

"Ah Kaneko, before Sanada arrives, I want to tell you why I asked you to come with me today."

"It's okay dad, whatever the reason is, I'm sure it's a valid one."

"It is..." With a heavy sigh he continued. "Tobe is back in Japan, namely Tokyo." Sabe wanted to give the sentence time to settle in.

"Holy shit... Does Ryu know?"

"No, and we would like to keep it that way for as long as possible. Hopefully he will leave soon."

"Why the hell is he here?"

"We don't know, Sanada is working on that. It's why we are meeting. We are both afraid that Ryu will find out. I don't have to tell you what could happen if she does. Her...Her mother is with him also."

"Oh my God...Ryu finds out..."

"Yes. It will be another blood bath."

"Does Tomo or Seiji know?"

"No, I plan on talking to Tomo about it later. I don't feel it would be wise to tell Seiji either. After all it was his father that was murdered also. Ryu and Seiji together, out for revenge... I don't even want to think of it!"

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