The Briefing

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Seo and Yibo came in on the tail end of the meeting. Chief Inspector Lee was going over that top Yakuza boss Tobe Ito had returned to Japan. So far he was keeping a low profile and intel had learned that he was conducting a business deal to buy warehouse space and a few restaurants in the Nibiru sector. Lee also informed them that one of Tobe's men was a prime suspect in the recent deaths of two young women in that area.

There was an undercover operation being put in place to use one of the young female officers as a decoy. She would be mic'd with eyes on her at all times. The operation was set to be implemented in 3 days. Seo, Zhan and Yibo were the ones tasked with keeping an eye on the female officer. The next two days they would review the area and plan more in detail.

For now, Sanda had a lunch appointment to keep. Knowing how close Seo was getting to Ryu, he felt it best for him to not attend the lunch with Sabe. He couldn't take any chances of Ryu finding out. He thought of the perfect distraction for him. As the others returned to their desks, Sanda called Seo into his office.

"Ah Seo! I wonder if you would do me a favor?"


"Since you know where the Nakamura's live, and they trust you to keep their location private, will you return these items for me? Also, I would like to ask you to check on Ryu for me as well."

"Are you sure they don't mind me coming to their house unannounced?"

"Ah! Don't worry, I'll inform Sabe to let her brothers know you are coming out."

"Yes Sir." Seo took the tote back and left, his face unemotional. Secretly, on the inside, he was jumping for joy. He walked over to his desk to prepare to leave, the smile very evident on his face.

"Where are you off to Mr. Smiles?" Zhan had a mischievous smile himself, his adorable bunny teeth sparkling.

"Commissioner wants me to drop something off to the Nakamura's."

"Oh? You sure have been spending a lot of time with them lately." Yibo didn't want to feel left out of the teasing, but he also had a valid point.

"See you guys in a bit." Seo waved and was off to the Nakamura's. Yibo and Zhan prepared to leave also to meet up with Sanada at the restaurant.

Sanada and Lee arrived at the restaurant ahead of the other two. They were directed to the back room where Sabe was waiting. As they entered, Sabe and Kaneko stood, everyone gave hugs as they were very familiar with each other. Sanada wanted to get there before the others to give Sabe a briefing.

"Sabe, Thank you so much for coming out. Yibo and Zhan will be joining us also. I felt they should be a part of this since they are partners with Seo. Oh! Will you let Tomo and Seiji know that he will be there shortly, if they can keep him there that would be perfect."

"Yes, I agree. For some reason your young Sergeant has taken a liking to Ryu." Lee didn't know any of this and was surprised.

"Oh really?"

"Yes Lee, that's why I didn't want him here. I know he will find out eventually, but right now is not the time. Sabe, Yibo and Zhan will be joining us as they are the eyes for the operation we are putting in place in three days. We...we may have to give them some background. I'm sure Zhan will question why you two are here."

"Not a problem, not a problem. I will be discrete as I can be."

"I know dear friend."

Everyone waited for the two young Sergeants to arrive to order and continue the discussion. For now they all enjoyed a bottle of sake.

Tomo felt his phone vibrating, looking, he saw it was his dad.

"Hey dad, what's up?"

"Ah Tomo, are you alone to talk."

"Yes sir..."

"Good, good. How is Ryu?"

"Seiji had to carry her to her room, she's kinda unsteady. I think she passed right back out."

"Good. Tomo, Sergeant Seo will be there in a bit to drop off those breakfast containers. I need for you and Seiji to keep him busy, I'll call when it's good for him to leave. I'll explain everything to you when we return. But Tomo, do not mention any of this to Seiji or Ryu, especially Ryu."

"Yes sir, is everything okay dad?"

"We don't know. I'll explain when we return."

"Okay, not a problem. We'll get him drunk, that'll put him out of commission!"

"Fine but go easy on him."

Tomo just laughed and hung up the phone. Uncle Sabe shook his head and chuckled.

"Everything okay Sabe?'

"Yes! Tomo is planning on getting the young Sergeant drunk to keep him out of the loop for now. I'm afraid he may be late tomorrow."

Sanada and Lee burst out laughing. Soon Yibo and Zhan entered.

"Sergeants, please have a seat." As their immediate supervisor, Lee greeted them. Zhan frowned upon seeing the strange men. Sanada didn't want to waste any time as he was hungry again after breakfast.

"Sergeants, this is Sabe and Kaneko Nakamura. Before you even start, the Nakamura's and I are close and I trust them with my life. The reason I wanted you here is because we may have a potential problem with Tobe and his men. Sabe would you like to explain?"

"Sergeants, what we discuss here, I ask that you do not share with anyone, not even your partner Seo. I'm sure you've been briefed on Tobe, but what you don't know is his connection to the Nakamura's. Tobe's men are vile and vicious criminals. They only have respect for Tobe and he is even worse than they are. Tobe's partner/wife/whore whatever...she is Ryu's mother and the reason for my brother's death.

You see, when Ryu was just a child, her mother took her on the pretense of spending time with her as my brother and her were no longer together. Ryu's mother hated her as she grew older, why we don't know but that is in the past. Ryu was....kidnapped by Tobe's men and her mother, resulting in the death of her father when he went to take her back. Since that time, Ryu has trained in various forms of martial arts, languages and weapons. She can be very dangerous if provoked."

"That cute little thing?!" Yibo didn't believe it, neither did Zhan.

"Yes, that cute little thing is actually nothing to mess with.  She has sworn to avenge their father and if she finds out that Tobe is here....there will be nothing but bodies in the streets. So not only do you have Tobe and his men to worry about, but there is the possibility of her getting in the mix."

Sanada chimed in to give some validity to what Sabe was saying. "You see, Ryu is very knowledgeable in not only killing but the law as well. She will let them make the first move, thus acting in self-defense. Neither Sabe or I want her involved in any of this. Tobe has a lot to answer for as does her mother. She is the prime suspect in a human trafficking ring, namely luring young women to work as sex slaves for Tobe and his associates."

Zhan felt a pain in his chest. His sister had been one of her victims and he would never forget it. He remembers clearly the day they found out she was dead and went to ID her body. Her arms were covered in track marks, her eyes frozen open.

"So that is part of the reason I asked you both to be here. We may need the Nakamura's help on this, mostly to keep Ryu out of this for as long as we can. Seo...I will talk to him about things."

"Excuse me sir." Zhan needed some fresh air and got up to leave. Sabe looked at Lee and Sanada.

"I'm sorry Sabe, Zhan's sister was one of the sex crime victims."

"My god, I am truly sorry."

After a few moments of silence Zhan returned and the men ordered food. Due to the sensitive nature of the case, Sanada and Lee were limited on what they could tell the Nakamura's concerning Tobe. Soon Kaneko's phone was ringing so he excused himself.

Out in the hallway, Kaneko learned that Takata was wanting another meeting. This time Ryu was not allowed in the room. Kaneko let the caller know he would relay the message to his father and return to enjoy his meal. 

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